FallenHeros [2.6+] Discussion

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 23, 2004
Inverness Scotland
Fallen Heroes Mir2

FallenHeros Mir II Face Book Page

{Custom Files} {}{Low-Medium Rate}

Server information :

-Experience Rate : 3X ( Low-Medium Rate)
-Drop Rate : 2X
-Gold Rate : 1X
-Starting level : 1
-Server Files : Custom Coded ( Based on well known 2.3 TD source)
-Long term server

-Ip Adress :

Server Stats :-

AMD Quad [email protected] ghz
16 gig of ram
120 gig ssd
70 meg line

Client Full Download Paths :-

http://spitfire.pickaweb.co.uk/~myfreefi/FallenHeros_Mir2 V5/FallenHerosClient_Mir2.rar

or :-


Autopatcher :-


Exe :-

[http://spitfire.pickaweb.co.uk/~myfreefi/FallenHeros_Mir2 V5 _exe/Mir_Exe.rar

-Forum: TBA
-Team : SolaPower , Mark

Server Preview :
-Based on official Koreean Mir
-New and Custom Features and Content
-Balanced , Lag free
-24/7 Support
-Active GameMasters
-Regular updates and maitanance

~Server Features~

-100% Functional
-Customized (with official mir2/mir3 feeling) in order to offer a new gameplay
-Most of the spells are either Modified , Nerfed or Tweaked to improve/balance it and make him a real Assassin

Aim/Target :

-Single Target damager
-Fast/Critical hits
-Combat Evasion/Escape ability
-Low Defense/Magical Defense and Health
-Spells based on cooldown ( Modern Feeling)

View attachment 13927

Warrior , Taoist , Wizard , Assassin
-Also have been Nerfed/Tweaked/Modified
-Same spells have been buffed , others have been modified while others gained new spells in order to create Harmony between characters

New Class Rebirth System
-Also have means to grain level 4/5 skills.

View attachment 14123 View attachment 14124 View attachment 14125 View attachment 14126

Advanced Quest System

-Base on official Koreean quest system

-Offers the ability to have a wide range of quests ( Kill , Collect , Solo , Group , Guild , Timed , Chain , Etc..)
-Over 100 Quests ingame with rewarding perks and bonuses
View attachment 13928

Ingame Rank :
Are you competitve ? lets see who is the best !

View attachment 13929

Newbie Guild :
Join NewbieGuild at lower levels
-Gain Experience buff
-Team/Chat with other people
View attachment 13930

Guild Level system

-Guilds have levels now
-Collect build points for your guild
-Increase its capacity
-Receive different perks/bonuses according to guild's level

-New caves ingame
-Ancient Caves ingame
-New Items ingame
New Koreean Interface (almost completed)

*Expiring items
-Can be obtained from various quests , events , challanges
-They have ingame time (so theyre time decreases only when you are playing!)

*Stackable Pots/Scrolls
No need to fill your bag with bundles and pots anymore
-All in One

*Buff Icons
-See how long ur buff/curse/cooldown lasts
-See what perks/bonuses u receive

*Balanced PVP/PVE
-Our most important target is to have a balanced PVE ingame where Bosses are Bosses which require group or alteast hard work to slay them , where rare items are rare and where each class has its own role and its in balance with others
-Also PVP as OldSchool players we know how important is PVP in mir , thats why we balanced it and will keep balancing it till perfection

Our perspective about the server
-Our aim is to keep it an official and proffesional feeling about the server but at a easier and more frendly gameplay
-To update it regularly with both official features/content and custom one designed by us and our community.
Last edited:


Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
Re: FallenHeros Mir 2

What happened to Archer? I remember playing a beta awhile back and you had archer :(

Downloading to give it a try ^^


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
killing 6/7 Incarnated WoomaTaurus and only good item is Shop items (SkeletonHelmet)


Killing 1/2 Turtles and possibly getting 2/3 Aztec gear.

Is this right?? Baring in mind IWT has 6k Health and Turtle has 600 Health. and there's 2 Turtles and 6/7 IWTs.

Want to know if this is right.. Because in my opinion it isn't.



LOMCN Veteran
Apr 9, 2010
Health doesn't matter, IWT's don't hurt.

