Longevity of Mir 2

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Aug 13, 2020
Far out idea, what if we banned cash shops altogether. Only the most dedicated creators who are already self sustaining would be allowed to have their servers listed. No more cash grabbing with ridiculous game shop prices.

The rinse/repeat cash cowing from the select few on here have not done mir any favors.
There is no need for the cash shops, although that depends if you want to run a Mir Business or do it for enjoyment.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2015
Thanks for feedback wasn't directed only at you was just in general

In your one your feedback is to remove the usercount listing which I can see a poll has popped up to gauge interest in removing it

What about your other points though? You have raised a few things other than just usercount around apoc / donations what's the solutions there?
Don’t allow servers with any form of “gambling” for items in the game shop to advertise on here, should be if you buy something you get it instead of having to pay to roll slots / buying books but being a lottery which one you get etc.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
Do people not play games out nowadays?
Nothing is free that’s life.
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Nexus Mir Developer
Sep 7, 2012
Elite has proven that gameshops and crypto isnt needed in order to have a successful server both player wise and financially. any server that hosts an OTT/OP gameshop is clearly out to make nothing but profit.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
Elite has proven that gameshops and crypto isnt needed in order to have a successful server both player wise and financially. any server that hosts an OTT/OP gameshop is clearly out to make nothing but profit.
That’s their choice, again it all comes down to “don’t like it then don’t play” what is the issue


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Far out idea, what if we banned cash shops altogether. Only the most dedicated creators who are already self sustaining would be allowed to have their servers listed. No more cash grabbing with ridiculous game shop prices.

The rinse/repeat cash cowing from the select few on here have not done mir any favors.
wont work, because people will privately trade/sell items, and you'll still have the whales that p2w.

How do you stop greed? That's one for lomcn to assess the game store and decide and potentially judge.

That's also why I only made the single suggestion so that people are not baited into high UC greed servers. The greed is a more complicated matter.
No.. its not down to lomcn at all.. they are not the fkin mir police.
And even if you do that, and lomcn ban that server, the server will continue, just like mir revenge did.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Long and short of it is community shrinks each year, Quality of servers being created are pretty trash prime example is what I call copy paste servers which are pretty much the same server with a few minor changes made that last 3-4 months just to milk some cash off the communities players very few creators on lomcn are trying to fix issues, or make new content and that is the main reason the community is shrinking each year.

What the site really needs is for the Mir4 or MirM files so that new members from their offical games who quit due to how grindy the offical version are and pay to win. Let me tell you I logged onto all 3 Mir4 P-servers that are about online and there is a lot of users that if the files were on this site and an experienced creator with knowledge of the games got them they could revive the sites community and once there on the site then maybe they would try a Mir2/3 server aswell as the community tend to go where their mates are.

I'm currently playing on Rogue Mir4 and there cash shop is making an absolute killing and the server is fun and you get a lot of value for spending but you can compete to an extent without spending.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
I don’t see a single comment about Iceman doing his server for the 1000th time, because he won’t take your players? 😂
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 3, 2012
There must be an un written rule somewhere that states you must donate???

If u decide to spend your money on a game for the advertised products that are in game I.E the game shop that's on you, if u decide to spend 100s or even 1000s on a 20 year old game that may or may not last you only have yourself to blame, not the devs I agree devs should limit this p2w **** but its not down to LOMCN to police servers if devs make the game p2w just don't play or don't spend its really simple it all boils down to common sense really


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2019
There must be an un written rule somewhere that states you must donate???

If u decide to spend your money on a game for the advertised products that are in game I.E the game shop that's on you, if u decide to spend 100s or even 1000s on a 20 year old game that may or may not last you only have yourself to blame, not the devs I agree devs should limit this p2w **** but its not down to LOMCN to police servers if devs make the game p2w just don't play or don't spend its really simple it all boils down to common sense really
Sometimes the GMs force us to donate, mir is all about competition if you dont donate you cant really compete in p2w servers
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2019
You are mentally challenged if you think you’re being forced.

Don’t like it, delete it… simple
I don't mean 100% forced but if you want to compete then surely you have no other choice but to use the stuff in gameshop
Yeah I agree mate

Want to know what I do? ALT Q, delete files play something else

Not hard isit
Good idea! But Then i'd have nothing to play though haha ><


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
Mir M is out at the end in the month, check their shops official wemade.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2015
Main problem is down to the mentality of players left playing Mir. Usercount > content/features to most of the players left. A false belief that the PvP is better with more people, but generally its there are more people lower level than them to 1-2hit, rather than actual bigger guild v guild PvP over a boss/objective.

People are saying create and run a server as a hobby, dont make it p2w etc. yet they want a AAA game service from these GM's with a dedicated GM/team who can provide a 24/7 service. A bug free game, yet they only play beta to work out the best way to gain an advantage and not assist with actually testing for issues. If you want that 0 bugs and 24/7 support then expect to fund that level of time for the server team. It takes a minimum 3 months to create any decent server that is not just a release from source or updated from last iteration of server. 6-12months for those ones with good customisations and new features (team size depending), even longer for anyone doing it as a hobby.

Players also want to spend to win. From the brief time running a mir3 server a few years ago, with a gameshop focussed on cosmetics with just a few exp pots & pig reroll pots you could classify as p2w, I can tell you people who play Mir are mainly interested in the p2w aspect of the game shop. The "p2w" sales outnumbered the non-p2w sales about 10to1. If the gameshop doesn't have it, then players will have others willing to farm and sell them gold/items/levelling to get a head.

