Dawn of Eternity 1.9

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
New server has been in the making a while now. Lots of new features and hopefully a unique feel.

All information about the server, releases and beta applications are on our forum.

As I can't be bothered listing all of the features :


Webpage Link: www.dawn-of-eternity.tk

Forum Link:http://s11.invisionfree.com/DawnOfEternity/index.php?act=idx


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 24, 2004
tbh u dont have to register to see the posts, only have to register to make a new post


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
A quick look at the website homepage should be enough...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
*** Sunday 30th - closed beta goes live ***

We will be putting up servers sometime in the afternoon depending on when everybody is ready.

Hope to see every1 there :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 27, 2003
this server is very good !! it will be worth the w8


Feb 21, 2004
Im in closed beta (Neo) if you want some idea bout wut servers like:

Quests: PACKED full of them atm ive done bout 3 i think :D and im lvl 15 :P
Events: Very good not event's that will *** a server up cant w8 till the "Vampire" event :P

Overall i'd give it 10/10 :D


a quick story i wrote :P shows u how u start where u do :P

Captin Ishan and his party of Higher Guards surround him his 8 Hero's and their minions guarding him they are ready to fight to the death. "Captin When will our Golden Hour come?" asked Farther, "The hour is upon us my warrior's im nearing the end of my life as you know after the arrow hit me, John i want you to look after the city and protect it from the evil forces of the Vampires you are our city's last hope." Surround Bichon temple the vampires with their evil grins on their faces are looking for the weak point to breach the Bichon Palace, the warrior's are ready to fight to the death, no help came to them from Punjab or MudWall they are on their own from this point on.

Deaper into the night the war bells ringing and the vampires grunting The evil emprour with his band of Evil Minions standing with they DragonSlayers and Fan's at the ready, the UnholyDeva's and the Blackend Shinsu's howling into the night's sky, the 8 Forgotten hero's push open the door of the bichon palace, Captin Ishan lieing on the floor of the palace blood all around him the sword of bichon in his hand, the warrior's looking for a way to get through the vampires strait to their leader, they couldn't see a gap the Hunter's of the forest with their bow's pointing strait at the vampires taoist's one way or another you could tell that this fight would not be a clean one, John stood there with his sword in his hand waiting for the first blow, then all of a sudden a vampire throw's a fireball and it narowly misses the hunters the hunters return fire and a arrow goes strait through the Vampire Wizard's head a trickle of blood dripping out of his head, the mighty cry of the Beastmaster all the vampires are frozen like stone then the mighty hero's make there stand "You may kill us but even in death we WILL be victorious" said Farther , his sword behind his head he makes his charge he slashes at the body of a vampire the vampire moves and launches a SoulFireBall at him he ducks takes another swipe and it his him squair across the face, at this point the other 7 hero's charge in with their minions and are raining spells upon spells at the Vampires the vampires have no defence against the light of the hero's and are forces to fight their way out of the bloodbath the Evil Emprour with his Skull of Death in his hand Hits the Monk but before he could turn to another foe the 7 other hero's were upon him the rest of the vampire clan defeated Farther picker up his sword made to swing at the Evil Emprour but with the vampires super fast speed the evil emprour behind him farther fire's his BladeStorm at him it catches his leg he hits the ground blood ozzing out of his leg.

The vampire lord crouching on the floor getting ready to die in honour with his evil grin upon his face sniggers to farther and says "The only person who will die tonight is..... YOU!!!" upon his words the vampire lord launches himself at farther and snaps his neck the other 7 hero's standing in shock look towords the vampire lord and are ready to make a counter attack the tao's with their soulfireball's in their hands throw them towords the head of the vampire lord, but hes to fast and jumps ontop of the bichon palace " One day the vampire clan will rule again!!", and he turns towords the sky and disapires, the sword still in farthers hand they lay it across his chest.

-Neo (story can be found on forum)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
The name was the last thing I worried about changing :D


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
Servers back up and feeling much more stable. The new exe has been posted in the downloads section on the forum.

If any of the testers pm me I will restore their levels.