Mir2 private servers are in the worst state since Euro went down....

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Feb 21, 2013
Every server for the past few years followed the same path, the core group of players no life the game for the first month and out level all the content ....
the guild that was on top now has nobody to fight so they slowly start to quit. the 30 casual players who are left then see everybody else quitting so they are encouraged to do the same.

And those casuals left behind don't get to see the later server content because it closes on them. Or if not, they quit because going gets too hard if the server was tailored to grp play. Your typical server also keeps TM item expiry short, so if you are behind, there is nothing for you to buy. And it doesn't help if the ranking only shows the top twenty dogs.

I wouldn't mind just playing Marble again.
I didn't play because I was on another server when it started and later on when I was free, I didn't care to join an old(er) server. I'd play it if it came online again. There must be more who skipped servers for the same reason.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
I do agree with your points however i want to ask you the following:

- How would you divide casuals to no-life/multichars ? Although the medium/high no matter what how balance would be, how would you make the meets end between a player who spend 14hours a day in game vs someone who is spending 4hours.

Ok you stop the level by a cap, but what about the kit progress? Is obvious that a player who spends more time than someone else, has a more % chance to the chance % of finding better items.

You cant and you probably shouldn't.

Its not fair that somebody can play all day and i cant but if there putting in legit 10 extra hours the deserve to be ahead. The trick comes in patches/updates/expansions. If current endgame content is aimed at around level 40 and your next patch is going to take that level to 60. Other than players hurt feelings there no reason not to drastically increase speed of progression from 0-40/45 the week or 2 before a big patch. The more players that are able to access the new content the better it is for the life of the server. But that means you cant as the dev half ass patches adding 1 cave and a new item set, they would have to be decently sized patches

Nobody is ever left too far behind that way. Those that played alot have spent the best part of current content doing what they would normally do and they get more competition for pvp. The casuals have chance to catch up and compete for a little before the mad rush on the new content starts again.
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And those casuals left behind don't get to see the later server content because it closes on them. Or if not, they quit because going gets too hard if the server was tailored to grp play. Your typical server also keeps TM item expiry short, so if you are behind, there is nothing for you to buy. And it doesn't help if the ranking only shows the top twenty dogs.

I didn't play because I was on another server when it started and later on when I was free, I didn't care to join an old(er) server. I'd play it if it came online again. There must be more who skipped servers for the same reason.
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Dedicated Member
Dec 4, 2010
I always wondered if it is possible to create an instanced dungeon run for guilds with no risk of getting ganked at the boss. Only downside would be a 5 to 10% decrease in drop chance in an instance compared to the pvp version.

Keeps guilds grinding out content in the game and can always slowly level up and catch up with the no lifers who were ahead before. Add modifiers like in Halo of old to increase exp, gold and drops all which is possible through map buffs.

Now it just takes someone with the know how to make it.


May 16, 2017
Job Centre Plus
I always wondered if it is possible to create an instanced dungeon run for guilds with no risk of getting ganked at the boss. Only downside would be a 5 to 10% decrease in drop chance in an instance compared to the pvp version.

Keeps guilds grinding out content in the game and can always slowly level up and catch up with the no lifers who were ahead before. Add modifiers like in Halo of old to increase exp, gold and drops all which is possible through map buffs.

Now it just takes someone with the know how to make it.

Better get cracking then

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Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
Literally no truer words, looks like I’m done with mir2 now. Last couple of severs have been extremely disappointing. Apoc will last a couple of months and Jamie’s was a euro clone basically.
I won’t be wasting my time and money anymore on these servers.
Having plenty of fun in mir4 tho 😁

Gotta be honest with you, i feel this exact same way. Mir4 is taking over for me to the point i don't even know if i'll bother with Apoc sadly, especially with the server change coming on the 30th.
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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 8, 2014
Can tell you for sure, the problem is not the customisation lol.

A lot of servers, even Sanj's HD/Crafting one can remain pretty close and true to the routes of Mir, without destroying the feeling Mir has. The problem is when you go too far, and generally this stems from only having a goal to make money.

It's fine to make money, but when it's your only goal, it's pretty obvious....and everyone is sick of it. Seeing the forum with 90% cash cow repeats (As i'm sure you've heard me say a million times), just does not fill me with any desire to come back and look more than once every 2-3 months.

