Death... Suicides... etc


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2005
i wanna no ur views on the subject "Death/Suicide"
need peeps views for project :O!

p.s. this isnt a post to affend/abuse any one in any way.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 15, 2005
What a stupid project.

death = bad
suicide = bad/stupid


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
Suicide is the lame mans way out.

Unless it involves you glueing your hands to your cheeks, and putting piano wire between your arms and attach a rope to yourself so when you learn forward off the building, the piano wire cuts your head off, and your hands are holding your head, and there's blood all over the person down there, and they get scarred for life seeing a guy holding his head in his hands with a headless body


Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003
wanadoo said:
i wanna no ur views on the subject "Death/Suicide"
need peeps views for project :O!

p.s. this isnt a post to affend/abuse any one in any way.

Firstly, you've asked in the wrong place. Here you are more likely to get the same opinion thrashed around 200 odd times with various additions on pwning, tomatoes, internets, and America. Consider asking in a forum with more mature members, preferably students too (I say that because I get paid biscuits to moderate a large student one).

I am however going to indulge you with my opinion, so best go get some coffee while I bore you to death with my view of the world...

I have a problem with people who for whatever reason commit suicide before they are 18. If they were gonna pop it they could have done it in the first few years with some lego bricks or something. Over the 18 years they've been around society has given them a largely free ride, it would have been nice if they stayed around to pay it back, nevermind the emotional problems of those close to them as a result of the death.

In the past year there have been at least two cases in the national newspapers where young women have actually worked out that they don't want to live. Nothing here about being upset or anything, just came to the conclusion was no point. Now either the 6billion other people on this planet know something they don't, or they're slightly barking up the wrong tree.

Meanwhile I do actually know some people think they have no choice, and they're lives are hell... but suicide [imo] is never the best way out, heck even running away scores higher.

However if someone over 18 decides they want to pop their clogs, no one has emotional attachments to them, and they have paid back social debts then why not. Its up to them if they want to go and no one should take that choice away from them, no matter how misguided and sad it maybe.

Death on the otherhand is not something which anyone can convincingly say is wrong or right. It happens, it has always happened, and were not going to be able to stop it within the next 20 years (there is apparently a way to stop it).

Boy don't you wish you hadn't asked :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2005
Leo = Geek. :D!

Nice description though, interesting, gimme your mviews about suicide bombers for their god or something if u understand me :p


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
LeoCrasher said:
(I say that because I get paid biscuits to moderate a large student one).


On topic.....I forcibly suicide people that disagree with my religious views, but thats just the way the world works.

Seriously though death is a natual part of life, and I'm here to make sure it stays that way.


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Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003
i-AboD said:
Leo = Geek. :D!

Nice description though, interesting, gimme your mviews about suicide bombers for their god or something if u understand me :p

You calling me a geek for giving an opinion is the exact type of anti-intellectualism that gives me great concern over the future of this little island.

Nevertheless you did ask...

I really couldn't care what these bombers get up to. They're trying to protect their own way of life the only way they know how, although I personally don't think its the best way of going about it. But when you've spent most of your years being told whats wrong and right, not having a chance to make your own decisions and read around the matter... what can you expect. They'd gas a few thousand jews if some guy in a robe with a beard told them too for the past 10 years.

If some invader came into my isle imposing their way of life, and showed no signs of going home, I might consider attaching myself to them and blowing up too.

...I don't think I've really got a made up opinion about that, nor do I intend to bother reading up on it until it effects me.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
Deaths going to happen, nothing to worry about....

I could never commit suicide myself, too much good things in the world. However I can understand why people do to be honest.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 15, 2005
LeoCrasher said:
I really couldn't care what these bombers get up to.

Wow what a selfless, unignorant, deep and loving person you are


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Two views of Suicide.

One is because you are feeling low.

i know a few who have tried... never suceeded because they bottled it.(Pills and alcohol). There only reason was because they wasnt enjoying life, boyfriend left them (yes all of them female). I found it wrong, and told them so, and they all now agree. it was a selfish thing to do, not thinking of the others it would hurt.

Other is when your really ill and request to be "Killed". This imo is right, and should be allowed (UK doesnt allow it). If some one is really ill, and wish to be left to die/killed, i think they should be allowed. I seen a few programs/articles about this, where all the ppl belonging to the certain people agreed for it to happen, oly to be told they would be up against murder.

Their my opinions on it.

To sum it up:

Suicide is wrong, unless its got a god damn good reason.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
Other is when your really ill and request to be "Killed". This imo is right, and should be allowed (UK doesnt allow it). If some one is really ill, and wish to be left to die/killed, i think they should be allowed. I seen a few programs/articles about this, where all the ppl belonging to the certain people agreed for it to happen, oly to be told they would be up against murder

Good point sky, I agree totally. Assisted suicide when everybody agrees it's best should be allowed.


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2005
LeoCrasher said:
Firstly, you've asked in the wrong place. Here you are more likely to get the same opinion thrashed around 200 odd times with various additions on pwning, tomatoes, internets, and America. Consider asking in a forum with more mature members, preferably students too (I say that because I get paid biscuits to moderate a large student one).

