Longevity of Mir 2

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Mir2 Server Creator
Dedicated Member
Aug 17, 2015
you mean you PAY someone to fix your bugs because you cant code for **** either!
Lets see ur big project mr big code man 👌
I do not pay to fix but a big system coded i can fix and do alot of things myself and im proud of myself at least i dnt spam **** about others and i keep silence taking care of my things and focus my time in the things related to myself not bothered about anyone else 🙂



Why the f are we still here?
Golden Oldie
May 10, 2009
County Durham
Ya'll just bashing each other and are off-topic now really.

User count isn't going to make a big difference once a server with quality and fresh idea's appear. *Rolls in Sanj's server*
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Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
Lets see ur big project mr big code man 👌
I do not pay to fix but a big system coded i can fix and do alot of things myself and im proud of myself at least i dnt spam **** about others and i keep silence taking care of my things and focus my time in the things related to myself not bothered about anyone else 🙂

you insulted someone for not being a coder because the server crashed on release, like 99% of servers do, i recon spliff has more coding knowledge now that you have, atleast he knows how to run a server... i dont know anyone that doesnt think youre a tool...
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Apr 5, 2014
Mir has been a money spin for the last god knows how long. Why are people so bent out of shape over it? Do they not like to see people profiting from their hard work ?
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Aug 13, 2020
you insulted someone for not being a coder because the server crashed on release, like 99% of servers do, i recon spliff has more coding knowledge now that you have, atleast he knows how to run a server... i dont know anyone that doesnt think youre a tool...
I'm told he turned on ICMP and had an ANY ALL rule on his firewall.. so allowing anyone and everyone full access to all ports, which one of our team members tried helping him fix, because we're the bad guys.. then blames us for the attack lol..
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Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
I'm told he turned on ICMP and had an ANY ALL rule on his firewall.. so allowing anyone and everyone full access to all ports, which one of our team members tried helping him fix, because we're the bad guys.. then blames us for the attack lol..
i just dont understand his mentality, anyone who runs a mir server should be a coder?

the whole point of crystal when far started working on them was so the average joe bloggs could get a server up and running and be able to play, it required 0 coding knowledge and just time spent reading through the search function on the forums, its how i started. i know how to do some things but i dont go around calling myself a coder because i dont think i am, but i certainly wouldnt call anyone out on not being a coder.

hes a moron and the language barrier isnt an issue, he knows perfectly well what i think of him.

but even after all that i still helped him fix his crash issues he posted on these very forums he insults us on... people have very short memories when they want to insult someone
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
With imagination you can do so many massive features using npc scripts alone.

Really coding it just makes it easier (or not in some cases) to troubleshoot and implement

Just using scripts for testing awhile back I created a shard system that had weighted global RNG, so after certain hand in requirements were met more items became available based on the entire player base hand ins


Jan 23, 2014
Lets see ur big project mr big code man 👌
I do not pay to fix but a big system coded i can fix and do alot of things myself and im proud of myself at least i dnt spam **** about others and i keep silence taking care of my things and focus my time in the things related to myself not bothered about anyone else 🙂

Imagine this rat called out @Sanjian on coding i honestly almost fell off chair :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2017

18 crashes on launch day is incorrect - happy to provide the server logs, yes had a few crashes like EVERY server including yours. - Edit, checked and it was 2.

I'm not blaming anyone for my failings, unsure where you are getting that from.

Think i've done a fine job running Banshee, its lastest longer than all of yours?

You know full well that the main pull of any server is the initial pull of launch... otherwise you'd still be on your first, no?

Not getting involved with everything else on this thread, but I have to say that everyone who I speak to about Banshee server has nothing but good things to say about it and you as the GM (especially being your first attempt at running a server)

Being a player on there myself It was a shame that the hype of Sapphire was unfortunately timed with Banshee at it's peak.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2015
Tbh it’s up to the community ultimately to pick what sort of server they want to play, the community constantly complains about “3 month servers” while the user count jumps from server to server while established servers get left in the dust.

If people choose to keep playing the p2w servers gms will keep putting them up. Hopefully now there’s alternatives some users will stick from servers instead of jumping on the next shiny one while complaining servers don’t last.

