[Other] [KaoriMIM] When a color is transparent?

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2007
Palma, Mallorca
Hi, as Kaori's svn is down and I can't check it anymore, I wanted to ask you if you knew when does KaoriMIM convert a black (or almost-black) pixel to transparent.

I mean, i know that RGB(0,0,0) goes to transparent, but other colors, near to that one, also go to transparent.

Do you know which is the rule?

Thank you

-- Okay, sorted.

if (r <= 4 && g <= 2 && b <= 4) goes transparent.

There's an RGB chart. The first 16x16 blocks are RGB(0, 0-15 [row], 0-15 [col]), the second 16x16 are with R=1, etc.

This second chart shows how Kaori considers transparent some colors (red-marked).
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