Help me with holley 3.56

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 17, 2007
I got three problems with my holley 3.56
First problem is my net check is showing only that:

Second my problem is when i log in the game i cant sometime start it i push "start game" button and nothing happens

Third problem is that when i finnaly force my game to start i got this message:

when i click yes shows up window with u are being connected to serwer but thats all :/

Plz tell me what im doing wrong

Sorry for my english


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2004
Firstly you haven't got Chinese PRC language packs installed or netcheck would not display incorrect characters. Netcheck checks the big key in CruelDragon.ini, if this is incorrect, then netcheck will not activate. Also make sure your netcheck is not blocked by a firewall unknowingly... Norton does this quite often.

Second and Third problems are probably related. All those are due to ODBC and !setup.txt errors (i think).. that is if you are sure you have all gates running correctly.
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