Is it true.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 16, 2003
I don't know, I think he's been put in his place pretty well, so was worth the reply.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
1) history lesson - just one of many events that heppend, - in 1600 exectly Galileo Galilee was burned on stake just because he didn't return from what he said - that earth is going around the sun and not the other way, by the church. in fact the church never helped to science, u can easily watch it by looking on the advanced around history, how slow they went on the medieval ages, and how fast they went before that - in greek ect, while in the medieval age, the math got advanced where the church did not rule - in the Moslem's, and while after that, in the time of the renaissance, it went faster because the church had less control. the church is far more worse then all those "demons" she made up to scare peasants so they will work for them.
2) and probably as a democratic country civilian, u also believe that without rules there will be anarchy.
3)u clearly have no idea how true what i just said is, so i will prove it to you: and this is not even close to get to everything that happened.
5) look at point one
about the DNA back, the chance of the most simple life to be created are lets say, 2^20000 (if there are 20k different molecules that need to be in specific order and has only 2 different possible ways, while all the molecules in the place are exactly what the molecule need), just try to calculate how many places life could be created x time, and u will realize that there was no way at all that life would randomly occur, i am not going to argue about it anymore, u can agree or disagree i don't care.
atomicide, u keep saying i am not reading ur posts, its just pathetic, i do read everyone posts, i keep saying relevant stuff about what u said, if u cannot understand what i said, try to read my post again.
btw, the fact that u think i am "moron" has been noted, so u don't have to spam it on every second word u write.
1) have u ever heard of Galileo Galilei? he sacrificed himself in order to prove his own scientific theory, and many scientist risked their life, just in order to prove their own theory. it might not be the same as someone who kill other peoples, but i do believe that killing yourself is just like killing any other person.
2) u clearly did not read my posts/ did not understand them. i will explain it again in short, god made the world, in the world he made rules, he made the first life, then he let it evolve at his will, until man was created. big bang and almost any theory today fits that story, in fact that only difference between that and ur world-view, is that the first life was created randomly, unlike mine that say that god made the first life. i already said what i think about science and Christians.
3) i am not really afraid that some morons will come here and flame, i couldn't care less about what they think.
hey you, little kid over there, apple @ *****, or whatever ur name is, go hack some other mir3 servers, leave the smart stuff to us, the smart peoples.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
I've just popped into this debate but on the DNA side (I do genetics at uni). You can see the development of life in short timescales in today's World. Bacteria mutate everytime they reproduce, some mutations allow them to become resistant to anti-biotics and that is why you hear so much talk of super bugs. The thing is - this evolution has happened on a relatively short timescale - the timescale that life evolved in is completely incomprehendable to us due to its size!
I personally belief, no matter what religion, that if you choose to ignore evolution then you are very ignorant as there are fossil records which show the various stages of different life. Life did arise from a simple DNA molecule.

You also have to remember that it is not just a planet limited thing, the universe is so big , there are infinite probabilities that something will happen. Our planet could have been that probability where life would arise.

EDIT: Also, on the side of religion. I don't see how you can be a scientist myth and a fundamentalits. Surely some of the experiments you do unsettles you? You can see from physics experiments that the universe is ordered through chaos which I suppose can be concieved as some grand design by a higher power. Thing is, everything has it's own balance. Place a cat next to a dog - they either get along and nothing occurs or one kills the other and one is left. Both scenarios are balanced - same with the universe. There is no order or design to it at all.
Similarly with us - we are not a perfect creation - we have many flaws. If a being can create the universe which is an enourmouse scale - why can't he/she/it do something as simple as perfect our design?
Personally - I am science through adn through - things we cannot explain just means we haven't asked the right questions yet - it is not God.
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Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
read what i said again, i said that life firstly was created by god, the first being on this planet was not created randomly. the chances for that are so slim and u probably can understand it.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
read what i said again, i said that life firstly was created by god, the first being on this planet was not created randomly. the chances for that are so slim and u probably can understand it.

Its not slim at all you just need the right conditions >< can you not understand that.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
tass, have u ever checked it? no one ever been able to create even the most simple life from just molecules, no matter at what conditions he put them in.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
thats because its impossible to recreate the conditions dumbass..