It’s ok slagging off gena etc constantly, but people keep playing his servers and chucking stupid money at them, you know what you are getting now, tbf iv never seen him abandon a server, a new shiny one comes up everyone fks up and he gets slagged off for his servers not lasting.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2003
I left mir when euro died, I decided to come back mid 2019. In that time I've seen one GM release 2 servers and is now advertising his 3rd, all having massivly p2w system's to make cash. I've seen another release 4 and is now I'd guess planning his 5th for a few months time, which have all had massive p2w shops to milk the community. With both GMs reportedly sellling on the side to. Rumour or not, it's the rep both off them have.

There is also guys who just keep popping up from Egypt popping up servers every few months and being linked with the dregs off mir community. These don't even get an avoid tag 🤣🤣

I've seen one server absolutely milk the community dry and got there come uppance with recalls from complete lack off any effort or communication, after initially taking in at a guess 10s off thousands in first season.. abosulely milked the community then disappeared.

We have now had Spliff and Win try run servers without the complete p2w element, which is great to see.. By the looks off it Sanjin is doing the same.

The mir community is just a toxic place and I can see why lilcooledude won't ever release chrons v2 or make a fresh server. So mir will stay how it is now, the hard-core players jumping server to server for a month untill there top dogs and bored. While Crying all the time on discord putting off the casuals., as they force server owners to pander to there every whims as they donate silly money, which doesn't involve the casual players.

Half the user base are casuals, who play as they enjoy the game as something to pass the time away, and for the nostalgia. So a server for the casual players Like Elite should hopefully last a lot longer then any off the cash cows. Which in turn should hopefully sway the gms who ain't in it for the fastest 4 week gain money grab to maybe get together and finally make a long term server.
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Oct 4, 2018
all i'm reading is jealously, Elite is a fine one to talk about corruption and greed. U got mamp insulting people (U have learning difficulties) 1673116642842.png i saw this and quit,, i have kids with learning difficulties its not by choice they was born with it.. and being racist is that how u treat your player base? At least apoc was up front and direct without all the insults and racist remarks not only that he's playing the server with real players in a real guild and screenshotting teleport rings saying he sold it to guild for 20millions 1673116968888.png and constantly on the defensive i remember he even argued with he's brother........... u ban gold sellers but not the actual buyers. Buyers are the reason u have gold sellers.................... like DannyIII he openly admits on discord constantly of times about buying gold/items u didn't ban him.

Elite needs AVOID TAG. i wont be returning with GMS like that

I don't see an issue with any thing bon is doing if he wants to do crypto currency than that's the choice he made......... i dunno why its such a big deal at least bons way i don't think you'll have much issues with gold sellers u can buy directly off the website using crypto currency i see that as a good thing u don't feed the Egyptians and u got less chance of being scammed i think people should adopt some of these ideas to prevent gold selling and people feeding the gold sellers

Apoc was greedy but end of the day if u don't wanna spend don't??

Usercount on LOMCN is OK it doesn't take u 5 minutes to log in and see the actual user count or from the advertisements when it has stalls/fishing/minning u know its gonna be a fake user count..

Good talk buddha out
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 31, 2010
Exaggerated much?

First as everyone knows I play Elite and run the Elite guild on the game and now I'm a GM and doing coding but that doesn't mean anyone is doing anything wrong. I take screenshots of stuff all the time, I even sometimes use my main for testing but never do anything that gives an unfair advantage but playing allows the best form of testing rather than relying on feedback from players who all want different outcomes.

People just like being petty because they don't like the way he does things that need done.

As someone who has 4 kids and 3 of them have mental health issues and 1 has global development delay, I don't see the problem when players say far worse and disgusting things to everyone.
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Mar 23, 2009
all i'm reading is jealously, Elite is a fine one to talk about corruption and greed. U got mamp insulting people (U have learning difficulties) View attachment 30032 i saw this and quit,, i have kids with learning difficulties its not by choice they was born with it.. and being racist is that how u treat your player base? At least apoc was up front and direct without all the insults and racist remarks not only that he's playing the server with real players in a real guild and screenshotting teleport rings saying he sold it to guild for 20millions View attachment 30033 and constantly on the defensive i remember he even argued with he's brother........... u ban gold sellers but not the actual buyers. Buyers are the reason u have gold sellers.................... like DannyIII he openly admits on discord constantly of times about buying gold/items u didn't ban him.

