Mir3: Emeralld 3G - CD3.55

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Dedicated Member
Nov 13, 2009

Emeralld Mir3 came about, when a group of us realised that their is currently an empty space for decent med/high rate servers. So we decided to build and create our own Mir3 server, we have all been around the Mir scene for some years. As both players and server developers, but never actually created our own server.

We all come from good backgrounds within the gaming community and have helped create some good things for many of the servers that are currently running to this day, but we feel that we are not appreciated for the work that we have done for these servers. So Emeralld was born and our work will continue in our own server and hopefully to last for a good few years, but that will be down to you the player and the feed back we get from you with regards to the server development.

Emeralld Mir3 will always be in an open beta status and things will come and go as we develop it further for your enjoyment. At current we are running the Mir3 3.55CD server files, but will be looking at moving towards using king files later on in our development. We want to see how other servers go with the production of their own servers, before we proceed in that direction. It also gives us ideas on what works for you and what doesn't.

[ Server Details: ]

Version : Holley (HL) 3G - Mixed 3G/JoB maps
Client : CruelDragon 3.55

  • Exp Rate
  • Mon Rate
  • Drop Rate
  • Gold Rate
( To be decided )

Site & Forum : Emeralld Mir3 (Thanks to mapadale for the free hosting)

We have removed old outdated weapon images and movements from the files, these include things like Woden Stick, Bronze Sword, Iron Sword and so on. This was due to the restriction we had on images that can be added into the necessay .wils and so rebuilt most of them with new updated images and movements for the weapons that have been included. We are currently doing this also with the Mon files as well, but not decided on which mobs to keep and which are reduendent for what we require within the game. We've imported a lot of new Item images, so you are now not stuck with the boring items that where previously found in the server files and we are also in the process of creating our own unique items, that can not be found in any other server ( Though LEECHS are welcome ).

[ Current Ingame Systems ]

  • Fame to Level
  • Integral System
  • Booty to Fame
  • Fame System
  • Emeralld Points System
  • Daily Quest System
  • Guild Storage System
  • Rebirth System
  • Marriage System
[ Fame to Level ]

  • With the Fame to Level system, you gain 1 fame point for every level that you make in Emeralld. These will enable you to purchase specific items for your fame level, however these do come at a price. Each item will have set fame value to purchase & a set fame value to wear ( See Fame System for more Info ).
[ Integral System ]

  • We have an intergrated integral system with a difference, as well as the standard exchanging of integral for Skill levels and all the other standard stuff. You can also use you integral to enter certain quests, these can range from open single player quests to group or guild hunting quests and the rewards are endless on what you gain from completing one of them. ( for guild quest's see guild storage system )
[ Booty to Fame ]

  • Best way to describe this, is you collect booty in X amount and exchange for X amount of fame point/s.
[ Fame System ]

  • What can be done with fame points, well just about anything we wish to use it for. With the fame system, you can upgrade Fame points to Integral, exchange fame points for items ( though at a high cost ). Use fame points to access PvP maps, for indervidual fights or start a PvP War.
  • Purchase KR teleports and gain that advantage of getting to a boss first on respawn ( also at a high cost ).
  • Invade Guild Islands and rob them blind ( Initiate guild war on the island ), the guild has an hour to respond to the declaration of war. This then becomes a last guild standing PvP match between the two guilds and last guild standing wins the Guild Island Booty.
[ Emeralld Point System ]

  • You collect points from the amount of mobs/bosses/people you kill, these then allow you to enter new arenas. Anything from the Gambler Cove, to the Desert Palace and each has its own hidden feature.
  • You can also use this system for the upgrade of items and weapons.
[ Daily Quest System ]

  • Nothing really needs to be said about this, just enjoy them as they come.
[ Guild Storage System ]

  • With the Guild Storage, this allows anyone in your guild to store things. This can be from Gold, Items & Integral. Gold and Integral forms then the Guild System, where it can be used to enter quests or start wars, once this is added it can not be removed. Items however can be removed from the Guild system, but this is only by the Guild Leaders.
[ Rebirth System ]

  • We have Six levels of rebirth, each requiring a specific task to be completed.
  • Each Rebirth has an expected level to be completed and a set amount of Integral, Fame & Emeralld points to be used.
  • You can also wear specific Rebirth Items for each rebirth gained. But these are on a set time period of 7 days.
[ Marriage System ]

  • Need we say more.
[ New Ingame Systems ]

We are currently in the process of looking at new systems to add ingame and as part of his process would like your feed back on the sort of things you would like to see. Though we are not intrested in seeing sugestion like "I want to see items with high stats on them" or "Caves where I can get uber exp from" cause this is not what we are about. We are wanting to create a server that is enjoyed by everyone and not just a select few, so all ideas are welcome from all players.

We are currently in the process of creating some new Ingame systems and feed back on them would also be good, this then helps in the design implication of the feature and how it should work and look.

We will be looking at starting the first part of Closed Alpha Testing around about Febuary, if everything then goes to plan and not to many bugs found then move into a Closed Beta testing at around March for a period of two week. Once both stages of testing has been completed, then Open Beta will be commence and stay in Open Beta from that point.



