Heroes First quest finished! please take a look, It is fully tested and 100% working.

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 5, 2012
This is my 1st quest so go easy on me lol. So rewarding when it's finished! If you do however see anything that could shorten or improve the look of the coding please let me know. Hope also someone can make use of this for their quests.

Quick question see how i have used multiple \ to try and move the next sentence down. Well it didn't work does anyone else know how to have writing on the top then have the next writing towards the bottom.

:lol:lolso happy!!:lol:lol


;Pkr Tag (NPC won't talk to Pkrs)
checkpkpoint 2
I will not help an evil person like you... \ \

checkitem KimsRing 1
goto @ringfound
goto @normal

Welcome, what can I do for you?\ \
<Buy/@buy> meat\
<Sell/@sell> meat\
<Talk to/@talkwith>\

Please choose what you want to buy.\ \ \

If you have high quality meat please sell it to me\
I'll pay well for it\ \

CHECK [10] 0
So you met my daughter Brittany! Wonderful girl so she is.\
I keep telling her to stop bringing every traveller she talks to up here.\
Well seeing as you are here and look like you don't have much else to do\
can you please find my wedding ring. I was about to chop\
a hens head off when it took a bite at my finger and ran off.\
When i checked my finger the ring had gone.\

<I'll find your ring/@exit>\

CHECK [10] 1
Hello, Thanks again for finding my ring.
<Again it was my pleasure/@exit>\

CHECK [10] 0
Well my goodness, you found my ring!\
<It didn't take me long to find here you go./@ringfound2>

goto @havering

I already have my ring? You already gave me it.\
<Sorry my mistake../@normal>

What a brilliant young traveller you are!\
Here is a little something for your kindness.
<Thank you!/@reward>

take KimsRing 1
give gold 5000
changeexp + 600
Wow! thank you,<bye!/@exit>

;Item Amount Time
Meat 1000 1
Chicken 1000 1