DarkRealm 2.3 coming soon

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 28, 2003
As title says. Ive been away from servers for a while, but have decided to give The good old DarkRealm another go.

Server will be medium to high leveling
Medium to high drop rate
medium to high stats
loads of quests to do
will be adding all the caves from original DarkRealm plus a lot more
loads and loads of new items

For those who played DarkRealm before will know that it was once 1 of the best servers up. Not only for player count but for the whole setup.

I just want some opinions on this really. Would people like to this a return of DarkRealm? Just let me know.

thanks for taking the time to read.