You could have also been lucky with the turtle's drop and unlucky with the IWT's

You also need to take into consideration that around 20 IWT's have been killed while Turtle's is probably killed every spawn.


Dedicated Member
Nov 4, 2013
Skeles health needs changing at lvl 7 they only have 73health


Dedicated Member
Nov 4, 2013
Aaron its Andy and they are absolutely useless a centipede can 4 hit them lmao


LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
so figured i'd give this server a review after having made it to lvl 35 (just another wipe :p)
for starters: their advertisement is wrong:
* there are no ancient caves :p
* the guild level system might be on the files: but it's not 'working' on the server (probably a work in progress),
* balance: guess that's something to be debated and it's an endless circle, but fairly safe to say that at least below lvl 40 war and sin where owning all the boss's easely

now the server itself:
* the dropfiles are fubar. (known examples:)
- sometimes you can find lvl 30-40 items from lvl 15-20 mobs in cave a, while cave b has lvl 30/40 mobs that only drop pots.
- boss's drops are pretty much horrible aswell, some easy kill boss's arround lvl 25-35 will drop a lvl 26-36 item at a 1/4 rate, while a hard to kill boss will only drop 2/3 pots and maybe 1/10 kills a semi usefull item.

* balance: lets face it this is mir: certain class's solo the boss, others cant even lower their hp :p

* the staff tries their best but has absolutely no experience: (examples below)
- ever few days he does an unannounced 10% exp/drop 'event' for a few hrs, not a big deal: except early in a server it makes the rankings unfair
- changing quest items from normal to suddenly expire 1hr after you obtain it> this instant deletes all the items you had in storage without any warning
- expecting everyone to use facebook to report bugs/issues: and then complains cause they find out nobody's reporting (lets face it: most of mir barely use forums, verry few are gonna waste their time on facebook crap, and i did warn staff but they didnt care :p)

as for the whole wipe thing:
- it's early in the server so technicaly it's only a 2/3 week wasted time for the ppl who played active from the start
- at the same time: it's a bit silly that ppl are this focused on forcing a wipe: when it'd probably take them less then 1 week to catch up to the ppl who in their eyes all cheated, abused exp, exploited...
- it's even worse that gm is relying on a facebook poll to decide (obviously the decision was made before the poll), imagine if you play a server and all it takes is for some ppl to go ask for a wipe on facebook (how hard is it to make a couple of extra accounts to vote/ ask friends to vote?)
- it's annoying that they decided to do a wipe last night, made a poll to blame it on the users, start a 10% drop/exp event, dont tell the server about the wipe: and now 10 hrs later still havent wiped, or even made the wipe official (only dropped hints here and there)


Dedicated Member
Nov 4, 2013
Server wiped tbh was for best pretty much everyone agreed, seems miles better now think there has been a exp increase 2


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 8, 2012
My friend told me about this serv, but rly cba to download it anymore.
He found a pair of bugged boots with slow +180 or so, right after posted it on facebook :
"Al Dracu any gm on ?? please look on aztek boots"
That's the first post about the boots btw, so no1 else reported before him. Then, obviously the "enemy" guild started crying about it for example:
"ok so first I will post this small post.
Elf + Cutremur have been exploiting the life out of the fact the Aztek boots have 180 slow on them?
we have wondered where they have been getting all the drops from, being able to kill a boss and constantly have it slowed. they can easy kill the hardest bosses in game with these and especially with both of them in the same guild its stupid. you need to look at what they have been killing and what they have had drop because we all know they have been passing the items to TDG to keep hold of so it doesn't look dodgy,"

That was posted after Al Dracu's (Cutremur) post.
At 1st GM didnt want to ban any1 because it was his fault for not looking on items.
After that the other guild started moaning about him getting all his kit with those boots or some other lie. Anyways this is getting 2 long. Glad I didnt start playing this server lol. If this is what happens when u report a bug, I dont even wanna know what type of ppl would play.
Report/dont report = ban lol
Hope u all enjoy it ! That would be 1 guild and the GM playing this. Have fun ^^



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 25, 2012
the reason their characers were banned was closer to the point of having come back on after being banned and abused gms as they were investigating


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 3, 2014
client won't work what i do ? the screen come wight and the sound on but can't see anything what happen any help ? please :(