~* Mir Supreme *~ [2.8]

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

I agree the first 5-10 levels should be pretty smooth sailing.
Also its such an amateur move, to ask warriors/assasins to kill mobs for 0.40% per mob then leave them with 5 Accuracy lols.
Just give them level 3 fencing @login , pretty much solves any issues their.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

I agree the first 5-10 levels should be pretty smooth sailing.
Also its such an amateur move, to ask warriors/assasins to kill mobs for 0.40% per mob then leave them with 5 Accuracy lols.
Just give them level 3 fencing @login , pretty much solves any issues their.

war has fencing learned
sin can buy 3+acc brace from shop for lvl 20


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 22, 2011
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

I think if you wanted a low rate server like this your only mistake was making it start level 20 id rather have started at lvl 1 so by now at lvl 23 i feel i have acheived something. Iv been lvling pretty much non stop for like 2/3 hours and im lvl 23 and can wear no new kit or do anything new at all.

I just dont think if its a high user count you want there is enough call for a server with this low exp rate. I can name a few people already who have given it a go but just dont have the time to play such a low rater server so they have gone already.

Im just making an observation and il probably stick at it for a while as it seems to have some cracking ideas and could be a really good server. But if this lvling is just going to get harder and harder as it goes on i can see myself and others getting tired of it quite quickly. Thats coming from someone who loves to level!

Other than that a very smooth bug and lag free server thus far with some nice ideas.


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

I think if you wanted a low rate server like this your only mistake was making it start level 20 id rather have started at lvl 1 so by now at lvl 23 i feel i have acheived something. Iv been lvling pretty much non stop for like 2/3 hours and im lvl 23 and can wear no new kit or do anything new at all.

I just dont think if its a high user count you want there is enough call for a server with this low exp rate. I can name a few people already who have given it a go but just dont have the time to play such a low rater server so they have gone already.

Im just making an observation and il probably stick at it for a while as it seems to have some cracking ideas and could be a really good server. But if this lvling is just going to get harder and harder as it goes on i can see myself and others getting tired of it quite quickly. Thats coming from someone who loves to level!

Other than that a very smooth bug and lag free server thus far with some nice ideas.

QFT - if the exp was more like a Med Rate, not a Low Rate, would be so much better.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

Could easily add new content and items to fill the lower levels.
Things like low level cave.
A quest a level wouldn't be such hard work, you know to gain a unique item.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

Could easily add new content and items to fill the lower levels.
Things like low level cave.
A quest a level wouldn't be such hard work, you know to gain a unique item.

yes skunk is working on quests which give nice exp
and more stuff

we still try to keep game med rate ( 0.60 % is med rate on my honestly opinion) but make the game more lovely in the same time .

usercount still @ 20 users , seems they enjoy it :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 22, 2011
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

orrrrr thats not the same 20 users lol. I can name 5 people who were on earlier when the server came up who are no longer playing lets hope the 20 who are online now are patient like me!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 14, 2004
Bristol, UK, England
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

am off for abit, people dont want to have to start a server and grind for a few hours through 5levels just to put on a new item when they first start a server


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

If server was faster paced, and you perhaps increased the content to match with it (so, people be getting say lvl 40 first few days and from there progressively harder - I don't know how much content you have at the moment though, so I can't comment) then server would be buzzing. Problem is NOBODY in Mir likes a grind any more, it's boring. No-one wants to level at a snails pace to wear one item.

Atm it's low rate. If you doubled it, it would be a med rate, tripling it would be a high, roughly speaking. I'd say have a think about increasing the rate significantly, but before you do so, you must make sure there's going to be enough for people to do for a good MONTH - else people will get bored, but from what I've seen there's tonnes of potential and things to do and you do update regularly, so it should be fine.

You have one thing that trumps every other server atm. Decent GM's. Respond in a decent manner and you are helpful. So really, just sort the exp rate and you're sorted.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 24, 2005
Under the Sea :O
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

couldnt agree more sephy. if u trebled the exp rate it wud b spot on obviously sort mob stats n that...if u done that i reckon u cud have a 40-50 user count easy


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

If server was faster paced, and you perhaps increased the content to match with it (so, people be getting say lvl 40 first few days and from there progressively harder - I don't know how much content you have at the moment though, so I can't comment) then server would be buzzing. Problem is NOBODY in Mir likes a grind any more, it's boring. No-one wants to level at a snails pace to wear one item.

Atm it's low rate. If you doubled it, it would be a med rate, tripling it would be a high, roughly speaking. I'd say have a think about increasing the rate significantly, but before you do so, you must make sure there's going to be enough for people to do for a good MONTH - else people will get bored, but from what I've seen there's tonnes of potential and things to do and you do update regularly, so it should be fine.

You have one thing that trumps every other server atm. Decent GM's. Respond in a decent manner and you are helpful. So really, just sort the exp rate and you're sorted.
already people with 27 ingame

u can hit 40 in few days

only downside atm is that u start at 20 direct on med rate killing 0.60 on mob , should of get to that slowly
i'm talking to skunk about making lvls 1-20 to take like 1-2 hrs and to be an introduction

also skunk doing rewarding quests to easy ur lving
Last edited:


LOMCN Member
Jun 2, 2011
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

server looks good and all just exp puts it down.

You may have a few patient players online atm - but as soon as server goes live they will be ur only players.

i garantee if exp stays roughly the same ppl will log on grind for an hour or so and think "SOD THAT"

i like playing a tao and (tao pet) can hit better then myself *dont like the idea of pets pwning*
lvled for 1 hr 30mins and @ lvl 20 managed to get 88%

me too havent got time to play a server with an exp rate of this.

i will stick around whilst in beta to see if exp rate is changed to summot more interesting.

All the best with the server thou GL


P.S -- u mention summot about buffs when hunting in grp's n all -- whats the advantages of hunting solo as not everyone knows each other as some ppl do?


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

svr isnt low nor hard
it just start to soon with med rate level which is like 0.50-0.60 on mob ,
anyways u get that rate till like lvl 40-50 then u get 0.40-0.50 on mob till like 60

and u might lvl even faster becasue of more skills

svr atm is med rate and it wont go down from this rate (IT WONT BECOME HARD N HARDER anytime soon)
if u have patience u can reach 40 in week without geeking or w/e

p.s im wont be on able to work on svr 1-2 days as it thundered near my house and my monitor is now fried -.-


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 10, 2011
ITV 9.25am
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

I hope you listen to what people are saying mates coz u got a potentially very good server here.
Can't say more than whats already been said.


LOMCN Veteran
May 9, 2010
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

This Reboot has added : Oma Cave now has 3 new quest, Inside 1st entrance, 2nd entrance and before KR entrance, OmaTags required they drop from normal mobs and the boss, boss spawns on 2nd and in 2 in KR.

Magic Sheild Fixed.


LOMCN Veteran
May 9, 2010
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

Current exp rate is x12, thinking of bringing to x15 to see how we get on with that? Opinions on this please, we was orignal x10 when we started this morning.

Also on our forums www.mirsupreme.com we have a Official Update Thread listing what has been changed so far i've made a breif list on there now there is more iv changed and ent listed just forgotten about it lol =P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 14, 2004
Bristol, UK, England
Re: ~* Mir Supreme *~

leave the exp rate as it is, go into the exp tables and edit the exp tables from 20-40/50 making it slowly increase each level but starting off really easy at 20