Is it true.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
This is rediculous. People are at war because of religion as they no no better. Historical wars were fought because they had to fight for their religion in order to get into "Heaven" and the thought of hell was inamaginable and terrified people. So if a war broke out because of a fight for their holyland they believe this will get them to heaven. Man religion sucks ass.

Mythonline go back to school. You obviously no nothing about science or history, infact im so sure you are just trying to research it on the internet as you go along.
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Golden Oldie
Apr 14, 2004
Preston, UCLAN
I thought most religious wars are to claim the Holy Land? Birth place of jesus? Dont think it has anything to do with going to heaven or hell.

Which makes religious wars even lamer.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
Personally, I've encountered alot of scientifically minded people trying to bury my beliefs with their theories and formulas, some they have genuinely read about, some they just try to make up themselves. I do not hold this against them as it is in their nature and cannot see logic in religion, they are wired that way, it is not their fault.

But to have another religious person sit here and post so much slander about another religion is pure ignorance. You clearly know nothing of Christians, I'm not sure what country you come from but I'm pretty sure it must be poland for you to have this narrowminded view on christianity. Other than the gas used in the showers, there was no science involved in the holocaust what so ever, so for you to bring it up is simply "I'm a jew so I must discuss my persecuted ancestors in every conversation" attitude.

Also to have you, "Mr I'll invent everything as I go along" call me a moron is truely rediculous, at least I keep to my original statements, at least my points, other than the blatant offensive ones are valid.

If Jews do not use Holy War for an excuse for power then why not give up the Gaza Strip in Israel? Just because the politicians and military leaders will shroud their activities in holy war does not mean the followers of the religions are all tar'd with this same brush.

Wake up you thick fucking retard. Get a belief, stick to it, and stop being so goddamned racist.

PS. I don't care what language you speak, I don't believe where you are from Paragraphs don't exist. Learn to use them so we don't have to chore our way through big massive blocks of text.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
He also fails to note that basic amino acid chains - the very first building blocks of life - have been proven to form randomly with electricity, water and various other components. It has been done in an experiment numerous times. The planet was turbulent millions of years ago and so the combination of those few select ingredients coming together really wasn't such a longshot.

You seen adament that you research before you post - clearly you don't


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
He also fails to note that basic amino acid chains - the very first building blocks of life - have been proven to form randomly with electricity, water and various other components. It has been done in an experiment numerous times. The planet was turbulent millions of years ago and so the combination of those few select ingredients coming together really wasn't such a longshot.

You seen adament that you research before you post - clearly you don't

We've tryed explaining the science to him and he wont take notice at all. He uses the same arguement of, "Yeh but what are the chances of those conditions being right" etc etc etc


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
He also fails to note that basic amino acid chains - the very first building blocks of life - have been proven to form randomly with electricity, water and various other components. It has been done in an experiment numerous times. The planet was turbulent millions of years ago and so the combination of those few select ingredients coming together really wasn't such a longshot.

