Help with any bugs in CD 3.55


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2010
Hello again LOMCN! I need experienced help:

I started to set-up my server on NET (problem of ips solved in the another post) and I have some doubts, so I start:

My CD appears a little bugged because the Blue screen of the .exe isn't centered on the screen: is this a problem? the server runs normally.

And the major bug is: when a mob its attacking a character, all appear to be normally, but when a player hit another player, this character takes too time to start running, its walking about 4-5 secs after the last hit. I think I can change this from the CD.ini files but I can't find the option,

Any ideas?

(I swear if I have more doubts don't open more threads, sorry :p)