Euro Leak?

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Dedicated Member
Jan 6, 2007

Just a huge announcement on part of the server, today I managed to obtain official files on the euro ftp , in non public dirs and using hidden information which include, and remember, these are OFFICIAL DB STATS.

Monster stats (so correct db hp, mp, dc..)
Item stats
Magic stats (no overpowered stuff)
Monster drops
Monster spawns
Monster parms
Npc locations
NPC files

basically a 100% complete server, this is exclusive to rz and NOBODY will also have these...

Kind regards.

(Edit, files where available for about 30minutes and that makes rz only people to have them).

Any one confirm this or manage to get them?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2006
Hmm mental can we have some proof that you have them, and that its not just a lie to attract more players...


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
Its Mental just ignore him.

Over the years Ive learnt to ignore things like this.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
Load of **** I'm afraid. None of that fpt stuff even makes the remotest sense and is all very convienient.
He has no server exe and the small patch he is saying you will need is his client exe. If he had the server exe as he is implying - he wouldn't need a new client exe.
Now that we have established he has no server exe and I pretty much know he is using TDs files (which has no euro code adapted from asm as I have looked through the exes myself) then there is no point in having hte euro database.
The euro server code may work out spell power by using this:
spellpower = (database stats) * 5
BUT TDs server files may say:
spellpower = (database stats) * 8
So as you can see, you would get two totally different results for the same value in the database so it is pointless having the euro database without the euro server exes.

Effectively he has just said this to get attention - he is using files close to 2.3 (I suspect and have heard rumours it is TDs) and has worked out the positioning of npcs so as to make it look like he has indeed had euros files.


LOMCN Developer
May 10, 2003
We havent said anything about exe. But yes, we did get official euro mir DBs etc etc.

In all of the years ive used LOMCN. Have i ever lied to any of you ;)


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2006
very convenient that this has delayed lomcc's launch by 2-3 days (as it was supposed to launch this morn from what I could see)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
Well then - I'll ask you some mob stats I have the official euro DB stats for if you don't mind - just as I like some proof.
I also stated that having the euro DB means nothing unless you have the server as each server interprets and uses the stats within differently.

What is OmaKings hp ac amc?
Last edited:


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
Didnt damian/nick extract from asm all the euromir mob stats?

And @ people who say its true as its put their launch back.

Perlease. Dan isnt thick. He knows how to manipulate people and he knows by putting his launch date back you will all go

'omhgzers its truez amgsh im playing raxhfdehshzones meights amg b7'

Open your eyes people.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2006
Didnt damian/nick extract from asm all the euromir mob stats?

And @ people who say its true as its put their launch back.

Perlease. Dan isnt thick. He knows how to manipulate people and he knows by putting his launch date back you will all go

'omhgzers its truez amgsh im playing raxhfdehshzones meights amg b7'

Open your eyes people.
Sorry - i actually meant the server wasnt ready to launch for a couple of days so he has made up this excuse because he doesnt want people to think he has missed the deadline.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2006
Ok well lets say it isnt true... then by making the thread your doing mentals job for him :O free promotion...



Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
I dont lie... our server is running and online, people are playing it, its just not converted to euro db yet.. hence delay... Not everything is included, but basically majority is....


  • db1.JPG
    229.4 KB · Views: 127
  • db2.JPG
    162.1 KB · Views: 105
  • db3.JPG
    275.2 KB · Views: 99
  • db4.JPG
    177.6 KB · Views: 98


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
if you want information, the drop format is totally different, sql based and has these options.