But...i'm a broken record i'm sure at this point ;)
Sanj's server is probably the worst example you could have given... It was the worst mir experience i have personally had. His crafting system was awful, crafted items were 10x better than any item that dropped from bosses, which meant that nobody even hunted bosses there. He had level locked zones, forcing people to stay in the same place for weeks. no cut off exp for big groups, so once you were behind the pack you were never catching up. And the biggest thing of them all is actually Sanjian as a person...He absolutely refuses to listen to what people actually want, and believes he is always right. Not forgetting that if you PK his family members, he will repeatedly recall you to a GM map until you lose all your kit.... lol.
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LOMCN Veteran
Dec 13, 2013
Depends on the use case:

For example most would like a low rate , which in this case you cant have too many features aka custom coding because it increments the risk of balance failure.

On the other hand, high rate means burning out through content very fast which will create the possibility of content being limited (as it will burn through maps/mobs etc faster than a low rate).
Cant remember if this was mir but i played an game before and it told you your playing 2 hours take an break, if some one is on 14 hours you could say: Warning you will be kicked offline and your account banned for 2 hours go get some sun light you virgin.


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
yes it did happen, unfortunatly he missed out the part about purposly griefing family members just because they were family members.

griefing isnt allowed on the server, so instead of banning him i messed about with him.

PK is fine, but not when you leave a group alone and specifically target family members, thats personal

edit: and i would do it again


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2017
yes it did happen, unfortunatly he missed out the part about purposly griefing family members just because they were family members.

griefing isnt allowed on the server, so instead of banning him i messed about with him.

PK is fine, but not when you leave a group alone and specifically target family members, thats personal

edit: and i would do it again
LOL 100% deserved imo.

I remember on another server I played, the GM would take cheaters/greifers items and do an event with them while the accused person was in BW typing in caps for them to stop and they won't do it again, was so satisfying watching that go down, although in the end I think the GM started selling peoples full accounts/items for RL cash lol


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
you killed him for pking your family members? As a GM. never mind a bigger person why would you even get involved in the basic mechanics of mir? ban him for calling you or family w.e cool. but for pking them ? just cause you didnt like it or they didnt? who are you to tell x player not to kill any one ingame unless testing? i thought he was taking piss about that. But fact you killed him over and over cause he pked your family. man that **** is low. and no i do not know or have spoke to gucci. just gone off this thread on what's been said


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 5, 2006
Sanj's server was actually really good, man has great skills. is clearly very passionate about his work and that did lead to terrible player handling, should just have a freind deal with players in future. every server has its own neich its bad taste to criticize a server cause it doesnt fit your own. Not banning exploiters is what done it for me in the end but i did love the mining etc. pk was good fun.
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Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
you killed him for pking your family members? As a GM. never mind a bigger person why would you even get involved in the basic mechanics of mir? ban him for calling you or family w.e cool. but for pking them ? just cause you didnt like it or they didnt? who are you to tell x player not to kill any one ingame unless testing? i thought he was taking piss about that. But fact you killed him over and over cause he pked your family. man that **** is low. and no i do not know or have spoke to gucci. just gone off this thread on what's been said
because you only have half a story here, but seeing as its gathering some attention.

im not a GM, i can do GM stuff but when i make a server, i make it because its the sort of server i want to play on. i dont make it for money.

i play with my family and friends and i open it up so others can enjoy it, its a very basic set of rules, in regard to griefing. dont specifically target an induvidual for personal reasons.

it happenend only once, we were in bdd 4 of us, hunting as we do, a group ran past us, said hi all that.

once one of the members of the group realised i was with my family he decided to attack the group. not because of our items (they were crap) not because we were killing a boss, not because they wanted the map to themselves, but because it was my family.

so i logged out, logged in the gm account, recalled him to a room killed him a few times, recalled him again, just to cause him to drop some gear. i then gave him his gear back, teleported him back to his group! and said dont personally attack my family because thats what they are.

situation ended, never happened again.

but your right that was low. i should have banned him for breaking the servers rules, dont worry i learned my lesson here... phew!
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