CYRUS[2.3] - Just because...

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
Them files u hosted dont download, it said the download cannot continue please try later


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 23, 2004
decent server atm, few nobs but most good servers have them lol


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 23, 2004
decent server tbh, would be a shame to see it go, few ppl ingame saying its going down? :S


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 9, 2004
i always knew this screenie would come in handy 1 time
im not a pakistani but clearly thats offensive language

clearly using the "n" word :/
if u were a man u'd say that to a black mans face


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
lol i logged in earlier put my battle kit on a lvl 40, (EvilQueen) I have almost all battle items now, from hunting bosses alot. I got many pms saying, "WTF U CHEAT HAVING FULL BATTLE KIT" But earlier.

I get loads of PMs everyday of people accusing others of cheating because they have better items. Nothing new.

I fixed the problem with TreasurePiece exchange.
Will be looking into who exploited what items from it.

Wond wasn't part of my last server. Infact he was part of the angry mob when it went down. You know the mob that worship and follow you from thread to thread Ben? I call them fans. :D


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
i always knew this screenie would come in handy 1 time
im not a pakistani but clearly thats offensive language

clearly using the "n" word :/
if u were a man u'd say that to a black mans face

LOL you truly are a pathetic little geek. In the first screenshot, I was not talking to you, I was joking with a friend, and you STILL screenied it, come on now.. are you really THAT sad ?

Second screenshot, look I'll say it again. Nikkas. You see how it passes the swear filter? Its not the "n word", infact.. its not a word at all!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
Servers going down. Servers gone down. Servers over.
Well I won't be running it anymore as i can't 100% ensure peoples account safety. I won't be shelling out on a dedi host as i don't think i can in my current situation - Im off to uni next weekend anyways.

However. If anyone who is capable wants the SERVER FILES i will be more than happy to hand them over. You can run it, change it and run it or whatever.

This thread can be closed, thanks.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
Please be aware the server is online atm, only because im playing around with the server and adding things here and there (my favourite part, minus the bs). It will probably be up and down until this friday. I suppose you could continue to play if you liked, but it will go down randomly.

If your serious about wanting to host the server, msg me some information via forums. I maybe interested in splitting the workload - also if someone else could host (therefore providing security for all accounts).


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 16, 2005
i only have 2 sisters who dont kno wat the fk a pc is so thats ok :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 15, 2005
it cud do with a wipe as katlins robbed so many ppl lol cus hes sad



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
i didnt exploit it so i dont care
if MURDER hosts server hes like 15 and he wont get a dedi :/ if tash hosts it hes a IT Tech and will know what to do and will get a dedi :x


You don't have to be an IT Techy to know how to run a Dedi Mir Server. i think the bigger skill is actually making/running a server that is bug free/exploit/corruption free itself. Not many people seem to be able to do that to be honest.

I think it would be better for all concerned if Cyrus 2.3 is left alone and even if files are trasnferred it starts under a different name with a clean start and new ideas put into it. I don't know who exploited and who didn't, i don't know who hacked people and who didn't, i simply know what i see on servers myself, i don't know anyone "IRL" on these forums who play MIR and i've never been heavy into the private mir seen and as such don't know a whole load of people well and as such hold any opinion based on my own with no bias. IMO 2/3 members of TP, TM or whatever abused that treasure bug and IMO so did 1 possibly a second in Doom did as well, i have no proof, but its fairly obvious what you see

But, it's only game, the meaning of which is to have fun, so hopefully a new version of Cyrus UN CORRUPED, UN BUGGED and as enjoyable will come back online. God knows i just want a reliable med rate server to play, that is fair to Tao's (heh) and isn't full of exploiters (be it English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Romania, Polish or w/e)...

/Rant over



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 15, 2005
I can see your point, to some extent it will help in my own opinion, tweaking certain things and what not. My skills in running a server is fine, I ran one a few years back for some one and it worked fine until they decided to go mir 3 and I decided to part ways, files were not stolen and were given back in tact.

I have spoken to a company about a dedi host, if I do decide for them (they sound good) it will be hosted on a 2.4 quad core cpu, 8gig ram, 10,000 rpm 74gig raptor hdd, 250gig bw on a 100mb connection which is more than enough...

I would have to wait to next month until I get paid as I have to pay a 3 month chunk worth which is a fair whack to be fair... If I dont get the server files when I make my own server I will have have this spec any way... I would require some help with updates, although i would be the only one with access to the servers. I would be the only GM and I would rarely be on... I have loads of ideas for a server and I personally think a wipe would be best done on the server, although I would make a poll on it.

As for being bias, this would not happen, I have known people on this server for years.. I mean 4-6 years some.. Some I dislike some I like a lot but they know me and they would not put our friendship at risk by begging for items. It would be a fair server....

Any way if the other dudes get the files as they are better at coding what ever... Give it till christmas and you will see one of the best mir servers come alive :)



Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
ive told 2dope of a good hostin company (same OS uses) hopefully he'll get a dedi and be allowed to host files

if he does, good luck with it ^^ x


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 9, 2004
tbh if this 2dope hosts it , it clearly looks like hes good friends with this fag AntiPK then half or all my guild wont be playing

sorry but we're not gonna be playing some server run by a fag

Gelexx & AlucarD ftw tbh


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
Shame to see this has went down like this tbh. Always really enjoyed your servers NewHope, just a pitty you have such a little prat of a brother.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 14, 2007
Shame to see this has went down like this tbh. Always really enjoyed your servers NewHope, just a pitty you have such a little prat of a brother.

agree's greed has ruined the game once again.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 15, 2005
Host is going to Uni so cant host it, his brother is also making the server un runnable. He caught him on his GM char gemming up a para and what not. While it is hosted by the current host the server is not safe. If I did get the server my ideal situation would be to spend a month having it offline and adding to it and changing certain things, maybe even 2 months but that is not what the people want. We really need to hear from the host to be honest. Either way I will have a server up by the end of the year.

Not being funny you dont know his real situation, I am not sticking up for any one. But some people dont like confrontation his brother might be a really spitful guy and if new doesnt do what he says he might break something. Not ever one loves confrontation, me on the other hand, I thrive of it :D
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