Hidden Mist [2.3] Discussion

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If God Only Knew!
Golden Oldie
Mar 8, 2004
There was a gm in game yesterday and he said he was working on xmas event this weekend and that he would be putting x2 exp on today (this has not happend yet i dont not think) but yeh the gms are kinda still around who knows if he accturly is going to do what he said i guess only time will tell :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
Re: Rewinds, bannings, no game online,,,,, what next

Bans - KENPACHI , Sock , Isphi and BurningDemon
Reason - Gold Exploit using storage npc - exploit explanation here
Server down - To sort out NPC's in storages i assume.

above was off another thread on lomcn in mir 2 section from 07/12/11 clearly showing who just got banned for cheating , yet this same gm KENPACHI claims on hiddenmist game that he was not on game because of a broken pc ,WHEN THAT CLEARLY SHOWS OTHERWISE .
it also seems that the autopatcher is down as well , so new players cant download it that way ....
if u need help with server ken just pm me i dont mind helping as long as server stays up :)
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Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
As much as I like the server itself, I feel compelled to publicize as to how corrupt the server turns out to be.

Namely, there was a Sabuk war earlier, where due to the low usercount, were fighting only me for my guild, and AngryPirate along with Crunch who I bested with no doubt. After winning the sabuk war, and meanwhile also getting a rare item drop off AngryPirate, I get called a cheater. I can openly admit that I have tweaked an installation of TinyXP OS and have made modifications to the TCP/IP protocol in order to optimize my speed, which, to my knowledge has not been considered cheating on official Mir not to mention private servers. To go more into depth, then any programmer will know about the speedhack check that is used in the 2.3 TD client which uses GetTickCount to check for inconsistency in timing, meaning that without actually modifying the client you cannot really imrpove your speed much by using "cheats" like speederXP or the like which all use the same method.

After being called a cheat, I also get a nice "threat" that sir AngryPirate has "ways" of getting me "sorted", funny ways he specified. Not five minutes later I realize that I have suddenly been granted 300PK points meaning that I was red and a target for town archers. Luckily, I was in a cave hunting at that point already. After mentioning to AngryPirate, that this "coincidence" is a rather obvious indication of AngryPirate abusing gamemaster powers (even though he is not a gamemaster on that character), I get granted another 500 PK points putting the total to over 700 - meaning, that at this point in time I am still red. Apart from that, I also get recalled to the hometown abruptly while killing a boss. Upon running back to the same boss, I see who? AngryPirate trying to kill the same boss.

The gamemaster character used for this purpose was in fact "HelpingHand". Why I know this? Just before I get the PKPoints and recall to town, the said gamemaster logs on and shouts a snide remark. While this might be considered normal on other servers, anyone playing HiddenMist can confirm that a gamemaster ingame in the past weeks is more rare than any item ingame. I do not know who this gamemaster character is accessed by, but I know that it is not being used for the proper purpose. Further on, I feel that I have to mention the odd fact, that AngryPirate has somehow managed to become very high level and instantly with best kit for his level in a very short period of time, while not actually hunting that much. Now, considering the events occured, it does however make perfect sense.

Lastly, as information to whoever is now managing the server (hopefully not the same, corrupt gamemaster..) AngryPirate was very eager to share the fact that he has Ellmo aka. Lee on Facebook and is his point of contact in regard to me being a "cheater". As well as that, he claimed to have captured our fight in sabuk palace with Fraps. I kindly requested the video so I could post it myself, included in this post, however that request was declined with very odd, vague and senseless reasoning. As an example, "You are really thick. You will get the video only if a gamemaster provides it to you". Explaining the benefit of posting the video here (from his perspective) had no effect.

In conclusion, I am disappointed. I enjoyed the server and would continue doing so, however when there is such an obvious abuse of gamemaster rights, there is no point in continuing to play. The purpose I hope my post to serve, is to have the server owner take a close look to gamemaster activity, since it is being clearly abused. Until that is done, there is no point in continuing to play in my opinion.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
As much as I like the server itself, I feel compelled to publicize as to how corrupt the server turns out to be.