I like the sound of that and your more than welcome for the space.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 30, 2009
sorry but again no creative ideas all seen befor and raped to bits from countless servers.

but any way good luck with it


Dedicated Member
Nov 13, 2009
sorry but again no creative ideas all seen befor and raped to bits from countless servers.

but any way good luck with it
And who are you, no creative ideas. Have you actually played a decent Mir3 server recently. Oh sorry there isn't any currently.

Completly different to any other server.

[ Integral System ]

  • We have an intergrated integral system with a difference, as well as the standard exchanging of integral for Skill levels and all the other standard stuff. You can also use you integral to enter certain quests, these can range from open single player quests to group or guild hunting quests and the rewards are endless on what you gain from completing one of them. ( for guild quest's see guild storage system )
And not seen this in any other server.

[ Fame System ]
  • What can be done with fame points, well just about anything we wish to use it for. With the fame system, you can upgrade Fame points to Integral, exchange fame points for items ( though at a high cost ). Use fame points to access PvP maps, for indervidual fights or start a PvP War.
  • Purchase KR teleports and gain that advantage of getting to a boss first on respawn ( also at a high cost ).
  • Invade Guild Islands and rob them blind ( Initiate guild war on the island ), the guild has an hour to respond to the declaration of war. This then becomes a last guild standing PvP match between the two guilds and last guild standing wins the Guild Island Booty.

Nope not seen this in a server either.

[ Emeralld Point System ]
  • You collect points from the amount of mobs/bosses/people you kill, these then allow you to enter new arenas. Anything from the Gambler Cove, to the Desert Palace and each has its own hidden feature.
  • You can also use this system for the upgrade of items and weapons.
So unless you actually know what you are talking about, I wouldn't bother responding on this thread again. Infact don't bother at all.

And thanks for the comments everyone else.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 11, 2003
just dont listen to people like him we need a lom3 med-high rate server and your doing one and by the looks of its its gunna be great good luck hope its up soon


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 30, 2009
And who are you, no creative ideas.

So unless you actually know what you are talking about, I wouldn't bother responding on this thread again. Infact don't bother at all.

been around a lot longer than u and had both mir 2 and 3 servers all ur ideas been used befor by other teams.

u say u have never seen ur point system used V.E was the first server to do this and theres been other that have tryed to do it as well.

ur integral system has been used **** loads like with extreme.

so ye like i said no new ideas.

i been working with these files since RZ V1 came up worked on *** PRO V1 and helped out countless others iknowthe files like back of my hand so dont say i dont know what i am talking about .


Dedicated Member
Nov 13, 2009
been around a lot longer than u and had both mir 2 and 3 servers all ur ideas been used befor by other teams.

u say u have never seen ur point system used V.E was the first server to do this and theres been other that have tryed to do it as well.

ur integral system has been used **** loads like with extreme.

so ye like i said no new ideas.

i been working with these files since RZ V1 came up worked on *** PRO V1 and helped out countless others iknowthe files like back of my hand so dont say i dont know what i am talking about .
Just because my join date says Nov 2009, doesn't mean we have not been around as long as you. You will find that I and some of my team have been around since the early day of foundation for Mir2. Thats 6/7 years to you and I highly doubt you have been around as longs as that.

My team have worked on both Mir2 and Mir3 servers and a lot of the the things you actually see in the server today where produced from ideas that my team implemented, so don't give me that crap about not being a new idea. As we implemented in the first place on may other servers.

The only server that used the point system in Mir3 was VE, put it was used previously in in Mir2 on Scorps server. So the actual idea was another one of ours that was actually implemented into a Mir3 server.

As you say our integral system has been used **** loads of times, like with Xtreme. Come one where you think they got their basic ideas from in the first place. The only difference is, ours is completly different to thiers and every other server that is around at the moment.

But the only thing you can do is see when you actually play our server once it goes live officially....

Just don't come with the "I am the all knowing" cause really you know nothing, maybe you should actually read our first post correctly before making comment agian, infact I will quote our first post for you shall I.

Emeralld Mir3 came about, when a group of us realised that their is currently an empty space for decent med/high rate servers. So we decided to build and create our own Mir3 server, we have all been around the Mir scene for some years. As both players and server developers, but never actually created our own server.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 23, 2009
Sounds good. I'll be giving it ago when its released.

Don't listen to people and their negative comments lol. There's always a few people that will try a slate a server even before it comes online......pointless tbh. Don't judge something till you try it as they say.


Dedicated Member
Nov 13, 2009
Sounds good. I'll be giving it ago when its released.

Don't listen to people and their negative comments lol. There's always a few people that will try a slate a server even before it comes online......pointless tbh. Don't judge something till you try it as they say.
Thank you Laura...................


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 23, 2009
Your welcome :)

Id personally like to see a x8-x16exp or maybe even x4! lol. Gold should always be the currency its meant to be, on some servers its just worth naff all. Mob rate should always be comfortable, hugh spawns causes noob deaths lol and too lilttle spawns causes people to cry....spawns should be increased where needed imo(PT/BP/ZT/JP).

