IP online

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Member
Jun 2, 2011
Aight peeps i Know this isnt really needed on here now, but a mate of mine has been searching LOMCN for a IP online guide for a Server.

Told him i would post a guide here for him.

I don't want credit for this as i got this ages ago, but works for me 100%.

1. DBServer/!Addrtable.txt = Internal IP
DBServer/!Severinfo.txt = Internal IP / Global IP
DBServer/Dbsrc.txt = All internal IP

2. LoginGate/config.txt = Internal IP

3. LoginSrv/!Addrtable.txt = server name, server name, Internal IP, Global IP, Global IP
!Serveraddr.txt = Internal IP
Logsrv.txt = All Internal IP

4. M2Server/!runaddr = Global IP
!servertable.txt = Global IP
!Setup.txt = Internal IP

5. RunGate/Config.txt = Internal IP

6. SelGate/Config.txt = Internal IP

Internal IP = 192.168.*.*
Global IP = 82.**.**.*** (IP you give to people for them to log onto your server)

Forward Port's - 3000? 7000,7100,7200 via Router Admin

EDIT - strange enough this guide worked for a set of hero files I have*