Is a 3Hero server, a cop out?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 24, 2014
Some really interesting feedback, and I appreciate it all.
I will have a good think on this.
from speaking to others as well, it isn't necessarily how quick Sins level early game, but because they are single target monsters (rightly so) the hardcore Assassin players get the edge as they quickly level, have naturally higher stats (from items as well) and can start to bully people in PvP

I know you can say that about any class I guess, but Assassins kits are built to pop targets 1v1, maybe that's something I need to look at more, and perhaps just nerf the PvP scaling side of assassins 'early doors'

I already have made it so Agility works against spells as well as melee, so then building Accuracy on all classes (and wizards have spell sword which gives acc like fencing + a really low amount of DC scaling - due to a new spell that is melee but scaling very well off of DC - more to come on that if/when I look to release) is more beneficial (but also more accessible through items) but means Assassins will benefit PvP/E to stack Agility on top of their nearly 0 base defence and reasonably high max (so if you dont dodge an attack, it can really hurt)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
Chalace CheekyVimto was making a mir3 server years ago with that kind of leveling system here is the link to the earliest thread for that server :

Never saw that before, tho being both Mir3 & 10 years old I'm not really suprised.
(Doesn't sound like they even got off the ground tho from that post)

I did go the same way. The character is an empty shell and your build choice(interchangeable) determines base stats, increasing per 5 levels.
With skills being completely up to you.

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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Never saw that before, tho being both Mir3 & 10 years old I'm not really suprised.
(Doesn't sound like they even got off the ground tho from that post)

I did go the same way. The character is an empty shell and your build choice(interchangeable) determines base stats, increasing per 5 levels.
With skills being completely up to you.


I like the use of the PoE Gems, they fit in really well!

As for servers, do whatever you like, have a vision and work on it!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
I like the use of the PoE Gems, they fit in really well!
They are nice to work with and look great. fitting nicely for the purpose there.
Will probably be 'borrowing' the map icons too to be fair, as I have the same type of system.

As for servers, do whatever you like, have a vision and work on it!
Pretty much this.

The usual 3-5 class standard clone with a few tweaks(at best) has been done to death, with a new one every month or 2. People are never happy, they want everything easier/faster because they have done it literally 100 times already; resulting in no content after a week or 2. (how people keep joining new servers and going through the exact same grinds, in the same caves, over and over again is beyond me.

The amount of time and effort it will take you to make something different is huge, so you have to be motivated yourself.
You have to enjoy the process, really.


Feb 21, 2013
how people keep joining new servers and going through the exact same grinds, in the same caves, over and over again is beyond me.
I don't tire of the journey as long as it is not stale, has some zing to it. It is somewhat like gambling, the journey may be the same but what you can get along it is what matters (item wise). Balance in terms of caves that suit your char class is what completes good game experience.

Server with just three classes should pass at least some assassin skills to warrior (since war class is poorest on skills).
As for oddball server, I'd like to see a single class server, preferably warrior class. Then you wouldn't have to worry about balance and you could give warrior skills taken from other class domains, notably sin class of course.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 24, 2017
3 Class server with same base of bichon wall but mostly new lands, caves and items would be good, interesting and 'new but nostalgic'. Med/High rate but avoid the flashy high level tacky looking crap P69 had.

The added classes broke the game, everyone seems intent on the sins being in the game, but it just doesnt work unless you have massive team developing it constantly and not just listening to early cries. Archer i love but tbh they're either underwhelming or hit too hard from previous servers. Monks, just don't. OP. Broke every server.
As for sins not having double slash, is silly - they would be immensely boring and underwhelming if you take that aspect away from them early. Maybe have bigger level gaps for each skill level and only A speed 8 at level 3, 4 at 2 and 2 at level 1 or something.

Either way is a small user count 200 max really if you do well, just do you and enjoy what you want to make and spend time and release at the right time, Apoc/Valk + Primordials all suffered largely from releasing as others were decaying but weren't finalised enough and people had grinded too soon to each other on diff servers imo. I tried Apoc, liked it to begin with, quickly declined, gave up earlier than most,tried Valk, same story... put me off Primordials through no fault of his own, i tested beta early on but just didn't fancy a new server again so soon when it went live.


Captain Lurker
Mar 24, 2003
3 Class server with same base of bichon wall but mostly new lands, caves and items would be good, interesting and 'new but nostalgic'. Med/High rate but avoid the flashy high level tacky looking crap P69 had.

The added classes broke the game, everyone seems intent on the sins being in the game, but it just doesnt work unless you have massive team developing it constantly and not just listening to early cries. Archer i love but tbh they're either underwhelming or hit too hard from previous servers. Monks, just don't. OP. Broke every server.
As for sins not having double slash, is silly - they would be immensely boring and underwhelming if you take that aspect away from them early. Maybe have bigger level gaps for each skill level and only A speed 8 at level 3, 4 at 2 and 2 at level 1 or something.

Either way is a small user count 200 max really if you do well, just do you and enjoy what you want to make and spend time and release at the right time, Apoc/Valk + Primordials all suffered largely from releasing as others were decaying but weren't finalised enough and people had grinded too soon to each other on diff servers imo. I tried Apoc, liked it to begin with, quickly declined, gave up earlier than most,tried Valk, same story... put me off Primordials through no fault of his own, i tested beta early on but just didn't fancy a new server again so soon when it went live.
You see the problem with Assassins is that they are never implemented as they was originally intended.

Take a look at an assassins kit on Korean Mir, its all A.Speed and Accuracy, then DC as the secondary. On European servers they get MAX a.speed out of the box with Haste level 3 and most servers don't really enforce the need for accuracy thus allowing Assassins to just stack DC - which means a warriors has got no chance at keeping up with the damage output... However A Speed in Crystal is capped at 8, each 1 A.Speed nets you a 60ms faster attack. This means that a warrior can attain + 8(max speed) through gemming, but at the same Time the Assassin doesn't need to gem any aspeed because they are already maxed with Haste, so they just stack DC. Which kind of evens them out - but then you have a Tank with the same DPS as a 'Glass cannon'

In my opinion the official route works best. Make 1 aspeed half as effective (30ms) , raise aspeed cap to 16, Let haste give +8 at level 3. This is what we've done on Artificial.

Warrior should be - Tank, Slower, Hits harder in one strike
Assassin should be - Glass Cannon, Hits for slightly less than a warrior but much faster. However this means that the targets AC is more of a problem for an Assassin too
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Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
That what i said above. Sins should be all about aspeed and acc then dc. But c file sin is based around agil.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2015
problem is sins are either op or shite no one knows how to balance them. they are either shadowstepping round the screen 2 hitting everyone, toe to toeing warriors due to having stupidly high attack speed and agility.
or they are garbage getting rekt and a pointless class, theres never a middle ground.
archers are the same they are a shite wiz or they are 2 hitting people
1 dp 1 aoe 1 tao class is best


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
DevilKnight was working on something back in 2014 along the lines of 1 class but you had a set number of points to spend on skills to make your own build. he did run a beta for a few weeks but then nothing ever came of it sadly it was quite decent aswell


That Vial skibadee lolol
Mar 24, 2003
who remembers when the extreme team (turboshandy and cheekyvimto) made every1 pay for ''early access'' to a server that was in the process of being made, and it took years to make , that was a classless server
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Captain Lurker
Mar 24, 2003
It would be interesting to see how a 3 hero server would play out these days - running on the latest files/content.

The balance is straight forward, each class has a clear role..

Thinking about it, when playing I've never mained anything but one of the three core classes.