Is it true.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Life hasn't been built in a random way, its happened because of a need to cahnge and adapt. Even now things continue to change and adapt, but things are changing at a rate which other things cannot keep up with anymore. Science and "A god" do not mix, and will never mix. If a god created the universe then our entire uderstanding of physics is wrong. A basic rule of physics is that matter and energy can never be created or destroyed, merely changed and manipulated. If a god created everything we know to exists, then he created matter and energy.

Life occuring was a chance event, that 1 in almost infinite chance occured here, and life developed here, then life began to change and evolve here. You can interpret the "7 days" thing however you want, but the bible explicitly states that human kind began with Adam and Eve, 2 humans placed on the earth by god. Research clearly states humans evolved from something else.

As for things not happening because of "mistakes" thats entirely beside the point as life didn't happen as a mistake, it happened by chance, and continuing form that many thigns happen by "mistake" and turn out to be incrdible, using things like penicillin as a simple example.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
tass - u have got no idea how even the most simple creature is way way way more complicated then anything human kind ever done

Thats not the point I was saying the scientists can manipulate prokaryotic cells to carry out tasks for medicinal perposes. If we can do this then we can obviously evolve into something much more complicated.

For some reason your under the impression that nothing can ever happen out of chance.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Its because he is an idiot that doesnt want to admit he is wrong.

Personally I think he is one of those people who know science is correct, but has to try and force themselves to have faith in divine intervention because they are terrified of the concept of death without an afterlife. You cannot beleive in a god and fully support science.

Thats like me saying I think England is the greatest country in the world, but France is slightly better. It doesn't make sense and its a retarded thing to say. If there was a divine being that gave life to this planet, then why does it allow some of its creations to die out, why has it given clear advantages to some and not others, why has it set it up so that billions of years in the future we will be wiped out by an expanding sun?

Edit: Why isn't your faggot god stepping in to protect you and himself in this conversation?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
Why did he create 800 billion galaxies just so that a man and a woman could stay in a fu‪cking garden?


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
stonehelm, if u got nothing else to do here other then flaming, please leave this conversation and find something better to do.

science never really totally explained the whole process creation of life, and probably wont be able to explain it in the near future.
now i will tell u something from chemistry.
for a simple life lets say u need 20000 diffrent molecules (ofc only from the 2% that was created randomly don't forget, and the number can be way bigger) in very specific way. lets say that 1 molecule can join the other, or to get separated by it, and its 50% to join (which is clearly not, the chances for that are quite low) now lets calculate the chances - 2^20000, for those who don't follow 2^20000 is big enough number to make sure that life will never exist in the entire history of the universe (10bil years) in the whole galaxy (even including space and everything).

tass, ur point just support my point, if we hardly can manipulate prokaryotic cells to do what we want, while those cells are basically meant to do that, can u even understand how hard will it be to create cells from blank? in fact for those who learn chemistry it seems just impossible.

atomicide, even the scientists say something like that, they say that for example(i don't know the exact numbers) 400 mil years ago mankind first shown up, that could be in the bible day 6.
everyone that think, ye but y god isn't doing what we think he should do, well lets put it that way, i don't think i will never be able to fully understand how god think, i got no infinite wisdom, and since no one here have, no one here can understand him.
we think we can understand everything, but in fact, if u just look on advanced physics u will realize how the universe is far stranger then we imagine, things that are just too weird for the mind have been proven, so lets not attempt to understand god u, since we just can't.
no atomicide, i never was afraid of death, in fact if i believe in science i should be less afraid of death, if u don't know anything, and u cant understand anything, and u don't think at all, then its nothing, which should be quite a lot better then hell.

since there are blanks and science, and u just don't know about them because u was never taught, doesn't mean science is perfect, there are blanks that can easily be understandable by god.


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
since there are blanks and science, and u just don't know about them because u was never taught, doesn't mean science is perfect, there are blanks that can easily be understandable by god.

So because things can't be explained by our current knowledge and understanding of the universe and what it contains a god must be the logical answer?


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
So because things can't be explained by our current knowledge and understanding of the universe and what it contains a god must be the logical answer?
i didn't say so, but for me it does seems like the most logical explanation, i find god just fit in and cover the blanks we don't understand.


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
i didn't say so, but for me it does seems like the most logical explanation, i find god just fit in and cover the blanks we don't understand.

I could understand that kind of logic thousands of years ago when humans knew nothing but in this day and age the blanks that have been filled in have more than proved that a "God" is not a logical answer to the other blanks.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
well, u can believe at what u want, i believe that god is the missing blanks, believe it or not its up to you.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
You dont understand. In your head you think that man was created immediately by a big bang and thats the theory.

1 cell only contains several organisms. Each organism originiated from a seperate prokaryotic cell. These original cells have as little as 20 differrent molecules. The bacteria then joined together as it would produce a stronger cell, and so on and so on.

Also please give us a blank thats left without the theory of a God.....

