Hellserver Corrupt


LOMCN n00bie
Jul 21, 2007
I have been around a few mir servers, II was introduced to mir in the open beta days of euro mir, and i have to say I like hellserver but then i do like a challenging game rather than one i can play while asleep. I have found all the people on this server to be friendly and polite some times my children like to play and i have no worries about them getting abused by other players infact I usualy find the other players would rather help than abuse which is hard to find on many other mir servers, most seem to be out for what they can get and if they see a player with a rare item, insted of asking were you found it or could u sell it to me they would rather get a few mates to help them to kill you and hope it drops. not found this on hellserver at all untill 2.3 and testu5 and liengod started their form of if u got it and we want it we will pk you every time u leave to hunt or was it im bored lets kill people insted of mob if they try to go hunt kill em all?
unsure on what it was as im not a mind reader. but it made the server verry unfriendly and the abuse that would apear on my screen from these 2 and others in their guild i had to stop my children from looking at my screen. So in short wtg hells keep up the good work and thanks to jasper and advisor for providing a safer place to chill out after work. I am looking forward to this server being around a long time thanks again.:bounce:


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
i honestly cant help but laugh

server wont last, and lol @ stuff liek "he used master recall bug".. jsut about every1 knows that? and u call urself server creaters tut tut.

no pkin allowed... jokes lol.


Oct 23, 2006
Handan, China
in 1.9 this server was up a long time without no pking and it had a good user count if you ask me they should of kept it in 1.9 to avoid all the idiots


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 11, 2004
i honestly cant help but laugh

server wont last, and lol @ stuff liek "he used master recall bug".. jsut about every1 knows that? and u call urself server creaters tut tut.

no pkin allowed... jokes lol.

Your right server wont be arround long FOR PPL LIKE YOU!

Hells and jasp have been runing hells 1.9 and 2.3 for over a year now and most servers dont last 3-6 months so id say its gunna be here for as long as they want to provide us with a great server to play.

And as for ure comments abt their abilities in creating servers, id say they doing a great job , considering they learnt from scratch , and have provided many hours of fun for so many ppl.

If u wish to go play another server with your less than desirable friends plse do so and dont darken hells doorway like the others did!


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
and here is the best of all kaiserleingod and testu5 pking mephisto within 10 seconds of him saying lo to you both, the part where oooh is said is because he was surprised to see u at ur levels killing a FT.

I could go on with the exploiting like using master slave to recall into parts of BDD that shouldnt have been masterrecallable which was an oversight on server management side.
Oh and also the master recall which had a bug which allowed 1 person to master unmaster and the same again and then recall all of the masters slave at one time when it should really have only been 1 master 1 slave not 1 master 3 slaves.
why did you not post any of these bugs on the forum when all across the server ingame it asks for bugs and exploits to be posted..

heres another one just after a good old fasioned one of ur 2 pking sprees

Now can you see why you were rejected on the server.

For saying im using my brother's account and i always leave /Ancient in my post dosnt fking mean im 17 lal sad fker

advisor is showing that kaiserleingod is exploiting a hellserver command to bring pets into infinite bout then kill the mobs then teling out to rest pets before being recalled to the last position he was in before starting the next level of infinite bout and then unresting his pets to kill the mobs and gain the prize.

as you all may know that pets are not allowed in infinite bout but some servers doi allow them, Hell Does Not

Oh my god sad lame spammer
On what basis do you base this stupid remark on, or are you doing an i want to get my post count higher post ,
i take it the 1989 is ur date of birth , ahh thats it thats where you get the comment from :D

ive know Hell n Jasp have been Corrupt since 1,9 so fk off you freak

BOOOHOOO YOU GOT PSN'D go cry me a river

/ancient (ANCIENT)(ancient)(ANCIENT)


LOMCN n00bie
Jul 21, 2007
If the server is so bad and the gms are corrupt why u wasting ur time crying about it on lomcn when you could be running your own server or playing one (if you can find 1 that isnt corrupt). It sounds to me like you were enjoying what the server had to offer b4 you became greif players and now all you got ur bums smacked you want to try (unsucsecfully looking at the amount of players still there) and slag the server off so others dont realy find out that it is a cool server to play, or do you think that others that play MIR dont know about the reputation that testu and some of u others have on other servers infact is there a server out their that still lets testu play? iv played a few at same time as testu and he always seems to be getting band for 1 reason or another hhmm let me think who am i going to listern to when it comes to finding out what a server is realy like testu and co or play for myself and find out?

OOO i know hard question that roflmao


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 14, 2003
i honestly cant help but laugh

server wont last, and lol @ stuff liek "he used master recall bug".. jsut about every1 knows that? and u call urself server creaters tut tut.

no pkin allowed... jokes lol.

as said in another post below urs
unforgiven said:
Your right server wont be arround long FOR PPL LIKE YOU!

Hells and jasp have been runing hells 1.9 and 2.3 for over a year now and most servers dont last 3-6 months so id say its gunna be here for as long as they want to provide us with a great server to play.

And as for ure comments abt their abilities in creating servers, id say they doing a great job , considering they learnt from scratch , and have provided many hours of fun for so many ppl.

If u wish to go play another server with your less than desirable friends plse do so and dont darken hells doorway like the others did
NO i dont call myself a server creator cos if i did there wouldnt be a master /slave bug cos the players who dont exploit would have posted it on the bugs section and i would have closed it like it has been now. but i expect if you have a server its still usable and thats what id call a bad server creator who allows exploitataion of his/her server.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 14, 2003
For saying im using my brother's account and i always leave /Ancient in my post dosnt fking mean im 17 lal sad fker

Oh my god sad lame spammer

ive know Hell n Jasp have been Corrupt since 1,9 so fk off you freak

BOOOHOOO YOU GOT PSN'D go cry me a river

/ancient (ANCIENT)(ancient)(ANCIENT)

now now Child you dont need to get abusive , as u may have noticed that is what this post is all about ABUSE and imo only children like yourself who have nothing better to say or cant use the little grey cells they were given to think with start spouting swear words and try to belittle people with their form of Rubbish posting ,

as for the crap
ive know Hell n Jasp have been Corrupt since 1,9 so fk off you freak.
prove it if you can, show me some proof you cant just say things with out some form of images or text from chats etc i believe that is called SLANDER.

To be honest with you you should stop interfering with stuff that you know nothing about and grow up a bit more.

daneo1989 said:
For saying im using my brother's account and i always leave /Ancient in my post dosnt fking mean im 17 lal sad fker

Now where did you get this part from open your eyes and read will you i said the 1989 must be your DOB i mentioned nothing to do with /ancient or are you just blind. look for urself
elvin said:
On what basis do you base this stupid remark on, or are you doing an i want to get my post count higher post ,
i take it the 1989 is ur date of birth , ahh thats it thats where you get the comment from
i just quoted the post didnt pay any attention to /ancient at the bottom anyway i thought account sharting was a bannable
offence but i may be wrong so dont quote me on that :P

daneo1989 said:
Oh my god sad lame spammer
did you even read the thread or did you just skip the part where i was asked
forspinki said:
i dont undertsand what is this saying who is cheating and who accusing ect
oh sorry i forgot as i said earlier you must be blind .

see you are at it again
daneo1989 said:
BOOOHOOO YOU GOT PSN'D go cry me a river
blindness, look at the image will you it was not me who got poisoned.
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