Where are we suppossed to recreate the formation of a plannet?... imbissil.

Where would scientists get the resources??..


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
rofl, a whole planet is not needed, u would need only a specific place with the "right conditions" if its just a question of conditions...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
1) history lesson - just one of many events that heppend, - in 1600 exectly Galileo Galilee was burned on stake just because he didn't return from what he said

Galileo died in 1642 of natural causes.

1) have u ever heard of Galileo Galilei? he sacrificed himself in order to prove his own scientific theory, and many scientist risked their life, just in order to prove their own theory. it might not be the same as someone who kill other peoples, but i do believe that killing yourself is just like killing any other person.

No it isn't. And the only reason science has ever killed someone is because of religious fanatics disagreeing.
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Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
my bad, he was threatened to die like that, but there is no difference between those 2.
and for you it isn't, for many peoples it does.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
Well maybe so but if a scientist ever died for expressing his beliefs, it's the church who had the blood on their hands.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
i dont have much time atm, i have to run to somewhere so i will write it fast
nazi's -> killed jews because of science -> they are fanatics just like religious -> i will come back and write more about it if needed later.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
No, they killed them because they believed pure Germans were the "master race" and that the Jews were part of some conspiracy that was to blame for everything. They may have taught "racial science" and eugenics, but that isn't WHY they killed Jews, that's just some bull**** they made up to justify killing them, not actually scientifically backed at all.

You can say they did it partially in "the name of science" but you can't say they did it because of it, because it was all just made up bull**** they were forced into believing.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
I knew Nazism would come into this at some point, Jews have been persecuted so much over history, that they will bring it up in any argument, even when there are no Germans in this thread, never mind Germans who have the nazi political preference.

But if we can't forgive people for what has happend before their birth and choose to bring it up in every argument. I blame you and every other shylock nose on this planet for murdering the son of my god and in the process of this I will deny the holocaust.

Stop acting like you embrace science too, you keep saying that all these scientific theories are "implausable", yet they are what the majority of scientists and scientifically minded people believe to be correct, so if you were embracing science like these people then you would be embracing their theories too.

PS. Bacon tastes good, you should try it some time

PPS. I love my foreskin.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
I knew Nazism would come into this at some point, Jews have been persecuted so much over history, that they will bring it up in any argument, even when there are no Germans in this thread, never mind Germans who have the nazi political preference.

But if we can't forgive people for what has happend before their birth and choose to bring it up in every argument. I blame you and every other shylock nose on this planet for murdering the son of my god and in the process of this I will deny the holocaust.

Stop acting like you embrace science too, you keep saying that all these scientific theories are "implausable", yet they are what the majority of scientists and scientifically minded people believe to be correct, so if you were embracing science like these people then you would be embracing their theories too.

PS. Bacon tastes good, you should try it some time

PPS. I love my foreskin.

For the last page or two, he has been attacking science saying it's to blame for everything, hell, he even blamed the holocaust on science. Yet before he claimed to be a man of science. This just keeps getting better.

As for timescales, it was said Bacteria mutate (evolve) on a very short scale, and life evovled on a long scale. Its perfect aummuntion because bacteria is a single cell, and humans are millions of cells. So in relative speaking the timeslcae of the change is probably around the same if you take the amount of cells that need to change for a noticeable effect to occur.

Nazi Germany killed jews because they thought Jews were inferior, they being Christian therefore thought Cristianity to be superior over the Jewish religion, and the result of this was the killing of Jews because they were responsible for the death of Jesus. Science didn't come into WW2 in any dramatic form at all until Hiroshima, and even then, it was sceince that killed, it was the people involved in the decision, order and execution of the bomb.

Its basically the same case of "Guns kill" when in actual fact guns don't kill because a gun does not make a concious effort to fire a bullet at a particular person. The gun is merely a tool to kill with, just like Nuclear energy is a tool that can kill, but someone needs to make a concious decision to put it to that use.


