Mir3 EI Europe due to Release? Date


Milo's Sex Slave
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2003
My house
HunterR said:
because Wamade is a big company who has lots of cash and ud think that it will make deals with the big companies not the small ones .

Btw : I think its comming out in 2 weeks O.o i think .
Huh? I was talking about TF. Fool.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 21, 2003
be carefull with your siggies @tf forum lol my account their has been suspended without any comment..propably because i had a link to Olymp Website in my siggy
although after reading their terms of use twice i still cant find anything about having links of any kind in your signature lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 8, 2004
YoYoYo for a start TF dont have owt to do with the server no one thinks they are millionaires, QGO are the ones that own the server the are going to pay TF to make and host a forum for them they are real because i live near them also i might be working for them :). And as for why would you pay they have twice as many moves as private server ones messaging fixed bigger community 24/7 support dedicated lines gonna at least be up for 2 years also they are currently talking to wemade about getting private servers shut down.



Staff member
May 19, 2003
john arnt u 11 or 12? why would a proffessional company, with capabilities of hiring much more proffessional people want to hire you?

and companies always talk to WEMADE about getting private server shut down, they have ever since we took the files. Its not going to happen.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 21, 2003
Olymp Server (as a very good example for good run private server) has been up for more than 1 1/2 year now (without any break except ip changes once every 3 months) with steady semi professionell support all the time and a not that big but very nice community over a long time and not to be forgotten a steady and relyable T3 connection (could QGO provide such? lets hope)
the only real reason for me to pay for it is indeed the more advanced client server they propably got from wemade.
and what u sad about the support i may add that yet has to been proven..on that point iam not realy sure just think about what happened with GN support for lom2...and that was the main reason because so many people switched to private server...


Milo's Sex Slave
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2003
My house
kazzer said:
YoYoYo for a start TF dont have owt to do with the server no one thinks they are millionaires, QGO are the ones that own the server the are going to pay TF to make and host a forum for them they are real because i live near them also i might be working for them :). And as for why would you pay they have twice as many moves as private server ones messaging fixed bigger community 24/7 support dedicated lines gonna at least be up for 2 years also they are currently talking to wemade about getting private servers shut down.

[sarcasim]Yes of course.[/sarcasim]

Dont give me all that ****. Wake up and READ. God sake, are some people incapable of reading my posts PROPERLY.
Im YoYo to you, only COOL people can call me YoYoYo :)
They may SAY they live near you, but have you erver seen thier office? I guess not.
You think your going to be able to work with them? :lol: Of course, and tomorrow im getting a job with GN.
People who go on thier forum always think they are some sort of millionaire company.
And after the ":)" i cant comment on it cause it makes **** all sense.

Stop believing every word the bellends say, NOT EVERYTHING IS TRUE!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2004
YoYoYo said:
[sarcasim]Yes of course.[/sarcasim]

Dont give me all that ****. Wake up and READ. God sake, are some people incapable of reading my posts PROPERLY.
Im YoYo to you, only COOL people can call me YoYoYo :)
They may SAY they live near you, but have you erver seen thier office? I guess not.
You think your going to be able to work with them? :lol: Of course, and tomorrow im getting a job with GN.
People who go on thier forum always think they are some sort of millionaire company.
And after the ":)" i cant comment on it cause it makes **** all sense.

Stop believing every word the bellends say, NOT EVERYTHING IS TRUE!

Grow up.


Milo's Sex Slave
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2003
My house
¤]´)÷¤--§îr Äürøñ--¤÷(`[¤ said:
Now I say the same.


For the record, NMA is slightly older than 11. ;)
Ok, maybe i was a bit harsh with 11. I say 13 ;)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 5, 2004
Demonic said:
Though people will still go from playing a Private server which they have explored everything there is to see, pay money each month to start at level 1 with 1x exp and say is great - people puzzle me something.

Farril said:
all you will gain is being fully english and a much larger community.

theres your answer. most ppl who play mir2 now only play for the comunity and the prospect of updates

yeah in mir2 private we got a prospect of an update but it will be a while before its fully working like our mir2 files now(even tho they still have some bugs to iron out)

with mir3 files i dont think there ever will be an update, atlease for a while anyway


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 11, 2003
HunterR said:
because Wamade is a big company who has lots of cash and ud think that it will make deals with the big companies not the small ones .

Btw : I think its comming out in 2 weeks O.o i think .

open beta starts on 1st week of august - was announced, but there will be a server wipe when p2p starts


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 13, 2003
shinsu said:
open beta starts on 1st week of august - was announced, but there will be a server wipe when p2p starts

I just love it when company wipes before p2p thats soooo aswome.

Every1 can start equally, not like mir2 the rich is richer, higher lvls becomes higher and the poor become an orphan and gets fuked up big time.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 22, 2003
Euro M3 gunna own big time 1 map on there is bigger then all of mir2 and wars have like 7+ spells. its gunna b way beta and its out end of july so rhumore has it? i carnt wait for it hope to c u all on there.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2004
Well Im going to be there. Cant wait to see the new client/updates


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 21, 2003
Azza said:
Euro M3 gunna own big time 1 map on there is bigger then all of mir2 and wars have like 7+ spells. its gunna b way beta and its out end of july so rhumore has it? i carnt wait for it hope to c u all on there.

t u realy sure about that? lol
though some maps r a bit bigger in mir3 they r far from being bigger than whole mir2