Elite needs AVOID TAG. i wont be returning with GMS like that

I don't see an issue with any thing bon is doing if he wants to do crypto currency than that's the choice he made......... i dunno why its such a big deal at least bons way i don't think you'll have much issues with gold sellers u can buy directly off the website using crypto currency i see that as a good thing u don't feed the Egyptians and u got less chance of being scammed i think people should adopt some of these ideas to prevent gold selling and people feeding the gold sellers

Apoc was greedy but end of the day if u don't wanna spend don't??

Usercount on LOMCN is OK it doesn't take u 5 minutes to log in and see the actual user count or from the advertisements when it has stalls/fishing/minning u know its gonna be a fake user count..

Good talk buddha out

I have a brother with learning difficulties, was without oxygen at birth for around 15 minutes, suffered brain damage and as a result lives with cerebral palsy, dyslexia, dyspraxia and a long list of other learning difficulties.
The difference in his case is that it wasn't inherited. It was the fault of midwife incorrectly prescribing medication.

I'm not sure if you're implying that banning Egyptian gold sellers is racist? As for banning buyers or sellers, we have always looked for conclusive evidence before acting which is incredibly difficult to police through logs. In the case of the many banned accounts, they were simply advertising in public to contact them to buy gold. Very easy case to resolve,

Personally I find exploiting players for cash immoral, but each to their own. Players will make their choices based on what they enjoy generally, and some will be essentially targeted in a similar way to which scam phone callers operate.

I maintain the same point regarding user counts. If they don't show the number of users playing, they shouldn't really be there. Simple really.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2019
I actually been trying to avoid replying to this thread but too much talks and digs on me so this is my only reply on this I will not read anymore of this post I will just remain doing what I do which is working on my server and trying to keep it alive as much as I can while it has users until it reaches user count 0.

actually I am starting to see how dark you're from the inside XD You're the first GM I see while running an active server who keeps talking about the servers that are as well going on with his server or upcoming ones you started talking **** on my server before I even had it online and saying the usual **** of "Cashcow blabla" while you were pming me privately on discord asking for help fixing the guild alliance mode feature and once Ben had published that he will have a server coming online you also started talking **** their team I can't see you but an envious person who is worrying that his server who he thought will remain online for 3 years is just about to be completly dead not just that but your more of a double face as simply you talking about fake users? your server's users usually indicates 140-150 while players online on your server confirms that they barely find quarter of that online that I have seen video yesterday on your server during OKS fight that literally only had like 10 players against each other around how come you have 150 players online while the most important boss fight only has 10? As well as your safe zone barely have any players standing their that indicates a 150 user server which raises a lot of questions if you ask me while you have no afk required users such as fishing mining or stalls so simply your server should be nassievely croweded while the players who actually play the server can't see that.

for you I really can't find anything but jokes you started a server that literally had 18 crashes on its first day and you're putting blame on other GMs who actually know how to run a server code and fix bugs that your server can't go bigger? I understand you're still learning and I have been there myself but I never blamed anyone for this but myself that I am learning and apologizing for the inconvenience I caused to my players not throw **** on other GMs which is also funny coming from a GM who doesn't know how to run server files that you had a minor issue ended up you rewinding your server half day! So before we all start talking about each other **** lets just focus on what is ours and ourselves because nobody forces players to play others servers if your server is better it will take all the players and it will do the noise itself take Ben as a reference and watch how his servers always booms regardless of the cons he has.

Just a friendly advice from someone who just usually played to your servers and enjoyed but it seems the mir scene is getting more of envious people tbf so better set up good protecton for your dedi server instead of getting attacks just as the ones that I had in the very beginning as you can see people starting to be more of haters than players.
3gena so rich from his cashcow servers rofl he can afford to study english at college in Cairo now:ROFLMAO:
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2004
Exaggerated much?