God doesnt exist which is proven by the many differrent religeons and the fact there isnt just one story. Its an image which has been created by good story tellers to be honest, to provide rules and to stop people getting scared of dieing.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
1) it was never proven that a creature can be created from blank. no one ever did it.
2) some species just showed up during history without any connection to others
3) molecule at what size? lol, those "molecule" are made from other molecules.
4) since u never learned chemistry, don't even try to use it, u will just put wrong arguments.
5) i did not tell u believe in god, believe in whatever u want, i find it quite logical that god exists.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
stonehelm, if u got nothing else to do here other then flaming, please leave this conversation and find something better to do.

science never really totally explained the whole process creation of life, and probably wont be able to explain it in the near future.
now i will tell u something from chemistry.
for a simple life lets say u need 20000 diffrent molecules (ofc only from the 2% that was created randomly don't forget, and the number can be way bigger) in very specific way. lets say that 1 molecule can join the other, or to get separated by it, and its 50% to join (which is clearly not, the chances for that are quite low) now lets calculate the chances - 2^20000, for those who don't follow 2^20000 is big enough number to make sure that life will never exist in the entire history of the universe (10bil years) in the whole galaxy (even including space and everything).

tass, ur point just support my point, if we hardly can manipulate prokaryotic cells to do what we want, while those cells are basically meant to do that, can u even understand how hard will it be to create cells from blank? in fact for those who learn chemistry it seems just impossible.

atomicide, even the scientists say something like that, they say that for example(i don't know the exact numbers) 400 mil years ago mankind first shown up, that could be in the bible day 6.
everyone that think, ye but y god isn't doing what we think he should do, well lets put it that way, i don't think i will never be able to fully understand how god think, i got no infinite wisdom, and since no one here have, no one here can understand him.
we think we can understand everything, but in fact, if u just look on advanced physics u will realize how the universe is far stranger then we imagine, things that are just too weird for the mind have been proven, so lets not attempt to understand god u, since we just can't.
no atomicide, i never was afraid of death, in fact if i believe in science i should be less afraid of death, if u don't know anything, and u cant understand anything, and u don't think at all, then its nothing, which should be quite a lot better then hell.

since there are blanks and science, and u just don't know about them because u was never taught, doesn't mean science is perfect, there are blanks that can easily be understandable by god.

For someone who claims to know so much abotu science, advanced physics, chemistry and so on, your seriously failing to put together any kind of arguement. All your doing is saying "No, you're wrong" with a different set of words everytime. The fact that 90% of what you say doesn't make sense is beside the point I mean.

Your begining to lose your limited foothold now anyway. Man first appeared X-million years ago, means thats the first time we have evidence of the existence of modern man. If your going to take it as the bible, then obviously you don't beleive that humans evolved from chimps?

There are thousands of theories of science and all are based on the concept of there being no god at all. Every single physicist basis their principles of the begining of the universe on the big-bang theory. You keep qouting things about physics and how nobody here can comprehend it, yet despite this your ready to go against one of the main principles of physics, that the universe created itself.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
1) it was never proven that a creature can be created from blank. no one ever did it.
So your saying nobody can create a creature from blank? Not even god?
2) some species just showed up during history without any connection to others
Some creatures showed up without a direct connection to another. Not everything has been discovered yet?
3) molecule at what size? lol, those "molecule" are made from other molecules.
A Molecule can be made from other molecules, or just atoms. What relevance does this have to anything?
4) since u never learned chemistry, don't even try to use it, u will just put wrong arguments.
At no point was "Chemistry" used, he was using Biology statements.
5) i did not tell u believe in god, believe in whatever u want, i find it quite logical that god exists.
Then you cant be someone who is heavily into science, because many principles are based on there being no god.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
1) well, i guess there is the language block, i am not sure it sound the same at my mother language as it sound here. i am not quite regular to argue about science in English
2) who said in the bible that mankind did not evolved from chimps? to god it did take a day, what suggest a process, it could be that god did watch the process and bent it to he's will.
3) science is only trying to explain the facts that exist now with what we know, its quite logical that since we don't have evidence that god exist, that science wont be using him as base assumption, it doesn't mean he cannot be existed.
4) unlike god, human got limits, we don't know everything, we cant make things to happen just from our will, we can't make currently such an advanced and delicate form of molecule that will form life, and the universe has even more limits then we have, as what its doing is completely random, which means that the same mistake can happen over and over
5) and i believe that those blanks are god actions, believe in what u want as i said.
6) "These original cells have as little as 20 different molecules." - he made it look like 20 is nothing lol, 20 is huge number, at least for someone who understand how big and how complicated is each molecule, its not the biology statement i was arguing about, it was the chemistry side.
7) see number 6
8) and many was proven wrong.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 16, 2005
It would be ignorant to say there wasnt another planet with life on it... Not like we are ever going to find out in our life time so really isnt of any importance imo.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
To be honest mythonline if you knew much about chemistry and biology you would see how everything fits together even though there are very few gaps. I could probably show how each molecule was created but I dont have the time to waste.

As for "complicated" molecules the main 4 molecules needed for life that create DNA are very simple organic compounds. They contain only hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. The four most common elements apparrant during the first creation of the earth. Now as for creating the molecule we will take adenine as an example. This molecule is a polymer of the monomer HCN ( hydrogen cyanide ) now hydrogen cyanide is easily created by free floating atoms in unstable conditions to form a stable molecule of HCN. The HCN molecules when under intense UV radiation (sunlight) will go under a free-radical chain reaction in an addition polymerisation to create adenine molecules.

You keep saying that scientists have found nothing out but they have got the research to prove how DNA is created from scratch what more could you need!!

Anyway as DMX said life really is too short and throughout a lifetime the many rhetorical questions you will ask yourself which will never be answered just seems pointless. But we can always hope something good happens ^^


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
Just got a call from NASA... :dunce: There on the phone to Dr who.. Apparantly hes there and its good weather..

Nice beer aswell..


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
rofl, just think about it this way, what u said is just the letter of a huge book, the letters are not easily created, so u want the full DNA to be created just like that?
and ye, life is way too short.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
Thats not what I was saying. The point is you cant see how everything links together. Thats how 1 molecule is created. Now think of millions of this happening simaltaneously and hey we might have something!