Illuminati Prelude to War

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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
TD Servers Presents Illuminati Prelude to War

Basic Information

  • Server experience: x8
  • Server gold: x1
  • Server spawns: x1

File Information

  • Well for all your vital elementz lovers, we have imported all of their features however we have also done our own work, including the files, as they was in a mess. New and old features are explained below.
  • NOTE: We have decided to go to King3G files.
Client Information

  • Well we have our client customized, importing bits and bats from all other clients.
  • We have also imported some of the new korean client, including their awesome monsters and items.
  • We are planning to create our own client choice e.g. you can customize what your game music plays in caves and town, our own gui. However this is NOT our priority at the moment.
Game Features

  • Leveling Areas: these are all our beloved orignal caves from mir3europe WITH addtions from vital elementz such as ZumaTemple V1, Prajna Temple V1 etc.
  • Legend Areas: these are our own custom caves what me and dunny have created, custom features like dropping rare items and good amounts of gold are held in these caves.
  • Gold: well as you are probably wondering, will gold be hard to obtain? The answer is not if you work hard, all our drops are customed to make every monster worth killing. Most servers cancel out the usage of such hunting areas such as fleas, ants and one I have noticed is Illusion Woods. However not on this server, bosses in these caves give a good amount of reward gold for killing the boss.
  • Vital Points: this is a completely different system to the integral/fame point system. It has many useages such as the Elite system(look below for more information...) and exchange system(look below for more information...). When you kill a boss you could be lucky enough to earn some vital points which can lead to your advantage.
  • Integral System: well am sure you all know what this is but if there is any new players to mir3, this is where you can spend your integrals for luxaries such as item protection, rental items or even rental pets.
  • Elite System: the elite system is chained with the vital points. Collect enough vital points and upgrade your accessories/weapons/clothing to the elite stage. For example, if you take your copperring dc 0-1, with the elite system added it is dc 0-4 ac 0-2.
  • Exchange System: well this is a simples system what converts your vital points into fame points which you can then spend at the integral shop or even equiped rare items.
  • Daily quests: well it is exactly what it says on the tin, each day you get a new quest.
  • Normal quests: well as not many server has this activated, you can now have all your mir3europe quests. The quests will give you nice rewards.
  • Upgrade Feature: well all drops have potions in which are no ordinary potions, these can enhance your accessories/weapons/clothing depending on which potion it is, however these are rare so will give you a sense of achievement when you find one.
  • Bosses & Subs: well all bosses have been altered to fit the server expectations, i'll let you know you will NOT be soloing bosses for a long time. Bosses will need a group to kill but all bosses will drop something nice. Sub bosses have been adding from floor 2 and higher.
  • Resurrection: well as you know of the system, when you die you will receive a pop up saying that you can resurrect in town ONLY.
  • More information to come...

Please note, interface has changed to orignal.

Might and defiance:

Boar King/Kit:

Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2010
just add my bit to this

A lot of credit has to go to the VE team for a good base on the files and Idabiga for letting me use his client as a base.

we believe using the 3.55 files and fixing up the old VE quests and systems we have a very solid base to build on.

were working like dogs to get this server ready and it wont be released till it can stay on line for 3 months with out gm input( dont take that wrong way but means we have a solid 3 months to perfect the next few months of release's)

also thxs Sam, Laura, Keir for there help with testing

closing note if u have any ideas or quest u would like to see in game drop me a pm or post it here and will see what we can do


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Aug 1, 2006
good luck with server tom & co... if ur doin a closed beta and need testers look me up pal


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2010
any idea when live

nah not yet pal work slowed abit since Tuesday and dowt i will be in any fit state to do owt on sat with.

Accy playing fulham in the FA Cup 4th round :D

but other then that every thing is going good

skills now only level up to lvl 3 with level 4 and 5 Books in drop files but u need the skill to be lvl 3 to upgrade to level 4 and then level 5 is possible.

just added a new Fox cave

just like the 3 classes of mir a warrior wizz and tao

3 more legend caves to add then complete the VE system and translate DQ and were ready to go tbh

and yes the DQ do work :D


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
We will get some hard work done tonight, I will be at dunny's tonight so one on sexbox one working, then swap when other gets bored haha! Will keep you updated.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
I will be transferring files from dunny's pc to mine tonight.

Fixed the daily quests, just fixing up the D menu and maybe we can get some closed beta testers on there. If you want to close beta tests, add my email address above.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Files have been refurnished. Taken a system out but importing the rest in. Main quests book is fully working and tested. Daily quests being worked on ask we speak. Elite system tested and working. Drops being tested as we speak, most of them are done. All caves are done apart from legendary areas, which are being done now. Fox's are added. FoxWarrior,Healer,Wizard and Beast. Fox items all added. Databases with over 1500 items.

We are still looking for some more closed beta testers.

Still no date on live, however we do know once we have tested it all in closed beta we will be jumping straight to live.

Screenshots below:
Elite System(you can literally make any item/weapon/armor elite):

Main Quests:



Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
Do you have permission from vamp or tipsy to run the server? I got banned by mapadale for using these files and you aggred it was the right move.

Just dont want all that to start up again.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Do you have permission from vamp or tipsy to run the server? I got banned by mapadale for using these files and you aggred it was the right move.

Just dont want all that to start up again.

Considering the files are released, i have every right. yeah tipsy, made the files impossible to use to ve standards but i made my own and importing them by myself so yeah, it's acceptable.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
They were released when I used them too but they still kicked up a fuss and got me banned.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
I had credits still in the files, I just dont want Tipsy or Vamp coming along and kicking off **** again lol.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2010
Vamp and tipsy not been on here for ages+ we have not just put the files up as we downloaded them we added there things to are files not just put VE up in a diff name.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
from the screenshots its just VE with a different name, so they might get funny. also its 'our files'.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2010
the only SS of VE is the elite items rest we sorted are self with info from here and from other forums and have give credit were due (unlike some)

but ye a few systems are only in cuz off all the work the VE guys did and give us a base to work from.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
All screenshots are VE even the quests. The only thing that isnt VE is the magic and that client based.

It doesn't bother me but it might bother them is why I asked if you had their permission.

No need to get defensive.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2010
am not.

they released there files and doing so released any owner ship of them files. u should never been banned from advertising as they uploaded there files .

like me say i dont want this dog any more and give it to the rspca. i no longer can say what it eats were it goes ect ect
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