First as everyone knows I play Elite and run the Elite guild on the game and now I'm a GM and doing coding but that doesn't mean anyone is doing anything wrong. I take screenshots of stuff all the time, I even sometimes use my main for testing but never do anything that gives an unfair advantage but playing allows the best form of testing rather than relying on feedback from players who all want different outcomes.

People just like being petty because they don't like the way he does things that need done.

As someone who has 4 kids and 3 of them have mental health issues and 1 has global development delay, I don't see the problem when players say far worse and disgusting things to everyone.
Sod off mate hardly exaggerated. go back to that comment when map said i had learning difficulties show me where i insulted him i didnt i mentioned dull gems having 10minutes is a stupid idea. u know what i never insulted mamp. i dislike the guy but i never let that get in between us or insult the guy. id fking LOVE to see me insulting him just once. never did but yet its alright for GM to go round insulting people and being racist?

worst thing i ever said about mamp was he be the death of elite with all this **** he does PKING people, showing screenshots of a teleport ring saying he sold it to a guildie. if u dnt want people to think its corrupt than dont give people reason to. dumb arses think its alright to do such things and cry when someone calls u out about it HELLO?? no wonder people quitting elite left right and centre. honestly do u guys even have half a BRAIN!?
Do u honestly think GMS posting screenshots of the rarest items in game being in a guild and saying u sold to a guildie for 20m is alright? and nobody would think twice of corruption? seriously give ya heads a wobble

PLAYERS are the reason ELITE stil running. without the players u have NO server. if u cant grasp that than good luck too u all.

Win made this post cause of Bon making a server with crypto it all started on elite official discord how u got everyone including spliff to make a post about LOMCN enforcing such rubbish about user count and people popping up servers left right and centre to make a quick cash grab. Like its anyone elses business but the people making the servers. LOMCN cannot control what servers get made nah can they tell hosts not to have a game shop. its been like this for last 15+ years?! LOMCN arent our mum and dad its a pitstop for all Mir related goods and other games. but all of a sudden its a problem cause someone on hes high all mighty horse with Subscription server isn't making 1000s like Apoc did?. U all slagging off Bon, apoc and 3genas servers like its any of ur business and its effecting you get ya dick out of everyone else pie and make elite better? starting with less crap from GMS.. just a thought

I have a brother with learning difficulties, was without oxygen at birth for around 15 minutes, suffered brain damage and as a result lives with cerebral palsy, dyslexia, dyspraxia and a long list of other learning difficulties.
The difference in his case is that it wasn't inherited. It was the fault of midwife incorrectly prescribing medication.

I'm not sure if you're implying that banning Egyptian gold sellers is racist? As for banning buyers or sellers, we have always looked for conclusive evidence before acting which is incredibly difficult to police through logs. In the case of the many banned accounts, they were simply advertising in public to contact them to buy gold. Very easy case to resolve,

Personally I find exploiting players for cash immoral, but each to their own. Players will make their choices based on what they enjoy generally, and some will be essentially targeted in a similar way to which scam phone callers operate.

I maintain the same point regarding user counts. If they don't show the number of users playing, they shouldn't really be there. Simple really.
good for you mate doesnt give u the rights to go round insulting people saying theyve got learning difficulties. i didnt give u no reason to insult me. not that i care tbf water of a ducks arse But you're in a COMMUNITY ur a GAMEMASTER u should have RESPECT for you're players otherwise ur gonna have NONE left. i worked retail and amount of **** u get is unreal but it doesnt give u the rights to call them retards with learning difficulties(under ya breathe when noone around maybe) just food for thought....

U can suger coat it however the fk u like Game masters should not be playing with players. u have test servers for that... during LIVE u just open yourself up to speculations and accusations. Suger coat it all u like. ur a gamemaster control of EVERYTHING not a player that controls nothing but the gold he earns and exp he grinds and cash he puts in your pockets

Ill leave that to sink in. im sure the penny will drop soon. i know being Gamemaster gives u this all mighty power like your some GOD 100s+ of people looking up to u looking for nerfs, buffs, answers and help. mostly buffs mind you. but its definitely not U have learning difficulties cause i said dull gems lasting 10minutes is a stupid idea..

bottom line of it all u talk corrupt and wanting people to get AVOID server tags servers removed cause game masters do this that and whatever else?