3861 GreatGhoul (HP)DrugLarge 1 20 0 0
3862 GreatGhoul (HP)DrugLarge 1 20 0 0
3863 GreatGhoul (HP)DrugMedium 1 2 0 0
3864 GreatGhoul (MP)DrugLarge 1 20 0 0
3865 GreatGhoul (MP)DrugLarge 1 20 0 0
3866 GreatGhoul (MP)DrugMedium 1 2 0 0
3867 GreatGhoul 3rdEyeBracelet 1 1000 0 0
3868 GreatGhoul AmberNecklace 1 200 0 0
3869 GreatGhoul BambooPipe 1 2000 0 0
3870 GreatGhoul BlackRing 1 500 0 0
3871 GreatGhoul BlueCrystlNeck 1 20000 0 0
3872 GreatGhoul BlueJadeNeckl 1 200 0 0
3873 GreatGhoul BlueThunder 1 30000 0 0
3874 GreatGhoul BronzeGlove 1 5000 0 0
3875 GreatGhoul CharmRing 1 100 0 0
3876 GreatGhoul ConvexLens 1 1000 0 0
3877 GreatGhoul EbonyBracelet 1 200 0 0
3878 GreatGhoul ExpelRing 1 200 0 0
3879 GreatGhoul FireBloodSword 1 1000 0 0
3880 GreatGhoul FiveStringBrac 1 3000 0 0
3881 GreatGhoul Gold 1 2 1000 0
3882 GreatGhoul GoldRing 1 50 0 0
3883 GreatGhoul HolyMCStone 1 100000 0 0
3884 GreatGhoul ImpactDrug 1 300 0 0
3885 GreatGhoul IronArmor(F) 1 1000 0 0
3886 GreatGhoul IronArmor(M) 1 1000 0 0
3887 GreatGhoul JadeNecklace 1 50 0 0
3888 GreatGhoul KrissSword 1 500 0 0
3889 GreatGhoul LanternNeckl 1 100 0 0
3890 GreatGhoul MagicDrug 1 300 0 0
3891 GreatGhoul MCStone(L) 1 1000 0 0
3892 GreatGhoul MonkBracelet 1 100 0 0
3893 GreatGhoul MoralRing 1 500 0 0
3894 GreatGhoul NagaNecklace 1 50 0 0
3895 GreatGhoul PearlArmor(F) 1 1000 0 0
3896 GreatGhoul PearlArmor(M) 1 1000 0 0
3897 GreatGhoul PearlRing 1 200 0 0
3898 GreatGhoul PhoenixBead 1 100 0 0
3899 GreatGhoul PlatinNecklace 1 200 0 0
3900 GreatGhoul PlatinumRing 1 1000 0 0
3901 GreatGhoul PrinceSword 1 100 0 0
3902 GreatGhoul PurifierSword 1 500 0 0
3903 GreatGhoul SerpentEyeRing 1 50 0 0
3904 GreatGhoul SilkBoots 1 800 0 0
3905 GreatGhoul SkeletonRing 1 500 0 0
3906 GreatGhoul SpellBracelet 1 200 0 0
3907 GreatGhoul SpiritPowerNec 1 3000 0 0
3908 GreatGhoul SteelGlove 1 5000 0 0
3909 GreatGhoul StormDrug 1 300 0 0
3910 GreatGhoul SunPotion 1 50 0 0
3911 GreatGhoul TaoistDrug 1 300 0 0
3912 GreatGhoul TaoPowerBracer 1 3000 0 0
3913 GreatGhoul TwinGoldenRing 1 30000 0 0
3914 GreatGhoul WarriorNecklce 1 100 0 0
3915 GreatGhoul WhiteJadeRing 1 50 0 0
3916 GreatGhoul WizardRobe(F) 1 1000 0 0
3917 GreatGhoul WizardRobe(M) 1 1000 0 0

thats an extract.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 11, 2006
The Netherlands
and the commotion is about what,.? ,.that ur server is going to be dead like the rest off the servers while u making big money on selling items for cash and kit's on ebay etc,.?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
How do you respond to the fact magic and mob strengths etc will not be like euro because the server you are using will be 2.3 and this has no euro code in it hence will interpret euro db differently so in fact, someone may have just made those dbs up.


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004

How do I respond? Well... given you mention magic and mob strenghs diff... Well the magic is all done via the db, it calculates the strengh via that, and so we got the stats for that (majority of spells) and as to mob stenghs, we got the complete database for that too, so its not much of a problem.

