.-:Dragoon-1.9 Online:-.

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Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
Today Dragoon 1.9 has been released and is going online as we speak :eek:
Server details:

Exp Rate is Medium/Fast, around x3
Rares in the server are rare
150+ New items
10+ New armours
10+ New weapons
Lots of new NPC's
Lots of new kits for certain levels
Alot of new mobs
New levelling caves and provinces
And lots more but I cant think of them off my head :P

At the moment we are looking for some unique ideas that would draw more players in. PM either me or Raz0rfang with you're ideas, the winner gets their idea added into the server and gains rare armour for level 60.
As we speak me and Raz0r are looking through the server for any last minute bugs and fixing all the last bits and bobs :brows:

There are two main GM's; Steish(DBer) & Raz0rfang(Server owner), also there is Senture(The host) but he is not on as often as me and Raz0r.
Hope to see you on there as soon as it's online :) Good luck happy playing ;)

Dragoon Server Team. :middle: