Mir entourage 2.3

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 13, 2008
I know it may seem like I say this often.
But this server is just a dump..

people exploiting gold..

people exploiting levels from a NPC getting extremely high infront of others..

GM secretly selling paras and mir kits for RL money..
And level 450 items dropping when there aint a person over 80

you get more items from mobs than you do from the bosses, and to finish off the GM's have mysteriously high level playing chars?

Warrs are faaar too overpowered, taos poison hurts too much, wizzies are just a complete wreck!
Seriously just shut the server down and rethink it all over.
Litterally all of it!

Wow amazing..
You wont see me back on this server.

lol @ u Hab no 1 likes u on any server lol..... and as for the * secretly selling para's ect...there Donations dont every server have donation?? and only 1 in player in game has 1.. because he wanted to donate u got a problem with that?? get over urself....
and as for GM'S having chars there is only 3 Gm's on game and they have no NORMAL PLAYING CHARS...

no 1 likes u on any servers face it ur just an exploiter and when u get found out u slander the server off .. just pathetic really

ur just crying cos u got found out, and u do it on every server u go on ppl know what ur like..

triple x

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2007
u know what mike stick ur server up ur arse mate ur full of **** said u was waiting for me then ban me for sayin nothin some ****in mate u r...
i was givin my kit away to guild members which i hunted for did not cheat to get this server sucks arse tbh and i will be tellin the ppl i have messaged about this server not to bother comin to it as it full of nobheads. gm's talk to ppl like **** and dont help in anyway then when someone says somethin u throw ur dummy out the pram... not the way a gm should be and u know this if u was not a gm or own server u be sayin same **** and u know it... there r pure more explots on ur server....
if u listen to players maybe u would get somewhere instead of spittin ur dummy out... lets c how long server lasts......... i didnt cheat to get to where i was... in lvl wise.... and all the ideas sinista came to u with was mine and casps idea like makein bossman no pk zone and a few other things we was tryin to help u but u know what... ****KKKKKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUU...................

triple x

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2007
lol u say u got rid of the exploiters .. theres more on there and if you took the time to actually look instead of cryin about ppl moaning ud get far ......you seriously dont no nowt on how to run a server ... laggy as hell...drops screwed... and more ... u dont listen to ppl ...we see how long ppl play ur server when they actually wake up and see how crap it is so ,,,, GF mike lets see how long u last


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
yawn yawn yawn go and cry sumwhere else i have done nothing but help players out dealt with any problems risen and been hands on with everyone , u got caught exploiting and got dealt with , if u think that highly off urself go make ur own server then, rather than jump on others and try exploiting it go bk to evo and moan on there rather than whinge on here !!!!


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 13, 2008
lol u say u got rid of the exploiters .. theres more on there and if you took the time to actually look instead of cryin about ppl moaning ud get far ......you seriously dont no nowt on how to run a server ... laggy as hell...drops screwed... and more ... u dont listen to ppl ...we see how long ppl play ur server when they actually wake up and see how crap it is so ,,,, GF mike lets see how long u last

RelicHunter go make ur own server then see how well u do.. when u cant even install the bloody mir games....so stop crying and get over urself loool and plus go get some soap to wash ur mouth out ur language is terrible.. lol

triple x

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2007
blah blah blah fkin blah..... i ran servers before nooob.....i no wot players wanted.. o hold on now u gona say why they not on now... well simple cba any more running servers ..so yawn bk lol... anyways we see who actually wakes up and sees how u really are ... your favourite word all week was *lets see how many moaners we got on ...CRYYYYYYYYYY SOME MORE.. banned i dont care on bannn took ya time tbh gf anyways....


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2009
yawn yawn yawn go and cry sumwhere else i have done nothing but help players out dealt with any problems risen and been hands on with everyone , u got caught exploiting and got dealt with , if u think that highly off urself go make ur own server then, rather than jump on others and try exploiting it go bk to evo and moan on there rather than whinge on here !!!!

He lost access to the account he played on Evo too - No-one wants him on their server because all he does is attempt to exploit, get massively abusive and generally act like a 12 year old nerdraging their face across the keyboard.

Glad to see you've caught and punished exploiters, it's an oh-so-fun process and I'm sure you'll have more to come in the future, keep on top of things though and don't let players wear you down. :)


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2009
Your all full of **** tbh, reason y mike says about moaners is coz u all dontgive him chance to sort things out, u all know its his first proper server atempt if u dnt like it GF, he spent all day yesturday sorting psn out so it was fair for all classes and u reckon he dnt hlp my f**king arse he dnt hlp, all he does i help u guy/girls, your all the ones crying not us lol, u all keep saying we're trying to help u wiv bugs and **** but then u go and exploit tbh we're better off wivout u so bye and dnt come bk

triple x

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2007
blah blah fkin blah ur not worth the infraction that il prob get ..sin i go no prob with u .. its the hard man mike * mr gm * with out u hes nothing.. and dont no how to do nowt ... server shud never have been put up ..without testin first ...imo u shud wipe ur server .. ican tellu loads ppl that exploited ... 1 word for ur server FAIL ,, bb have fun we see how long u last


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 14, 2004
Bristol, UK, England
sorry but the fact my m8 just made a char and due to the fact he had the same name as one of the people who got banned, the gm automatically assumed this was that person without checking ips or even askin the person he got kicked several times and @killed and bcuz i sed that was uncalled for and stuck up for the person i got banned. i rly think that is pathetic


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2009
u say u dnt hav a problem wiv me but by slating entourage and the work thats been done on it then ur slating me aswell as ive put alot time in to it to helpin get things the way the players want and all the time to b told its **** and wrong yet u all stayed till u got banned so i dnt see how it was that bad lol if u didnt enjoy it u wouold have all left. ino we wont fail coz were dedicated to improving things all the time for the players, and all of u that say ive had a server blah blah blah then u would know things take time to sort out, like the spells it trial and error. we had ova 30 ppl playing and there was onli about 5 of ur that had a problem wiv things so it cnt b that bad lol. tbh if u guys/girls not playing stps all the **** then its the best thing for every1 but if u all carry on like this u wont have a server left to play. so cya have fun coz ino we all will on entourage


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
sorry but the fact my m8 just made a char and due to the fact he had the same name as one of the people who got banned, the gm automatically assumed this was that person without checking ips or even askin the person he got kicked several times and @killed and bcuz i sed that was uncalled for and stuck up for the person i got banned. i rly think that is pathetic

u missed the part where the banned person and the new person had exactly the same log in ids go figure i told u that in game , so u coming on here with half the story figures u out dont it !!!! trouble maker !!!!!!


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2009
sorry but the fact my m8 just made a char and due to the fact he had the same name as one of the people who got banned, the gm automatically assumed this was that person without checking ips or even askin the person he got kicked several times and @killed and bcuz i sed that was uncalled for and stuck up for the person i got banned. i rly think that is pathetic

u only tell half a storey the id loggins were the same and wiv th number combination he uses at the end i highley dowt that there would be 2 ppl using the same one that y it was banned


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 14, 2004
Bristol, UK, England
u missed the part where the banned person and the new person had exactly the same log in ids go figure i told u that in game , so u coming on here with half the story figures u out dont it !!!! trouble maker !!!!!!

wel they do, learn to check ips n u mite get sumwer in finding out who ppls otha chars actually are and who arnt :) the fact is u banned aaron salty (Habtrix) then aaron lockyer (normally uses name skepta) tried to join and u jst fked him around. anyway gd luck finding my 2bil i have on chars and the 3 exploits u neva found. bye now :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
lol yes yes yes goodbye enjoy looking for new server and ty for admitting u knew about other exploits , yet failed to mention then good night !!!

triple x

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2007
server needs wiping and you cant see that can ya stonefkincold... oh but u wont wipe server coz ul lose all ur players wont ya ....i told ya theres exploiters still in game yet u wont do fk all about em ... 1 word CORRUPT...yes i am callin you corrupt because ur lass plays game and she had kit and skills noone even had and had the first guild when the wooma horn was a fker to get .. oh and cash... say wot u want .. cry thread w/e but i no ur corrupt to fk .... all arse lickers get away with w/e and u bann innocent players loool ....SERVER FAIL .........

triple x

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2007
wel they do, learn to check ips n u mite get sumwer in finding out who ppls otha chars actually are and who arnt :) the fact is u banned aaron salty (Habtrix) then aaron lockyer (normally uses name skepta) tried to join and u jst fked him around. anyway gd luck finding my 2bil i have on chars and the 3 exploits u neva found. bye now :)
lol i like this guy :P


LOMCN Veteran
May 6, 2009
Well this has to be one of the worst servers i have ever seen, no effort has been put in, no thought has been put in, gm's are tossers, and corrupt. If you play you have problems lol.

Close the server, dont re-launch it, or another one for that matter as u r useless.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 2, 2009
aww bless bawling cos u got banned for cheating and ur still running to lomcn with ur little tell tales grow up u sad little imbred , you got CAUGHT CHEATING AND EXPLOITING GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON or i can send u a tissue for your issue if u like :)