I would like to see a really well thought out system to gain items such as Cosmos/Life/Chaos neckys. Also a small quest that gives you the ability to unrust items(maybe a small quest in numa ruins). Its always the same old system with these sort of things, collect the 4 pieces for the neckys(on some servers the chaos necky doesnt even work) and take the pieces to the npc in numa or get a rusted item drop and go and pay 1mil gold to unrust.

If you ever need someone to test, dont forget me :P
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
I know who's working on this server and I have already been asked to work on it but due to lack of time in my life atm i refused. However good luck with your project, Joe stop bloody jumping the gun you sperm bubble, you and I know they not new ideas but who knows MAYBE they may have added some changes to them.

I'll pop on and see if the server is good or bad and post a constructive/fair review.

Good luck again,


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 23, 2009
I know who's working on this server and I have already been asked to work on it but due to lack of time in my life atm i refused. However good luck with your project, Joe stop bloody jumping the gun you sperm bubble, you and I know they not new ideas but who knows MAYBE they may have added some changes to them.

I'll pop on and see if the server is good or bad and post a constructive/fair review.

Good luck again,

Im quite glad i dont know who's working on this server because alot of the time its the server admin/owners/gm's that put me off playin, hardly ever the server itself. Seen so many people bring out a server for them to go power mad(Tom your one of those people :P lol) or accept stupid donations for kit(ie supreme).

I just really want a normal server with a steady exp rate, a steady lot of updates. A nice system for donations IF people choose to use it, it should never be a MUST.

I must agree with Joe though, i have seen many of the features on other servers/in other server files such as VE/Xtreme but as Tom said.....hopefully they have a different feel to them.

Id like to see the Elite item(VitalElementz feature) used again but on a higher level such as 4 stages of Elite item or a quest to be able to use the feature. Instead of just going to an NPC with the item and gold/fp/integral and exchanging it. Id like to see some of the old unused skins of armours/weapons used again because i love the BasicDress(F) skin lol!
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Laura I've retired from making servers a long time ago, I admit sometimes i was power mad and was a dick as a player too. But over time I've grown up and am a different person :) Wouldn't mind playing a server now to see who still plays.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 23, 2009
Laura I've retired from making servers a long time ago, I admit sometimes i was power mad and was a dick as a player too. But over time I've grown up and am a different person :) Wouldn't mind playing a server now to see who still plays.

Aye but i can't really talk...on the 2servers me and sam put together i couldnt help myself sometimes. Sam no longer plays Mir3 because as you know he plays for the PK...so he's migrated to Mir2 lol. You see the same old people really apart from the old skool players that are still paying out their back sides for Global lol. Mir3 just isnt the same anymore, its such a shame lol :(


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Mir died a long time ago, just not as much development going into it. Yes a new class but if you think about it most MMORPG's start off with 5+ classes and races.

Also greediness has got the best of this community.


Dedicated Member
Nov 13, 2009
Id like to see the Elite item(VitalElementz feature) used again but on a higher level such as 4 stages of Elite item or a quest to be able to use the feature. Instead of just going to an NPC with the item and gold/fp/integral and exchanging it. Id like to see some of the old unused skins of armours/weapons used again because i love the BasicDress(F) skin lol!
Your wish is my command.........

That was one of the things that we are looking at, our fusion system will work in that way. You start the fusion from a basic first quest and then each stage of progress opens up the next part of the fusion system. We've also looked at not just having it as a single quest per stage and you go to the NPC to progress, instead every part for each stage will have multiple quests that unlock a different feature. All of which are needed to unlock the next level of fusion.

I will try and get some information put onto the site about the different systems that we will be using and the way they work.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 23, 2009
Your wish is my command.........

That was one of the things that we are looking at, our fusion system will work in that way. You start the fusion from a basic first quest and then each stage of progress opens up the next part of the fusion system. We've also looked at not just having it as a single quest per stage and you go to the NPC to progress, instead every part for each stage will have multiple quests that unlock a different feature. All of which are needed to unlock the next level of fusion.

I will try and get some information put onto the site about the different systems that we will be using and the way they work.

Ye that sounds cool. Maybe a quest to unlock the ability to add Sc/Dc/Mc, then a completely different quest to unlock Mr/Ac, then another to unlock HP/MP ect ect eventually leading on to unlock A-speed/Poison attack and such. Im not sure what sort of item stats your looking at or if the fusion system you mentioned will even work in this way but it would be nice to see PR/HPR/MPR but not just as a stat....i want to actually work for stats such as the one's above.

This server really does sound like my cup of tea and i just hope it comes online, hopefully long term. I dont normally post ideas but this server may be just what i was looking for. Your obviously taking peoples ideas into consideration and thats what i like to see :)

Edit - Loving the forum theme lol.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Aug 1, 2006
sounds good! might come out of retirement to play this... not played mir3 for time has it was the same ppl creating... which i knew would not last! so yeah good luck! if you need any testers be sure to let me know!
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