LomCN Makeover news...

smoochy boys on tour
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Heya everyone :)

As ya may have noticed the fourm is going under a signifficant change. Most of this is 'under the hood' stuff, but its for the benefit of the forum. For far too long people have concentrated on the staff, causing disputes and annoyances. From now on there will be NO IDENTIFIED STAFF. Soon as our changes have been put in place, the skeleton repair team currently at work will be disbanded (which includes myself, and Auron - and a few smods. However we will be around to make sure everything is running smoothly.

The fourm will have ONE admin, and ONE smod, who will be released shortly under a protected name - who controls them is none of your concern, but they will do their job very well as you have trusted them before :). This 2 person team will listen to the complaints, compliments, and suggestions you have and will respond just like a 'good' moderator would have. They will also deal with their primary function - keeping the forum a good tidy friendly place. They do not have to warn you when a thread is going to close, or be deleted (for not complying to the rules). They can warn you within the limits of a strict rule/guidance system - and you are free to complain. Single fourm mods will continue as normal as we value their contribution and service. However you could be removed at any time if too many complaints are received.

Other changes include the removal of the Hall of Flame, as we have found that the cons outweight the pros of this fourm. All you do is bicker and argue - a lot of which has been aimed at staff and continues onto other threads. From now on, if you dont like something with the board you will use the Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions fourm. General Off-topic will largely be unmoderated but useless spam and flames WILL be deleated as they are brought to the teams attention.

We are also cleaning out the Mir2 Server Help forum in order to make it a little easier to search through in order to find what you need, this task will also expland to various other fourms as the helpers contracted come and go.

Meanwhile the fourm will continue on as normal

On a personal note, I would like to thank the previous Smod team on a job well done. All the suggestions you have left in the previous private fourms are being reviewed to see which would be beneficial. You have done a lot for this community, and provided a valuable wake up call - dont let it stop now.

Tyvm 4 ur support :)
/LOMCN Administration Team
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[Items off task list completed]
1. Removed HoF
2. Assigned team and a temp smod to sort Mir2 Server Help into useful posts and ****.
3. Sorted the Mir 1.5 catagory - will edit furthur later.
4. Appointed another temp Smod for general moderating and server advertisments.
5. Allowed people to reply to server advertisments.
6. Review rules for each and every fourm
7. Choose the new admin and smod
8. Create guidelines for new admin and smod
9. Disband helper skeleton staff, smods, and admins.

1. Create a new Server Reviews system
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