~~Divine 1.4~~Coming Soon

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 18, 2004
Divine Server;-

8 New provinces
3 new temples
3 new caves
New Sets
New Safezone's
Level cap will be 100
Gold easily obtained
Rares are rare
Lots of lvling areas
Enhanced boss areas
Unique town features
SabukWall worth while to have
Certain pet system for certain class's/levels.
Enjoyment Npc's such as Marriage, gambling, colour name changes.
Experiance fast up to a certain level then gets harder as the game goes on
New features which no other server has

Fun Server, hoping to get quite a few people playing. Gm's will not interfere with game play what so ever. I dont agree in this so shall be none. Pking is part of the game and shall be allowed. Grief, cheating is not.

Level - 1
Gold - 10,000
Pet - You will be given a certain beast to help you through your adventures

Server Team
Myself (Host, DB Maker, Npc creator)
Slanesh (Map maker, DB helper)
Turk (Drop file maker, DB helper)