Elite should get AVOID/banned for the **** game masters do on a daily bases and abuse there players in game. At least Apoc hide behind there corruption and didnt advertise it and gave us a choice if we wanted to buy gamegold or not and be dragged in to their corrupted ways unlike elite official discord does.. ur Subject to verbal abuse from the game masters. harassed in game and pked by the game masters Apoc/3gena and no doubtly Bon wont be logging in joinning guilds with players going round PKING people with said guild and taking screenshots of having one of the rarest items in game and saying its sold for 20m JOKE or not. its not funny it gives people ammotion to say ur corrupt prove me wrong.

and james come on now. remember EvilMir. u was telling us how to kill it. what stage it was on?. Laslo asked how u knew. and u said u checked the GAMEMASTER CONSOLE.. LUNAR?! remember that one?. Ur corrupt aswell. i know ur gonna try deny it. but i was there on discord voice chat. i can say ALOT more but ima stop for now let u prove me wrong.
PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHY GAME MASTERS SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING WITH THE PLAYERS U HAVE ALL THE POWER. Elite is corrupt has they come. and its in clear sight for every one to see.

if anyone needs AVOID it be ELITE

exaggerate on that mate. ^^
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 31, 2010
Yes you are completely correct, I and many others know how to kill evil mir, hardly corruption and yes I looked at what stage it was on, none of these give advantage, infact I'm the one currently making Evil Mir more difficult and have a lot of changes lined up for it based on how crap it is.
No idea what your talking about in terms of Lunar? the fact I thought I knew the route and ended up being wrong? lol

Just because people know things doesn't mean that it's giving an advantage, many players no far more than I do in terms of ways to kill bosses or routes from A-B

I know your upset because you hid behind another account to make a shitty post about the server then lie about it, I mean come on you were on our discord for so long and you decide to do something as low as this and then lie about it.

People will make there own judgements about our server, if they want to play fine, if they don't then thats fine too. I mean it comes down to trust not what gets said, since a lot of people are on the discord being abusive towards players/GMs or make non-constructive moans about silly things then expect to be treated normally afterwards.

I'm defo corrupt though and so are Win/Mamp, so yea if you believe the above, stay clear of Elite Mir...
or if you fancy playing a server where you don't have to spend hard and just enjoy the game, come join us.

Despite everyone having a dislike for Mamp just because he likes to try and keep balance within the server, I'm glad he does, he puts in a lot of time and effort to level the playing field and maybe some people don't agree with him (including me at times), it's worth doing for the exact title of this forum topic.

The fact that 3 of us put our time and effort in to the server just to be called corrupt over some pettiness is pretty sad to say the least. Not like we're reaping thousands in for personal gain, the money goes towards the costs of the server and to pay for devoper help when really needed but we should treat everyone like it's a paid service as if we're raking it in and buying mansions, fancy cars and living the best life. Not giving up our own personal time to try and please the majority.


Mar 23, 2009
Sod off mate hardly exaggerated. go back to that comment when map said i had learning difficulties show me where i insulted him i didnt i mentioned dull gems having 10minutes is a stupid idea. u know what i never insulted mamp. i dislike the guy but i never let that get in between us or insult the guy. id fking LOVE to see me insulting him just once. never did but yet its alright for GM to go round insulting people and being racist?

worst thing i ever said about mamp was he be the death of elite with all this **** he does PKING people, showing screenshots of a teleport ring saying he sold it to a guildie. if u dnt want people to think its corrupt than dont give people reason to. dumb arses think its alright to do such things and cry when someone calls u out about it HELLO?? no wonder people quitting elite left right and centre. honestly do u guys even have half a BRAIN!?
Do u honestly think GMS posting screenshots of the rarest items in game being in a guild and saying u sold to a guildie for 20m is alright? and nobody would think twice of corruption? seriously give ya heads a wobble

PLAYERS are the reason ELITE stil running. without the players u have NO server. if u cant grasp that than good luck too u all.