Namely, there was a Sabuk war earlier, where due to the low usercount, were fighting only me for my guild, and AngryPirate along with Crunch who I bested with no doubt. After winning the sabuk war, and meanwhile also getting a rare item drop off AngryPirate, I get called a cheater. I can openly admit that I have tweaked an installation of TinyXP OS and have made modifications to the TCP/IP protocol in order to optimize my speed, which, to my knowledge has not been considered cheating on official Mir not to mention private servers. To go more into depth, then any programmer will know about the speedhack check that is used in the 2.3 TD client which uses GetTickCount to check for inconsistency in timing, meaning that without actually modifying the client you cannot really imrpove your speed much by using "cheats" like speederXP or the like which all use the same method.

After being called a cheat, I also get a nice "threat" that sir AngryPirate has "ways" of getting me "sorted", funny ways he specified. Not five minutes later I realize that I have suddenly been granted 300PK points meaning that I was red and a target for town archers. Luckily, I was in a cave hunting at that point already. After mentioning to AngryPirate, that this "coincidence" is a rather obvious indication of AngryPirate abusing gamemaster powers (even though he is not a gamemaster on that character), I get granted another 500 PK points putting the total to over 700 - meaning, that at this point in time I am still red. Apart from that, I also get recalled to the hometown abruptly while killing a boss. Upon running back to the same boss, I see who? AngryPirate trying to kill the same boss.

The gamemaster character used for this purpose was in fact "HelpingHand". Why I know this? Just before I get the PKPoints and recall to town, the said gamemaster logs on and shouts a snide remark. While this might be considered normal on other servers, anyone playing HiddenMist can confirm that a gamemaster ingame in the past weeks is more rare than any item ingame. I do not know who this gamemaster character is accessed by, but I know that it is not being used for the proper purpose. Further on, I feel that I have to mention the odd fact, that AngryPirate has somehow managed to become very high level and instantly with best kit for his level in a very short period of time, while not actually hunting that much. Now, considering the events occured, it does however make perfect sense.

Lastly, as information to whoever is now managing the server (hopefully not the same, corrupt gamemaster..) AngryPirate was very eager to share the fact that he has Ellmo aka. Lee on Facebook and is his point of contact in regard to me being a "cheater". As well as that, he claimed to have captured our fight in sabuk palace with Fraps. I kindly requested the video so I could post it myself, included in this post, however that request was declined with very odd, vague and senseless reasoning. As an example, "You are really thick. You will get the video only if a gamemaster provides it to you". Explaining the benefit of posting the video here (from his perspective) had no effect.

In conclusion, I am disappointed. I enjoyed the server and would continue doing so, however when there is such an obvious abuse of gamemaster rights, there is no point in continuing to play. The purpose I hope my post to serve, is to have the server owner take a close look to gamemaster activity, since it is being clearly abused. Until that is done, there is no point in continuing to play in my opinion.

right i can only apologise for the dullfullness of raghead tbh , having to use tweaks and spec improvements to help her improve her pking skills
to play on a half dead server , and as for the rest it seems not only is she crying like a bitch about me moaning , if i had of made a fraps vid would i have really given it her i think not !!!
also everyone knows i aint the gm or have no access to a gm as for the amount of moaning i have been doing in here regarding the whereabouts of any gm lol and as for these pk points no idea tbh , probably some random crap she usually spawns from her mouth considering she runs her mouth like a 1995 skoda , splutters coughs and randomly spits out crap tbh ...and again i have to reiterate its only her word that she was brought bk to town and again the whereabout of the shadowlord(only knew it was this cos she tried to pk me at where i was killing it) lol is well known by everyone in game who hunts bg ....also as for my lvls i hunted them all by myself and i can get others to verify that and same for my kit as well it aint hard to get for someone who knows how to play server tbh , and even the gms can check it as well .and yes i called u think cos u simply are thats my judgement of u and also sob sob if u dont wish to play the server , u aint gonna be missed and neither is your whinging , dont forget to make sure the x button does not hit ur whingy ass on the way out ... ty for reading ...
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Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
I think the following screenshot will show enough (and before anyone [stonecold316]) will start saying that it is fake, you have the ability to verify the checksum since I am posting the link to the original BMP generated by the client.

