Guild looking for Mir 3 server.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 7, 2012
lol darkside getting his players to come on here to boast about his server...

its boring and crap need pets to do anything early on...

zentaur was 100x better than your server hands down and iv not played that for years there is a reason zentaur had more users than you'll ever have, it was on of the most active servers in its time.... 140+ people iv not seen any other Mir 3 compete still a old server but still has unique stuff some others don't have i don't play any of the servers but iv played both.

it was one of the most successful servers around.
They are get bonus from gm by saying nice things

I play zentaur for 6 7 years and still couting :)


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
lol darkside getting his players to come on here to boast about his server...

its boring and crap need pets to do anything early on...

zentaur was 100x better than your server hands down and iv not played that for years there is a reason zentaur had more users than you'll ever have, it was on of the most active servers in its time.... 140+ people iv not seen any other Mir 3 compete still a old server but still has unique stuff some others don't have i don't play any of the servers but iv played both.

it was one of the most successful servers around.

Thank you so much , old players will always know to make difference betwen good and bad

If you may consider to return on mir 3 servers :) take a look on my server event planned to be on 25.October.2015 :

This is my last post here on this topic , arguing with sejanus is like fight against windmills..

And this is for Angelis ,

- Speaking with old friend doesnt means to come on my server and always say " we miss you on darkside hun , maybe you will come back in one day? "
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2006
lol darkside getting his players to come on here to boast about his server...

zentaur was...

Is that so?, isn't that what Zedina with Taifun started here;) came and spammed lies and other elementary school crap...
"zentaur was" glad you straighten that out.

This is my last post here on this topic , arguing with sejanus is like fight against windmills..

And this is for Angelis ,
I will get in touch with the player you try to corrupt and ask him for screens when sejanus said he will give all items he want if returns

You came here started all this flame and pointless spam, now suddenly I am the windmill. Look in the mirror kid.

About screenies I want to see that too, as its all your made up crap.

ps. stop pming my players offering them high level characters on Zentaur, thanks in advance.

Little decency and manners won't hurt.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 27, 2007
Phantom forrest afk..
Lol! lomcn never changes... You just dont get this from other games... I cant see how your in competition with each other.... ones low rate normal pk rules other is mid rate no pk safe zones everywhere... You both should focus on your own servers... tut tut...


LOMCN n00bie
Mar 29, 2011
I said that to a friend that was torn between server and yes I do miss him but tbh I talk to him in my group chat don't have to come on Zent to say it just like other send me emails telling me to bring my guild to zent but tbh I have choice no 1 tells me when or were I can or can't play I've a mind of my own and gm deffo not give me anything

Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk


LOMCN n00bie
Oct 19, 2015
Wish i was getting bonus lol then i wouldnt be in lvl 44 kit. Zentaur is for lazy ppl not the old mir players that no what mir should be like. Lazy teens and all that. Gm dont give bonus. Why would he be that stupid to give free stuff. And for the muppets that think he does then i dont think u have even played darkside therefore dont judge the server. I have played both and rather work for my stuff not have everything falling at my feet. Zentaur is quiet try look at the reasons why and not dish out childish behaviour towards other servers. U only got yourselfs to blame for your wipeout


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2004
stockport soon i'm hoping
ive played mir for so long now and tried pretty much ever server tbh Darkside is a pretty good server and i agree some of the rules seemed stupid to me aswell but they do work sometimes even if i do argue with gm about them i dont see the point in sitting slatting a server tbh ppl are different and like different stuff best thing to do is try it if you like it then great if not try find another server see if thats different i like this server and i really wish gm was handing out bonus's cause we're saying nice things and if he is i want to know where mine is must of got lost in the post or something i'll be honest gm is active and he can be a pain in the ass but hes fare which is more than can be said about alot of gms and before i get slatted for kissin ass he's jailed me enough times for me to know that kissing ass just doesnt work on this server


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 10, 2015
Im leader of a guild of about 30 active WoW players.... getting bored of wow and told em how dramatic mir can be...... over half wanna try it....

Any good ones??

Pvp/pk:confused: would help...

Hi mate, depends if you want a modified server where it is quite different from the original servers then look above, but for something more authentic check out mir3gsp it has 100% exp buff from lvl 0-40/42(?) and 50% from 42-46 after that it's normal exp.

