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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 4, 2005
Server status
Dear Members,

We, as a team (me (iceman), kyndig, lilcooldoode, and johny), have made up our minds.

We believe to make the server successful, and for new implimentations to work properly, that a fullwipe is nessecary. So we are asking that for the next few days you help us find as many bugs as possible, so when we take server down to fix all the outstanding bugs, we have found as many as possible.

Once we put server back up it will enter a 1 week beta stage, then if all run smooths, right into live. This 1 week beta will not be any longer.

For the next few days, i would like it if possible for bugs to be reported to certain people.

Coding Errors -> Kyndigs

Item/Mob (Database stuff) -> Iceman

Scripts/Quests -> Smavid

If you could post bugs with the area to whom it concerns, i would much appreciate it.


p.s just so u know :P


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Number 1, Ben if you were trying to give out 'friendly' advice, it would be by pm not in full public view, same goes for the rest of the 4H zealots, honestly, you really think we are all that thick? A friend does not lay into a fellow friends project in full view of their players, not unless they have a lovely ulterior motive.

We are expressing our views, Elysian team did the same to us and still do, why should we hide our views behind closed doors? If I agree with a post on a forum when I will say so, and I will say why I agree with it, and that does for disagreeing too.

I've given Iceman advice on MSN today, and from what I saw he listened and posted on his forum about the current situation, but that doesn't mean I can't come on here stating my opinion about the launch of the server.

You need to move on and stop trying to make out that we are bringing each other down all the time, its constructive critism, will always happen. I bet 90% of people that posted on here have Iceman on msn, you saying they should have just told him on MSN instead of posting here? Of course not, your trying to make out like we are the bad ones.

I understand where Iceman is coming from, we all have lives, I have University and have loads of exams coming up, but unfortunately, most of the Mir community don't understand that, they expect you to run a server to the standards of an offical server. Which means putting loads of time and effort in, and I can say, if you don't have someone round from the team for at least 18 hours a day, it will be noted and used against you.

Running a server can be very frustrating, but I feel you brought it all on yourself. Beta should have been launched and a wipe shoud have been announced from the beginning, then people can pick and choose if they want to spend time gaining knowlegde about the game or not. That way you have no ties, if you want to wipe, you wipe. People can't moan as you said from the beginning there would be one.

I feel Elysian had a lot of potential, not just because of the files, but the effort that has gone into all round. But I also feel this launch may have hindered it.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Correction you cried when we did, none of us are crying!

The day you see me crying, is the day you ring me up and tell me I should get myself checked out!

Blastoise > Charizard.


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.

on topic, ices update.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 4, 2005
why do i have it as page 4 then?, maybe amoust of post's viewed per page?
look back and you will see that i posted this....

Server status
Dear Members,

We, as a team (me (iceman), kyndig, lilcooldoode, and johny), have made up our minds.

We believe to make the server successful, and for new implimentations to work properly, that a fullwipe is nessecary. So we are asking that for the next few days you help us find as many bugs as possible, so when we take server down to fix all the outstanding bugs, we have found as many as possible.

Once we put server back up it will enter a 1 week beta stage, then if all run smooths, right into live. This 1 week beta will not be any longer.

For the next few days, i would like it if possible for bugs to be reported to certain people.

Coding Errors -> Kyndigs

Item/Mob (Database stuff) -> Iceman

Scripts/Quests -> Smavid

If you could post bugs with the area to whom it concerns, i would much appreciate it.



Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006

and then all of a sudden we get an update off a normal forum member on Elysian informing us of this post which i find ridiculous!


Happy to help. Some people can't visit lomcn so, thought i'd relay the message. Funny how you have 5 odd admins, 2 mod's, and yourself, yet only I did it?

I know, i'm awesome :001_tt2:

Fireboi, somewhere in your settings will be a forum Layout option, most people have it so it's displayed vertical, and all the posts are chained going downwards, and is one big page, like most forums. The reverse is what you have, A page per post - which is crap, and annoying to click though. You may want to go change it.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 19, 2007
ramboone, the biggest idiot in all of mir, that threatens to dos and hack servers, is a mod, l o l.

Lmao rams a mod, no wonder its in such a mess. He will never be trustworthy or honest enough to be part of a team.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
azuras an admin here, that wormed his way to the top, and obviously done the same on elysian 2, lol.

Thanks Ben, as par usual you post crap about me, I done alot for LOMCN and stayed around and got offered my staff possitions. I did not 'worm my way in'

I am now one of the only Admins, and am the only active Admin.

I am a SuperMod on their forums to help them out just as I help them out with other things they want done on the server because each team member has jobs to be done and cant always get round to the forum.

But I refuse to mod a forum that is managed the way theirs is so I would suggest losing some of the staff who seem to like the close button instead of answering questions.
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