In fact, I am posting actually three screenshots, checking the time, you can identify that there is no way that my PKPoints could "naturally" decrease within the time shown on the screenshots.

http://www.upload.ee/image/1909018/Images473.bmp Time: 23:34:32
http://www.upload.ee/image/1909022/Images478.bmp Time: 0:29:38
http://www.upload.ee/image/1909026/Images479.bmp Time 0:29:40

The information about PKPoints is given by typing @PK. In accordance to the information specified, that PKPoints drop by 5 every minute, during this time my PKPoints should have dropped from 680 to [680-270 = 400]. Not to mention the odd message of my PKPoints being reset after AngryPirate's reply.

There is not much more proof needed in my opinion. A valid argument I will gladly respond to, however the once again - vague and without factual information reply by user stonecold316 (which I now understand is AngryPirate ingame) does not warrant any reply.

As these amused me, I hope they will amuse someone else, here are the few "comments" upon my posting my review of the server. Bear in mind - this is someone that has access to a gamemaster character by all indications

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
aww u sobbin bout a few insults go build a bridge and get over it , and do u really think anyone cares about ur whinging and thoughts ??
no the servers dead , and it seems u only screeny shots with me insulting u lol GO YOU .....
and u still think i got access to a gm lmao


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
haha this is funny last time i saw this was on euro mir when u insulted a supposed child and they screenied it all and put in on lomcn to get everyone else to share there upset lmao !!!!


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
aww u sobbin bout a few insults go build a bridge and get over it , and do u really think anyone cares about ur whinging and thoughts ??
no the servers dead , and it seems u only screeny shots with me insulting u lol GO YOU .....
and u still think i got access to a gm lmao

Insults fair enough, telling someone to go kill themselves is a completely different matter and one I will openly throw my foot into, if you believe you are able to tell someone to go kill themselves on the internet just because you are on the internet this shows your true nature as a person, you claim you used to bully in real life in these screenshots if that's the case well done, you made someones life miserable give yourself a round of applause. Generally i don't bite the bait for such insults but these actually ****ed me off quite a bit, I strongly advise you to grow up before you begin to throw such childish insults around.

Do people care about reviews of a server? Yes, they do. People look for reviews to know how a server is they even spend time reading others posts to see if a servers corrupt, balanced, low user / high user the works so that renders this point as a mute point in itself.

On-Topic however is this server still up and are the GM's actually active yet? Needing to know because if it's not the case then the advertisement can be removed.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
tbh czelda i do admit to going over top in arguments but thats my nature some people deal with it and some people come bk on it , in this instance we have a tissue sniffler who is looking for attention , which i wouldnt give the time of day to ....

on topic the server is still up and i cant honestly say the gms are actually active as i aint seen one in 2 weeks , and i have taken all different routes to
contact the gm with not much luck , apparently the auto patcher does not work either and the forums have been down for weeks , so its up to you
whether u wish to remove ad , as some have struggled to find routes on how to download it , and also as we neither know how long the dedi is payed for the majority of us are wondering whether server will follow suit and go down like the forums and the auto patcher as well :( the choice is urs ...


Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Czeldabolg, as you can clearly see the nature of the person, I hope you can also realize that no rationalization will change their perspective nor attitude - so there is no point in putting any more oil in to the fire (also the reason why I choose to not respond to the posts.

EDIT In response to the previous post:

Insults and advice as to how (or whether to) proceed with my life does not really bother me. It is normal for people to try and appear superior online under the illusion of anonymity and safety of not facing anyone directly. The main purpose of my review was, and remains as a notification to future players as to what the situation is on the server - to prevent new players spending(wasting) time and coming to the realization only after, like I did. I am sure that having the facts in front of me now, I would have not started playing unless being certain that this kind of issue has been resolved, and even so, would be very vary.

In regard to the server - I would, in your place leave the advertisement be, however include at least part of my review or facts in the description until this issue is worked out. I do hope, that the issue has arisen due to a poor judgement call in choosing a gamemaster rather than the server completely being corrupt starting from the root.