I am however going to indulge you with my opinion, so best go get some coffee while I bore you to death with my view of the world...

I have a problem with people who for whatever reason commit suicide before they are 18. If they were gonna pop it they could have done it in the first few years with some lego bricks or something. Over the 18 years they've been around society has given them a largely free ride, it would have been nice if they stayed around to pay it back, nevermind the emotional problems of those close to them as a result of the death.

In the past year there have been at least two cases in the national newspapers where young women have actually worked out that they don't want to live. Nothing here about being upset or anything, just came to the conclusion was no point. Now either the 6billion other people on this planet know something they don't, or they're slightly barking up the wrong tree.

Meanwhile I do actually know some people think they have no choice, and they're lives are hell... but suicide [imo] is never the best way out, heck even running away scores higher.

However if someone over 18 decides they want to pop their clogs, no one has emotional attachments to them, and they have paid back social debts then why not. Its up to them if they want to go and no one should take that choice away from them, no matter how misguided and sad it maybe.

Death on the otherhand is not something which anyone can convincingly say is wrong or right. It happens, it has always happened, and were not going to be able to stop it within the next 20 years (there is apparently a way to stop it).

Boy don't you wish you hadn't asked :P

thx leo actuly i wish i did asked :P that was exactly the type of answer i was looking for, ty every one else for your views on the subject. its helped a lot :bounce:
an yes i may have asked in the wrong place but some of the people in this forum have very strong opinions about this subject its why i asked because i new i would get a variety of answers

Skyline said:
Two views of Suicide.

One is because you are feeling low.

i know a few who have tried... never suceeded because they bottled it.(Pills and alcohol). There only reason was because they wasnt enjoying life, boyfriend left them (yes all of them female). I found it wrong, and told them so, and they all now agree. it was a selfish thing to do, not thinking of the others it would hurt.

Other is when your really ill and request to be "Killed". This imo is right, and should be allowed (UK doesnt allow it). If some one is really ill, and wish to be left to die/killed, i think they should be allowed. I seen a few programs/articles about this, where all the ppl belonging to the certain people agreed for it to happen, oly to be told they would be up against murder.

Their my opinions on it.

To sum it up:

Suicide is wrong, unless its got a god damn good reason.

yes indeed, Euthinasia is what the second bit is called i think. thx ill be using sum of this

i-AboD said:
Leo = Geek. :D!

Nice description though, interesting, gimme your mviews about suicide bombers for their god or something if u understand me :p

excuse me? mate serious can you give me a serious answer insted of calling leo a geek for giving me a good answer. think sum ones jelous...

Liandrin2 said:
Deaths going to happen, nothing to worry about....

I could never commit suicide myself, too much good things in the world. However I can understand why people do to be honest.

although this is a brief discription, i kinda like the way u put it, usin sum of this :)
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Golden Oldie
Apr 14, 2004
Preston, UCLAN
There is always going to be many different views of suicide but heres mine.

I agree with Leo in saying that taking your own life before the age of 18 is wrong but not for the same reasons. Before 18 and probably a little while afterwards teenagers are rash due to hormonal growth etc and at that age suicide really isnt an option to be considered, yet it is.

I think to have a well thought out oppinion on suicide you first have to look at the resons people do it. Bullying seems to be a common problem linked with suicide, i think almost everyone gets a bit of bullying in there life, physical or emotional, and it lowers your self respect and your outlook on life and over all makes you feel like sh!t. Bullying affects people differently, if the person who is getting bullied was already quite meek then they are less likely to stand up for themselves therefore it will continue and gradually get worse, now just imagine if you were getting bullied so bad that you started hating yourself thinking that the problem is you, you hate your life and decide to take it.

Going back to the fact that most teenagers are rash in decision making they might not consider the hurt that they will cause by taking there life. Thats why i think taking your life at young age is wrong.

Adults taking there life is another matter. Many people who take there life as an adult will suffer from depression, this is a mental illness and should not be considered as the persons fault. If the illness is being treated and the patient takes there life while being treated then it is obvious that the system needs to be looked, not everyone is the same and the reaction to medication will vary. I would even go as far to say that maybe the bad cases should be hospitalised. People with mental health issues can not always be held responsible for there actions.

So overall i dont think all suicide cases should be tarnished with the same brush, to understand you really have to look at the cause.

As to what skyline was saying about euthanasia (mercy killing) i think people who are extremely ill and there is no chance of recovery should be able to take there own life or get assistance with it but i also think that this decision should not be left to the patient i think the doctor/carer should have a part to play in even just to make sure that the person is making the right decision or not.

Well thats my opinion and i respect everyone elses.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
i dont know how any could commit suicide. id rather be locked up untill i die naturally than willingly end my life.

i couldnt imagine jumping off a building, knowing its the last thing you'll ever do. what a waste of a life.

now if i were very sick, mentally ill (even beyond blams level), i might consider euthinasia.