Win made this post cause of Bon making a server with crypto it all started on elite official discord how u got everyone including spliff to make a post about LOMCN enforcing such rubbish about user count and people popping up servers left right and centre to make a quick cash grab. Like its anyone elses business but the people making the servers. LOMCN cannot control what servers get made nah can they tell hosts not to have a game shop. its been like this for last 15+ years?! LOMCN arent our mum and dad its a pitstop for all Mir related goods and other games. but all of a sudden its a problem cause someone on hes high all mighty horse with Subscription server isn't making 1000s like Apoc did?. U all slagging off Bon, apoc and 3genas servers like its any of ur business and its effecting you get ya dick out of everyone else pie and make elite better? starting with less crap from GMS.. just a thought

good for you mate doesnt give u the rights to go round insulting people saying theyve got learning difficulties. i didnt give u no reason to insult me. not that i care tbf water of a ducks arse But you're in a COMMUNITY ur a GAMEMASTER u should have RESPECT for you're players otherwise ur gonna have NONE left. i worked retail and amount of **** u get is unreal but it doesnt give u the rights to call them retards with learning difficulties(under ya breathe when noone around maybe) just food for thought....

U can suger coat it however the fk u like Game masters should not be playing with players. u have test servers for that... during LIVE u just open yourself up to speculations and accusations. Suger coat it all u like. ur a gamemaster control of EVERYTHING not a player that controls nothing but the gold he earns and exp he grinds and cash he puts in your pockets

Ill leave that to sink in. im sure the penny will drop soon. i know being Gamemaster gives u this all mighty power like your some GOD 100s+ of people looking up to u looking for nerfs, buffs, answers and help. mostly buffs mind you. but its definitely not U have learning difficulties cause i said dull gems lasting 10minutes is a stupid idea..

bottom line of it all u talk corrupt and wanting people to get AVOID server tags servers removed cause game masters do this that and whatever else?

Elite should get AVOID/banned for the **** game masters do on a daily bases and abuse there players in game. At least Apoc hide behind there corruption and didnt advertise it and gave us a choice if we wanted to buy gamegold or not and be dragged in to their corrupted ways unlike elite official discord does.. ur Subject to verbal abuse from the game masters. harassed in game and pked by the game masters Apoc/3gena and no doubtly Bon wont be logging in joinning guilds with players going round PKING people with said guild and taking screenshots of having one of the rarest items in game and saying its sold for 20m JOKE or not. its not funny it gives people ammotion to say ur corrupt prove me wrong.

and james come on now. remember EvilMir. u was telling us how to kill it. what stage it was on?. Laslo asked how u knew. and u said u checked the GAMEMASTER CONSOLE.. LUNAR?! remember that one?. Ur corrupt aswell. i know ur gonna try deny it. but i was there on discord voice chat. i can say ALOT more but ima stop for now let u prove me wrong.
PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHY GAME MASTERS SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING WITH THE PLAYERS U HAVE ALL THE POWER. Elite is corrupt has they come. and its in clear sight for every one to see.

if anyone needs AVOID it be ELITE

exaggerate on that mate. ^^

Why didn't you just post on djbuddha again instead of making a new account?

James is working on a revised and improved version of Evil Mir which should be with us soon!

Amazed someone like you is trying to drag James' name through the mud. To say he has more integrity than you would ever have in his little finger is unfair.. more like in his little finger nail that was cut off and thrown in a bin.

You bounce from server to server telling everyone how the server you're playing sucks, but nothing bothers you, take everything in your stride, get called a moron by people everywhere you go, and repeat the rotation.

Fortunately you don't care and it's all "water of a ducks arse", so hopefully will not see you around in future.
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Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
I'm sorry, but the GM's are playing there own server? lol cmon.

Rule one of owning a server should be, don't play your own, it takes seconds to go into a drop file change something that's meant to be rare to 1/1 save it - reload it - kill the boss/mob - and change it back - reload drops again, then you got x amount of witnesses around you stating it dropped fairly? cmon. it's possible, you should never play your own Server IMO, it is entirely dodgy as ****. No matter how trustworthy you think you are.
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