In regards to making up these databases, why would I lie? Ive never lied, ive produced you a genuine drop database too, if you search euro records im sure that those drops are accurate :)

7302 WingedOma (HP)DrugLarge 1 5 0 0
7303 WingedOma (HP)DrugLarge 1 5 0 0
7304 WingedOma (MP)DrugLarge 1 5 0 0
7305 WingedOma (MP)DrugLarge 1 5 0 0
7306 WingedOma 8TrigramWheel 1 80000 0 0
7307 WingedOma BambooPipe 1 1000 0 0
7308 WingedOma BlackRing 1 1000 0 0
7309 WingedOma BokMaWheel 1 80000 0 0
7310 WingedOma ConvexLens 1 2000 0 0
7311 WingedOma DCStone(L) 1 5000 0 0
7312 WingedOma DCStone(XL) 1 40000 0 0
7313 WingedOma DragonRobe(F) 1 15000 0 0
7314 WingedOma DragonRobe(M) 1 15000 0 0
7315 WingedOma EvadeBracelet 1 2000 0 0
7316 WingedOma Gold 1 3 500 0
7317 WingedOma Gold 1 10 500 0
7318 WingedOma GoldBracelet 1 1000 0 0
7319 WingedOma HangMaWheel 1 80000 0 0
7320 WingedOma HolyDCStone 1 100000 0 0
7321 WingedOma IronArmor(F) 1 2000 0 0
7322 WingedOma IronArmor(M) 1 2000 0 0
7323 WingedOma SerpentEyeRing 1 1000 0 0
7324 WingedOma StoneBambooFan 1 50000 0 0
7325 WingedOma0 (HP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7326 WingedOma0 (HP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7327 WingedOma0 (HP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7328 WingedOma0 (HP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7329 WingedOma0 (HP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7330 WingedOma0 (MP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7331 WingedOma0 (MP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7332 WingedOma0 (MP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7333 WingedOma0 (MP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7334 WingedOma0 (MP)DrugLarge 1 3 0 0
7335 WingedOma0 3rdEyeBracelet 1 100 0 0
7336 WingedOma0 BambooPipe 1 10 0 0
7337 WingedOma0 BlackRing 1 5 0 0
7338 WingedOma0 BronzeGlove 1 200 0 0
7339 WingedOma0 ConvexLens 1 10 0 0
7340 WingedOma0 DCStone(L) 1 50 0 0
7341 WingedOma0 EvadeBracelet 1 10 0 0
7342 WingedOma0 Gold 1 2 500 0
7343 WingedOma0 Gold 1 2 500 0
7344 WingedOma0 GoldBracelet 1 10 0 0
7345 WingedOma0 IronArmor(F) 1 20 0 0
7346 WingedOma0 IronArmor(M) 1 20 0 0
7347 WingedOma0 LifeNecklace 1 200 0 0
7348 WingedOma0 PearlArmor(F) 1 20 0 0
7349 WingedOma0 PearlArmor(M) 1 20 0 0
7350 WingedOma0 RubyRing 1 100 0 0
7351 WingedOma0 SerpentEyeRing 1 5 0 0
7352 WingedOma0 StoneBambooFan 1 50000 0 0
7353 WingedOma0 WizardRobe(F) 1 20 0 0
7354 WingedOma0 WizardRobe(M) 1 20 0 0

Real proof is to play the server, I guess theres nothing much i can prove unless releasing, due to competition, fact we usually get slandered for stuff like this, dispite ive had a good run for the community, including releasing official m2servers, ive decided to keep these.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
Well here is an example of what I meant:
Ok say you have flamefield - it has a strength of 8 in db or whatever.
Euro server does Strength * 99 to get the spell power but the 2.3 server does strength * 44. Now you can see how the database strength value can give two totally different game outputs. I wasn't saying you made the databases up but by using a euro database with none euro code you might as well have is what I meant.
I have compared the code in 2.3 files with the euro code for the same spell which I have, they are totally different in some cases.
The spell and monster strength databases could only really be called euro if they were being used with a euro server -which they are not.
The databases are not the problem - the code you have interpreting those values is.


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
All these posts are irrelevant.

The original post was asking whether the claims that were made on the RZ forum where the truth.

Mental has provided more then enough supporting evidence and therefore the case is closed.

Therefore im locking the thread.

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