Error in M2.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 11, 2010
Loading MapQuest.txt...
MapQuest.txt : Failure was occurred while reading this file.Code= -48

Error, ive checked Mapquest.txt and nothing out of line really. This has happend after adding new mobs to it for quests so i deleted the new mobs added (basically restored it to previous version which had worked fine) but still same error.
This is my MapQuest.txt

;µØͼÃû³Æ ±êÖ¾ ±êÖ¾Öµ ¹ÖÎïÃû³Æ ÎïÆ·Ãû³Æ ½Å±¾Ãû³Æ ±à×éģʽ(GROUP)
12 [401] 1 RootSpider * Q1401
D10031 [403] 1 BigApe * Q1403
D10032 [403] 1 BigApe * Q1403
D1004 [403] 1 BigApe * Q1403
D10051 [403] 1 BigApe * Q1403
D10052 [403] 1 BigApe * Q1403
D10053 [407] 1 RedEvilApe * Q1407
D10071 [409] 1 RedMoonEvil1 EvilApeOil Q14091
D10054 [412] 1 GreyEvilApe * Q1412
D10062 [413] 1 RedMoonEvil * Q14132
7000 [456] 1 TrollTheif * Dg
7000 [458] 1 ScareCrow * Wf
7000 [459] 1 BigFoot * Ww
7000 [457] 1 TrollBandit * Dk
7000 [460] 1 WickerMan * Wt
7001 [456] 1 TrollTheif * Dg
7001 [458] 1 ScareCrow * Wf
7001 [459] 1 BigFoot * Ww
7001 [457] 1 TrollBandit * Dk
7001 [460] 1 WickerMan * Wt
7001 [461] 1 TrollClanLeader * Tl
D601 [465] 1 GreenBee * Gb
D614 [465] 1 GreenBee * Gb
D615 [465] 1 GreenBee * Gb
D616 [465] 1 GreenBee * Gb
D617 [465] 1 GreenBee * Gb
D606 [465] 1 GreenBee * Gb
D601 [466] 1 GreenWorm * Gw
D614 [466] 1 GreenWorm * Gw
D615 [466] 1 GreenWorm * Gw
D616 [466] 1 GreenWorm * Gw
D617 [466] 1 GreenWorm * Gw
D606 [466] 1 GreenWorm * Gw
D601 [467] 1 Earwig * Ew
D614 [467] 1 Earwig * Ew
D615 [467] 1 Earwig * Ew
D616 [467] 1 Earwig * Ew
D617 [467] 1 Earwig * Ew
D606 [467] 1 Earwig * Ew
D606 [468] 1 IronLance * Il
D606 [469] 1 TitanCentipedeKing * Tc

Still getting - MapQuest.txt : Failure was occurred while reading this file.Code= -18
even when i re extract a fresh Mirserver and use a completely fresh untouched MapQuest.txt, any help please?
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 23, 2008
D10071 [409] 1 RedMoonEvil1 EvilApeOil Q14091

that line maybe?

D10071 [409] 1 RedMoonEvil1 * Q14091

edit: using fresh set try deleting the 18th line, dunno
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 23, 2008
If you dont intend using the quests in the files just delete the whole lot, also delete the txt files and in the database in tbl_mapinfo - fld_flags delete the checkquest(blah) bits.
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