My Server Plans Outline


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
I recently posted that I was considering designing a server and if anyone would be interested in helping to make it.

Well I've decided to post a quick outline here of what I intend to do, so people can gauge if they're interested.

As always, your free to adapt bits to your own servers. That's first and foremost what I'm here for. :)

And feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

The Design Aims

I want to make a server a little different, but not necessarily the most "advanced". I want to be fun and unique more than I want technical features.

Rather than just say a "low exp" or "high stats" etc server, I want something that's a little different to regular Mir.

Below are random snapshots of SOME ideas I would like to include. Please give feedback.

The Shadow Province

This is a bit unusual.

The Shadow Province is a lethal place, and not just because of the monsters there. It comprises of several maps (some small) -- and they're mostly for raiding, high stakes group hunts and specific quests -- they are FAR too dangerous for day to day hunting.

These areas are dangerous because of mobs, but mostly because of the Shadow Bretheren.

The Shadow Bretheren are players that have turned to the dark side as it were. Good or regular players will FAR outnumber the shadow side, but in this little province the Shadow Bretheren could be quite dangerous.

Once a character has sworn allegiance to the Shadow side, that character is on that side forever, and -- aside from rare chances to break free -- these players will be confined to the Shadow Province and select maps outside of it.

Upon taking the Shadow Oath, the characters will have their PK points set to a VERY high number, so that they will never again be white, ordinary citizens.

After this the Shadow players can get experience (quite high amounts) for killing the normal players who dare to venture into their realm. (The amount of EXP awarded is all based on PK points -- getting these points results in exp.)

There are also massive experience bonuses for Shadow players who manage to repel all the invaders on a large hunt etc.

Shadow players -- in return for giving their souls to darker means -- can gain immensely powerful very quickly. They can also gain items usable only by themselves - based on their rank within the Shadow Bretheren.

The ultimate aim of the Shadow Bretheren is to become one of the very few who make it to the top rank -- that of a Shadow Lord. These players get powers unseen by other players, and even get direct control over their realm. These powers range from new items, to specific spells, to the ability to spawn monsters in the Shadow Province to combat invaders.

Very few players will choose to own a Shadow character, but those that do choose a Shadow character (as an alt) will be rewarded with great power for their terrible deeds. The quick exp and the extra powers given to the sucessful Shadow Bretheren balances this out slightly, and helps to make the Shadow Province an interesting area of the game. (A lot of higher level raids are conducted here.)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005

There is no AFK redemption for PKers on this server.

Player killers will wake up in a special zone and have one of two choices:

1) Wait a long time AFK etc.

or 2) Actively face their punishment.

Facing the punishment (the way to a quick release) involves entering a frustrating zone full of deadly mobs, and trying to survive long enough to collect items and weaker mobs.

This zone could possibly be made part of the Shadow Province, so PKers have an added layer of danger to contest with (the Shadow Bretheren).


I think that one way to keep people's interest (and make a game fun) is have more than one way of improving your character. As well as levelling and improving your standing in the Bichon Legion or the Shadow Bretheren, my server will feature one profession per character.

These professions will crop up from time to time around the game. They're based on a previous post of mine on Tradeskills.

I won't recap in detail - but basically for example if you choose the mining profession, you have a chance to improve your skill at mining by mining (and after a certain skill level, you have to mine in harder places to improve). You will get more money, better quality ores etc, the higher your skill goes.

You will also be able to take advantage of 'rubble' -- bits of rock that spawn randomly in caves and dungeons. When you kill some rubble, you will be awarded with random ores based on your mining skill.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
The Quest System

I want an entirely new quest system. I think the Mir one lacks severely.

This server would include a high number of quests, and they would be organised for you in a WoW style quest manager/diary.

This takes the form of an NPC in each town who tells you exactly what quests you've yet to do and what stage you're at. Questing provides faster exp (and more interesting experiences) than levelling alone, and it's designed to LEAD YOU through the game. Giving you CAUSE to go out killing mobs and to visit new areas, etc.

Quests aren't just a matter of 'go there, kill that'. As you progress through quests, you will see little events, spawned monsters, and changes to the environment. This can be anything from extra monsters that weren't there before, to whole new areas.

Eg. One quest might COMPLETELY change life death coffin, so that you actually log into a different (identical) map when you visit the place. The map is the same, but the monsters could be COMPLETELY different.

