Judgement Server - New Host and Restart!

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 22, 2003
Name: N/A
Down At The Moment

We apologise but the server is currently OFFLINE due to hosting problems but we hope it will be up again today (Sunday 8th) or tomorrow. After the rough (re)start we hope it will be good again once we get a good host!

Website - www.judgementserver.co.uk

Please check the FAQs Announcements and Important Links section when you first go to the forum.

Judgement Server, originally made by Stanislav (although no longer associated with him because he didn't want it to be) has made it's return, with a new host, after some issues with hosting recently we have found a new host and the server will be up 24/7 with much more stability.

The server has also been restarted because we thought this was the only way forward for the server after events that ruined the economy and levelling system, so there was nothing else for high levels to aim for and low levels didn't want to play because everyone had everything and were too far behind. We are hoping this restart will attract the old users back and lots of new users alike.

The server is also being constantly updated by our Development team, consisting of 4 people, we are working on some great new and unique ideas never seen on a server before, and lots of smaller additions, so watch this space ;)

The forum is also shared with Mir 3 - Fantasy Server, which creates an even larger community where you can get to know new people, and it is very active, around 150 users on the forum everyday now, and we are growing constantly.

Special Features Of Judgement Server:

Unique experience system where bosses give very high exp! You will have to come ingame to experience this.

Almost all Items buyable through special merchant (reasonable price)

5+ New Provinces (Including Prajna Island, Castle Gy-roon and Past Bichon!)
10+ New Hunting Areas
100+ New Items
50+ New Monsters
3+ New Spells (Including Energy Repulse)
Two Taoist Pets
New Wizard Pets (And standard wizard pets lower level to tame)
New PK Village (Slave Camp)
Instant Refine
Sabuk Bug Fixed
Fast 0-30 Leveling
Level 50 Possible
Hold 1 Billion Gold (Bag)
Non-currupt GMs
Large Community
Effect Potions
REACT System

How to play Judgement Server:

If you already have mir 1.4 installed please skip step one (but it has to be a fresh install)
  1. Download Mir 1.4 from here (Download) And install it.
  2. Download the Judgement Server Patch from here (Download) and install it to the same directory as Mir 1.4 is installed.
Please note you will need winrar to install all of these patches, which you can get from here (Download)

You can now play Judgement Server! We hope you enjoy It!

If a link goes down could i please be told so i can sort it out.

Please note that you cannot use Mir 1.4i, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 or 1.7i with Judgement Server.
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