Heroes of Newerth

smoochy boys on tour


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Its a lot like DOTA mod for warcraft 3, but has basically been made as a seperate game. Not sure how many of the people from here have actually played the original game so ill explain it here.

Its basically a team vs team game built like a combination between a tower defence, RTS and RPG game.

You pick a team, and play usually 5v5 and the aim of the game is to destroy the other teams base. Now each team has 5 Heroes (player) and also, there are waves of mobs sent out periodically to attack defence towers to each teams base. Your job as a hero is to basically escort your enemies, and keep them safe so they kill towers (towers hit very hard early game) and kill the enemy mobs so you get experience, and money to buy upgrades. All the enemies move along set paths called "lanes".

Each hero gets 4 skills and chose which to upgrade each level, and obviously you can buy items once you can afford them. As well as your job escorting the mobs, you also have to try and hassle the other teams hero's by killing them or by killing your own mobs when they are nearly dead to deny them experience and gold.

The game is extremely tactical and team based so its about the right combination of heroes and tactics to succesfully win the match.

If you are intrested in playing we've got about 200 keys to give away on noobwarfare.com so you can check the site and get into the closed beta.

We have to ask you to register and get the keys from the site as part of the agreement we made to get the keys was to promise to give them to random users and not just distribute a handful to our friends and then not bother with the rest.