Lot's of competition in fighting etc and the server isnt too big or too developed at the moment where players are out of reach. level cap at the moment of 53 until jan 1st and not many people have hit the limit yet, so plenty of time to build up a decent guild and get some good levels behind you.

current top 15 there are 3 lvl 53s, 3 lvl 52s, 2 51s, 6 lvl 50s and a lvl 49 to give you an idea.

wherever you choose to play, enjoy :)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 27, 2007
Phantom forrest afk..
Darkside: No chance... not including the stench of corruption... It has nothing for me... the players who post how amazing it is: wtf... Is that your first server? i just dont get it...Unless you do get rewards for propaganda... Your trying to compete with Zentaur??? You claim to be better than them??? I just dont get it....

Zentaur: i'd pick you would be my choice... but my guild has no interest in the pvp rules... I promise them drama and I say come to Zentaur and only pvp during wars once a week maybe when weve played for over 2 months... You can see why they say no... But i did say pk/pvp friendly... You server only had chance coz i know from experience how good this server can be...

You get players to 50 to fast...but its good idea to catch up...If you wiped and relaunched...Offical pk/pvp rules... got rid of battle lands.... you'd make a tonn of cash... users...a reason to stay... stay for the drama...Mir 3s only selling point these days with all these games is the drama...No game has this...Ive looked...

Mir3GSP: Global copy is good... But its clear from lomcn and web page that this server will die soon... Doesnt have a GM by the looks of things... Or a user count...

Evolution: Sorry but i hate kings... Feels so cheap... to me.... sorry...

Others:Not worth mentioning...

Lomcn: Sad mir3 is in this mess.... Who will save it??



LOMCN n00bie
Mar 29, 2011
I've been playing for about 12 to 15 years I've played alsorts of server including hasakura zent sting official and darkside so no this isn't my first server there no corruption on this server or I deffo wouldn't play as I hate a corrupted server but like I do say all u can do if looking for server come try no 1 forces any 1 to stay

Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2006
Darkside: No chance... not including the stench of corruption... It has nothing for me... the players who post how amazing it is: wtf... Is that your first server? i just dont get it...Unless you do get rewards for propaganda... Your trying to compete with Zentaur??? You claim to be better than them??? I just dont get it....

They post because they like the server and disagree with all the lies spread here, if you like something you fight for it. No1 is rewarded for it.
If I spread lies about you, isn't your "family" gonna try to defend you? Do they need you to reward them for it? Its not normal to even think that.

Lomcn: Sad mir3 is in this mess.... Who will save it??

Lomcn is fine, its the kids around that try to destroy it. You believe their lies so they work pretty efficient.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 7, 2012
Darkside: No chance... not including the stench of corruption... It has nothing for me... the players who post how amazing it is: wtf... Is that your first server? i just dont get it...Unless you do get rewards for propaganda... Your trying to compete with Zentaur??? You claim to be better than them??? I just dont get it....

Zentaur: i'd pick you would be my choice... but my guild has no interest in the pvp rules... I promise them drama and I say come to Zentaur and only pvp during wars once a week maybe when weve played for over 2 months... You can see why they say no... But i did say pk/pvp friendly... You server only had chance coz i know from experience how good this server can be...

You get players to 50 to fast...but its good idea to catch up...If you wiped and relaunched...Offical pk/pvp rules... got rid of battle lands.... you'd make a tonn of cash... users...a reason to stay... stay for the drama...Mir 3s only selling point these days with all these games is the drama...No game has this...Ive looked...

Mir3GSP: Global copy is good... But its clear from lomcn and web page that this server will die soon... Doesnt have a GM by the looks of things... Or a user count...

Evolution: Sorry but i hate kings... Feels so cheap... to me.... sorry...

Others:Not worth mentioning...

Lomcn: Sad mir3 is in this mess.... Who will save it??


Theyr interests are to shutdown zentaur
They wish to collect all players from zentaur so they wont have any competition old players know (not brown tongues from darkside) Zentaur been for almost 10 cant compete with that


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 16, 2013
SnakeNBake what is wrong with Kings?

If GSP wasn't so laggy and they could actually develop them I would suggest that, but it's a dying server.

Mir3 is too old. It's slow and feels wrong playing it on large monitors nowadays. Mir2 is the best option, Chronicals is probably the best server but it's been out for a while which is it's only negative.


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Ive played probs over 50+ pservers...Come and go...all the times....Expect one... BUT there is never smoke without a fire.................:hopelessness:

Thank you :) zentaur been here for almost 10 years and i will put it atleast more than that

btw..55 usercount online :) come and join zentaur comunity today


Feb 1, 2010
Only downfall is that when zentaur lost it's users carebears took over now you aren't aloud to pk unless its fighting for Sabuk or dmw big disappointment I can't remember a server that has to do this no wonder it died so hard 😔 good luck keeping your server active again.