Activity wise - we have had a gamemaster ingame, who as far as I can tell is different to the culprit in this particular situation (different characters), and has promised to be working on the server. Although rarely online in the past weeks, and the promises made were not kept by the gamemaster, it would be fair to give the server owner at least a chance to explain the situation and make any necessary corrections before completely closing the advertisement.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
as i mentioned earlier rag has no contact with the gm or even ellmo aka lee for that matter and i do , by email and facebook and even though ellmo has
stepped down from the server he has still got contact with the real gamemaster of server , and he relayed the message that gamemaster was actually working on server , but like i said he aint been seen , rag is going on speculation off what others have said on server , the reason gm hasnt made good on his promises is because , as he was not the original gm who made the server and added items and files into game , he has no knowledge of doing such stuff , so rather than face the onslaught of his chars asking questions and going on at him , he seems to have stayed off line , and taken the easier response , as rag also said Rarely on line and didnt hold up to his promises , i cant see much future in this server at the moment , things are getting stopped like forums autopatcher and so on , and even though supposidly the gm was gonna make an appearance on the 11th december to do xmas patch and such that day has been and gone and the message is still there , also as a previous message also states he couldnt get online as his server pc was broken , yet at same time he was being banned from reunited KENPACHI , so the choice again is up to you ....


Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Stonecold316, being naive, I will give it one more go - is there any factual opposing argument from your side as to what happened earlier? A simple no-reply would suffice, since currently you have simply negated facts and replied with a response raging of emotion and little to no reason which continued with simply changing the subject.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
u still talking rag , i was answering czelda not you , and as for the non reply , im not gonna waste my time with u tbh u sound like a outcast reject from THE YOUNG APPRENTICE with the way u seem to act all intelligent , i have seen idiots like u come and go, who act dead smarmy in game then all time time screenying it and running to forums like lomcn shouting LOOK AT ME im being insulted AWW
who cares they are pixels obviously u seem to feel as though now the conversation has gone onto me and czelda talking bout the actual server itself , do u feel left out ??if you do go read a book or shear a sheep or what ever u do , ur really starting to bore me now !!!

---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------


just spoke to gamemaster of hiddenmist whos on reunited as we speak , i asked him for an explanation of whats going on and his reply was
he wont log on because of all the rudeness and the grief he gets from people , he cant handle it when people demand to know when updates will be done and if theres gonna be a xmas patch , as it stands at moment the dedi is due a payment of 60 quid tomoz , which he has said hes gonna struggle to pay as he dont have the 60 quid , so its only a matter of time b4 the dedi company close it down , i offered my help to do updates and a xmas patch , but i was then told im pressuring him , after he told me he would message me in 3 hours , i went bk after 3 hours and he then claimed i was pressuring him , so i backed out as i explained i didnt want anything just for the server to stay up , his attitude was i need to think , which tbh
shouldnt have been needed as he is not capable of actually running the server , but its his choice at end of day what he does with server files ,
but thats the heads up for server, so honestly start making ur way to other servers readers this one wont be online much longer sorry all....
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 13, 2010
lol he is a complete retard that cant handle running a server...i dont think he even has a clue how to use the files to do nething with....if u cant handle **** from ppl demanding info on wats going on then u shudnt be running a server at all...he has logged on once and that was about 4 days ago to say *i will be updating and fixing things and also doing xmas event for this sunday* wich was sunday just gone...he is an epic fail as a person and a server creater. unless he hands files over to some-one capable of running a server then server is gunna go offline


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 27, 2011
lol they are all playing reunited it seems u all seem to be blaming gms i think the blame lies at ellmos door tbh he aint got time to run a server because of family commitments yet plays another server surely playing a server is just has time consuming has checking on a server and doing occasional updates
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Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
lol they are all playing reunited it seems u all seem to be blaming gms i think the blame lies at ellmos door tbh he aint got time to run a server because of family commitments yet plays another server surely playing a server is just has time consuming has checking on a server and doing occasional updates

Server Owners have to: Meet demands on updates, keep playerbase happy, deal with complaints, deal with stress from server and deal with dedicated server problems or server issues.

Players of a server: Enjoy the game when they want.

I'm sorry how exactly are they anywhere near the same?



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
you might as well close the ad czelda its gonna be offline in a short period of time and if u need ellmo to confirm it im sure he will when he reads message on lomcn or off you first :)
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