Map Coordinate Trigger


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 6, 2004
Stoke, England
I've searched for hours on this with no result, so I'd like to see what can be done.

I want to make it so unless a certain flag is active (i.e. set to 1) a person cannot leave the map (i.e., when he/she walks onto the square that moves them into a different map, it won't work). I've seen it done on Mir 3 servers, but was wondering if it works on 1.4

Basically, I want it so unless you complete the entire conversation with the NPC you cannot leave the building.

My alterantive it to obviously make it so he'll teleport you outisde the building when the conversation is complete, and make it so you cannot leave the building normally, but I'd prefer it if the former worked. Any help be muchly appreciated :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 6, 2004
Stoke, England
Mapquests doesn't really help me much :/ I don't see anywhere how to set a trigger when you walk on a specific coordinate...