You seen adament that you research before you post - clearly you don't

He didn't fail to note it, I think he point blank denied it was possibel somewhere near the start. Electricity, water and nitrogen were the key components if I remember correctly. We already have a 78% Nitrogen atmosphere, water (obviously) and the electricity was provided by thunderstorms.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Oct 2, 2005
omg, ur all just so retarded, there is absolutely no point in writing anything in this thread anymore as i already wrote my points, and there is absolutely no point at seeing you act to my points in the same way over and over. but just for giving me another good feeling of laughing on the idiots i will say a few things on my mind:
atomicide - the fact that you put out of connections some of other ppls saying doesn't make u smart. it make u retard. u can never win a scientific discussion over trying to use manipulating language, as its about facts, the fact that ur even trying to do it just show how nothing u know in this discussion, another few advice - do not reply if u don't know the facts and do not curse every 2nd word as its just make u pathetic.
Liandrin2 - i bet i know on science more then most of the peoples here, i was kinda a science freak in the last few years, however i don't find it useful to share my knowledge with some ppls that think they are "opened minded" however they are just the same retards i am seeing from time to time when i go to some clubs. the fact that u even think there is any connection between "open minded" and atheist just show ur unbelievable stupidity.
a true "open minded" person is no doubt a true genius, like Albert Einstein that opened his mind wide enough to find some stuff i doubt any of you will ever be able to understand. a true "open minded" person will be able to see any sort of idea and to really think about it, unlike you, that ur emotions just don't let you do any of that. i can see a universe with god, and without god, i find it more logical that there is god.
about the life, u guys are just making me laugh so badly... shorty, where the **** was i wrong? u wrote something, i showed to you that its still not effecting my point. tass, u just cannot accept the fact that i might be right, now can you? i will repeat myself for the last time, life CANNOT be created randomly from zero in any sort of condition, if anyone here learned in the university in the last few years, he would be able to understand it quite fast.
god is the most logical solution at the moment for this question, most of you just cannot understand it, just like most of the world wasn't ready to understand that the world was round.
and to mr. Pyraine aka as mr.
"Other than the gas used in the showers, there was no science involved in the holocaust what so ever, so for you to bring it up is simply "I'm a jew so I must discuss my persecuted ancestors in every conversation" attitude.
but the guy that don't know that the main excuse of the Nazi's to kill Jews was that our blood was poisoned and they did not want to mix it with their pure blood, also the guy that think that in his perfect little world where "science is another religious" and "Jews will always mention holocaust without any connection to reality" what can i say, ur probably one of the most retarded ppls ive ever seen.
Christian is probably the most ****ed up religious in the history, if suggest u should be the one that go on the library and read a little, as i already did it.
wittin, if it was that bad u wouldn't read it at all, and remember, don't look at the mirrors in ur house! its bad for you! u will suicide in the end!
tass, if u just think about it for a second, don't u find it quite logical that most of the religious wars during history was never really only about the religious? i myself with my religious don't suffer from what the Christians and the Muslims, lack of rules that make it so easy to use the religious to get a huge power.
again to everyone here, if it was so easy for life to be created, someone would prove it in experiment, u can bet that millions of man work years have been put on it for nothing.
u keep trying to push on me to prove one point, while i already proved u wrong so many times here, i just find it a bit annoying now after u started repeating urself over and over.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
tass, u just cannot accept the fact that i might be right, now can you? i will repeat myself for the last time, life CANNOT be created randomly from zero in any sort of condition, if anyone here learned in the university in the last few years, he would be able to understand it quite fast.

But it wasnt from zero. There was a universe many lightyears in size surrounding the place.......
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Mythonline you are the most retarded person to ever enter this forum. Not only are you a serious ****ing spastic, but you are so warped in your own existence that no matter whats said to you, you will still say your right.

You know what, if the rest of the Jews were even half as annoying as you im not suprised someone attempted tp purge them from the world. You are seriosuly so ****ing stupid and so ****ing annoying that words cannot convey just how badly you need to die. It wouldn't be enough for you to be banned from this forum, because you would walk around inflictiong your wierd veiws on the world.

If you read this thread over, you will realise that not one single person has actually agreed with you on any point you make. Not only do I know your wrong on jsut about everything, but everyone else is capable of telling your wrong.

You know nothing about science, you know nothing about religion, you don't even know that your supposed to double space on a paragraph. Your English is ****, your grammar is ****, your punctuation is ****. Your information is also a sack of crap.

In short, you are the single most ****ed up retard to ever enter this forum, and the reason im swearing every second word is because your ****ing frying my brain with your rediculous crap. Honestly **** off because nobody wants you here, **** off back to whatever ****fag country you've come from, cut yourself off from the world, then have a bacon sandwich, kill yourself and go to Jewish hell.

On the subject of your ******** religion, its ****. Yeah, the Jewss are responsible for any major wars *cough* palastine/Isreal/iran *cough* but your such ****ing cowards that you didn't even fight back in WW2 apart from a few ****ty uprisings that amounted to nothing. Despite the fact Jews were warned of concentratin camps and gas chambers they still got on the trains and went, many entirely by choice because they beleived the Nazi's over their own people. Jewish leaders effectively lead their own people to their deaths in many cases.

So take a leaf from your religion and **** off, and preferably end up dead in the process you ****bag.