Golden Oldie
Apr 14, 2004
Preston, UCLAN


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
peart, the fact that nazi's used science only for an excuse just show my thinking. i can easily call most of the Jihad today just a power war. i can call most of the Christians wars that their excuse was the defend their religious just a power war. Christianity itself might not order peoples to kill, but the lack of laws, and the easy usage of it as an excuse made millions of peoples suffer over the years, millions died by it. Christianity is guilty for having not enough laws, it is guilty for giving redemption too fast. it is guilty for letting it be an excuse to kill peoples. science is guilty on the same thing.
pyraine, ur just a moron, no other word for you, u could at least try to understand why i mention nazi's but u just jumped on it like an ant on a dead ****roach.
if u really have read what i posted, u would realize that the only thing i don't think like other peoples here is the fact that man was first created randomly.
if u deny holocaust, i can deny that the church was existed 50 years ago. same thing.
atomicide, are you trying in purpose to misunderstand me? i meant that peoples was using science as an excuse just like they used Christianity as an excuse. as u said already, fanatics.
now what that bacteria has to do anything with what i said? i said that life wouldn't appear from just proteins even with the best conditions u can give them.
if i was you i wouldn't talk about a subject i do not understand. ur totally wrong in ur view about WW2 and science. if i was you i would read a little before i would post the next post about it.
and about ur last paragraph, if i am saying by showing by some theories, that the blood of all the peoples from UK is poisoned, and it causes the human race to stop evolving as one of their gens do not allow it, and every time they make children with my French nation, they make them unable to evolve. now after that, i make army, i convince them that i am right, that i am fighting in the name of science, lets kill now everyone from UK! however in fact the only reason i say it is just because i don't like them. my whole research was a lie. i still use science as a religious. that what happened in the holocaust. they used science just as an excuse, and still, its just like religious.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
peart, the fact that nazi's used science only for an excuse just show my thinking. i can easily call most of the Jihad today just a power war. i can call most of the Christians wars that their excuse was the defend their religious just a power war. Christianity itself might not order peoples to kill, but the lack of laws, and the easy usage of it as an excuse made millions of peoples suffer over the years, millions died by it. Christianity is guilty for having not enough laws, it is guilty for giving redemption too fast. it is guilty for letting it be an excuse to kill peoples. science is guilty on the same thing.
pyraine, ur just a moron, no other word for you, u could at least try to understand why i mention nazi's but u just jumped on it like an ant on a dead ****roach.
if u really have read what i posted, u would realize that the only thing i don't think like other peoples here is the fact that man was first created randomly.
if u deny holocaust, i can deny that the church was existed 50 years ago. same thing.
atomicide, are you trying in purpose to misunderstand me? i meant that peoples was using science as an excuse just like they used Christianity as an excuse. as u said already, fanatics.
now what that bacteria has to do anything with what i said? i said that life wouldn't appear from just proteins even with the best conditions u can give them.
if i was you i wouldn't talk about a subject i do not understand. ur totally wrong in ur view about WW2 and science. if i was you i would read a little before i would post the next post about it.
and about ur last paragraph, if i am saying by showing by some theories, that the blood of all the peoples from UK is poisoned, and it causes the human race to stop evolving as one of their gens do not allow it, and every time they make children with my French nation, they make them unable to evolve. now after that, i make army, i convince them that i am right, that i am fighting in the name of science, lets kill now everyone from UK! however in fact the only reason i say it is just because i don't like them. my whole research was a lie. i still use science as a religious. that what happened in the holocaust. they used science just as an excuse, and still, its just like religious.

You know your a godamn fool right?

I'm not sure what point your trying to get at as I'm not sure you have a point at all any more. Also I can't tell whether your trying to be racially discriminative on purpose but you certainly seem to think that jewish people are superior to others pointing out so many flaws with christianity.

I'd suggest you steer away from this as not only have most people you are arguing with said they are not very religious (they are open minded, you should try that sometime) but also it's only a matter of time until people start pointing out some of the problems with your religion and this thread turns into a form of race war.

I don't usually come on here to flame but virtually everything your saying is utter bull and it seems you have a "I'm better than other people because my religion is correct" attitude.


May 7, 2003
Yep, I think twats with attitudes like him should be banned from the forums. He's like 10,000x worse than the people who tlk jst liek ths 2 gt thr pnt acrs, I mean thats annoying but this is ridiculous, maybe even laughable in a sad sort of way.

Poor ignorant jewish coont.