A lot of quests would involve tough group challenges (especially the frequent specific boss fights and mini events). Some quest items will be ONLY WEARABLE by those who have earnt them, and will dissapear from people who didn't earn them.

Some item slots would be reserved entirely for quest items (you CANNOT buy or have drop normally an item for that slot(s).

Some quests would involve entering instances - as talked about below.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005

Instances are customised versions of a specific dungeon/map for each group who enters.

These would be used where appropiate. Specifically, they would be used for certain group challenge zones.

Here's an example of how an instance, quest and mini event could be combined:

1) A quest requires you to hunt various people in Wooma Temple, etc.
2) After several stages, you've discovered a secret passage. This allows you to shortcut your way through WT (permenantly) by taking a passage from one point to another.
3) Your quest in WT continues, unlocking more of its secrets, hunting more etc.
4) You're led to the big empty space in WT that feels like there should be something in it (I don't know if anyone knows the place I mean -- big empty square nowhere near any stairs). But THIS TIME when you go there, mobs start spawning by themselves. You have to fight off 6 progressively harder waves of mobs in this space.
5) You discover a scroll about the "Wooma Chancellor" - who's been calling forth the WoomaTaurus. Your new goal bcomes clear -- you have to journey to the KingsRoom and take this ******* down.

6) This is where the instance comes in. At this stage (within 30 mins of all the group members completing the mini event) when you walk into WT KR, you don't go to the normal KingsRoom - you go to a special instanced version.

In this instance you have to hunt until a special WG (no drops) appears, which then spawns a no-drop/special drop (see below) WT. Once this is killed, you get to battle the Wooma Chancellor (+ bodyguards) to try and complete the quest.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
Special Drops / Items Structure

While a lot of players will want to get high and uber fast, this isn't the only way to do things. Instead of rare items being the highest level ones, and everything else being ****, there will be rare items for each set of levels.

Hunting a level16 boss like a ghoul won't just net you pots, but a chance at the rare/uber level16-22 item sets. So whatever level you are and where you hunt, there's a chance at uber rares you can wear. It's not all slayers etc.

There also shouldn't just be "items are items", but different types.

1) Items which can be worn only by the player who "earnt" them. These can be randomly deleted from game if used by people who aren't supposed to.

2) Quest items. At least one slot is reserved for items gained from quests ONLY. These slots will have NO items drop which aren't earnt in quests.

3) Raid items. Another slot or two might be reserved for raid items (maybe some overlap with quest item slots). Please read below for details of raids.

All this means is that while the existing system is in place for most items, some items HAVE to be earnt yourselves directly, not bought, and some items HAVE to be quested for - etc.

This means that for these slots, nicer items can be awarded, without having to think too much about balance and farmers.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005

Just scratching the serface here -- but I'm sure you get the idea. The server mission is to try and make the place fun, and to make MORE to the game than just levelling. This includes quests, group missions, raids etc.

Anyways, if anyone's interested in getting this running (and I'm not saying I shared the ideas I consider to be my best :)) then I'd like to try and make a beta soon as possible that's just level1-22, so we can get some feedback on how enjoyable those levels were etc, and what works, what doesn't -- etc.

I'd rather build just 1-22 (this push) and have it a really lively and rich experience for those levels, and then add to it, than have 1-50 full of bland content.

So if you're still interested in working on this server, lemme know.

Feedback is always welcome.


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 11, 2005
They seem to be very very good m8 i like the way you come up with iders that no 1 has ever been able to think of.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
rorymorrisyeeee said:
i'd help, if 90% of the stuff wasnt impossible

i dont see whats not possible, all things mentioned seem reletivly simple - some are complex, but if you structure it, it wont be a problem.

im rather interested.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
all that he said is highly easy to do. with mir3 files anyway, so i expect with the likes of ledu the functions can become greater.

i like the original ideas, but i dont agree with you sharing them here if your planning on making a server. the users here will most certainly steal your ideas outright.


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 30, 2003
Some people like low exp some people like high exp... i think its a good idea to do half half... e.g. start with low exp, but a certain mob drops a certain item that will let you go to a certain place for a certain ammount of time to level super fast...

hehe alot of certains...



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2005
Sounds like a Brilliant plan Sam, you have got quite an imagination.

I might consider in helping you, since i've got alot of free time.