Then you have the "hardcore" players who can still play Mir 12-15hours a day. Either complain if you have any sort of catchup/afk/shop/instance mechanic for people who only have a few hours in the evening. They love to hunt players significantly weaker than them just to give themselves an ego boost, rather than tackling the content appropriate for them. If you put in measures to deter this they consider it un-mir like. This behaviour however just kills the usercount as it is not enjoyable for the lower level guy to be getting smashed around in their appropriate area by a guy who should be numerous areas ahead and not near this content anymore.

Then you have the players who play servers solely to sell gold/items to feed into the core group of players willing to buy it. They will jump on at the start to make the best profit then jump off when its not worth it anymore.

Doesn't matter how much content, new features etc a server puts out, the community still behaves the same, chasing the next fresh server for the new user count hype and to try to be #1.


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Main problem is down to the mentality of players left playing Mir. Usercount > content/features to most of the players left. A false belief that the PvP is better with more people, but generally its there are more people lower level than them to 1-2hit, rather than actual bigger guild v guild PvP over a boss/objective.

People are saying create and run a server as a hobby, dont make it p2w etc. yet they want a AAA game service from these GM's with a dedicated GM/team who can provide a 24/7 service. A bug free game, yet they only play beta to work out the best way to gain an advantage and not assist with actually testing for issues. If you want that 0 bugs and 24/7 support then expect to fund that level of time for the server team. It takes a minimum 3 months to create any decent server that is not just a release from source or updated from last iteration of server. 6-12months for those ones with good customisations and new features (team size depending), even longer for anyone doing it as a hobby.

Players also want to spend to win. From the brief time running a mir3 server a few years ago, with a gameshop focussed on cosmetics with just a few exp pots & pig reroll pots you could classify as p2w, I can tell you people who play Mir are mainly interested in the p2w aspect of the game shop. The "p2w" sales outnumbered the non-p2w sales about 10to1. If the gameshop doesn't have it, then players will have others willing to farm and sell them gold/items/levelling to get a head.

Then you have the "hardcore" players who can still play Mir 12-15hours a day. Either complain if you have any sort of catchup/afk/shop/instance mechanic for people who only have a few hours in the evening. They love to hunt players significantly weaker than them just to give themselves an ego boost, rather than tackling the content appropriate for them. If you put in measures to deter this they consider it un-mir like. This behaviour however just kills the usercount as it is not enjoyable for the lower level guy to be getting smashed around in their appropriate area by a guy who should be numerous areas ahead and not near this content anymore.

Then you have the players who play servers solely to sell gold/items to feed into the core group of players willing to buy it. They will jump on at the start to make the best profit then jump off when its not worth it anymore.

Doesn't matter how much content, new features etc a server puts out, the community still behaves the same, chasing the next fresh server for the new user count hype and to try to be #1.
One thing is when you have a Game Shop like Jamie for example, other is when you see Paralysis Ring for 500$, Mir Box items and other crap in GameShop.

Players buying this much are to blame up to a point. But when up next is to allow crypto payments only, inflating server usercount with auto play, its a whole new different pandora box which probably its not going to be exploited by Bon but by others who have bad intentions.

Then you will see other users going against it and can't do **** because Bon was allowed to have auto play and ONLY crypto payments on his server, so why others not? It will slowly snowball into lots of ppls quiting when they see auto afk and shitcoins on every server.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
lol too much to read now :(
but i'll at least give some input based on my tiny experience in mir :p

i have never paid for a mir server (i know i'm evil), however offering a feeling of p2w is almost always a guarantee for high usercount early on (mostly because the first ppl to join a server are often the usual crowd that hops arround for that early advantage in pvp and leave once more casual catch up)

usercount faking: if you think this is something that's only done by those cashgrab / p2w/ server of the month type deals: you're dead wrong> i dont know any mir server that lasted more then 6 months with a 20+ usercount that didnt fake/inflate their usercount (not going to call names but i'd say every server with more then 50 players over the past 10+ years had inflated counts although not always intentional).

who to allow/block on lomcn advertisement/rankings:
if you start playing judge on what is a good/bad server then you're going to quickly anger a massive chunk of the mir playerbase and you'll just decrease the potential playerbase for whatever server you like. fact is even if you disagree with the cashgrab/ short term servers> players seem to keep going back to them so maybe a part of your community wants those?

finally the big reason i mostly 'dislike' mir servers: (sort of)
most dont really bother to finetune their server untill weeks / months after launch (they'll often launch an early access state and just see if it's worth continueing).
and then you get a ton of whining about unbalance/missing (broken) features / ... and gm's burning out or just not even bothering to start work since ppl are gonna whine anyway


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
One thing is when you have a Game Shop like Jamie for example, other is when you see Paralysis Ring for 500$, Mir Box items and other crap in GameShop.

Players buying this much are to blame up to a point. But when up next is to allow crypto payments only, inflating server usercount with auto play, its a whole new different pandora box which probably its not going to be exploited by Bon but by others who have bad intentions.

Then you will see other users going against it and can't do **** because Bon was allowed to have auto play and ONLY crypto payments on his server, so why others not? It will slowly snowball into lots of ppls quiting when they see auto afk and shitcoins on every server.
Do you not know how crypto works? Or are you really that dumb?
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Dec 9, 2021
I hope for Mir M and Euro Reborn to turn around all this drama that LOMCN appears to be going through.

Let's be hopeful for these and keep pushing for idiots to be stopped in doing their silly games like cheating etc.
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