"Negative Comments".

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2009
Could we get some clear cut rule on what is and isn't allowed to be posted on a server thread (namely advert) - I'm not directly talking about mine, but I can see both sides of the fence now;
Server owners don't want their thread trashed with mindless idiots who say "Oh it's crap, same as every other server with nothing original", which it might be for the first day, then it's all brand new - Puts any future players off.
The other side is when a server goes up that really is crap/corrupt/whatever, how can a player post saying this, without coming off like they're just trying to put the server down like a banned fool would? I know I can word a post correctly to show the server's fault/s and how to correct them, but then 90% of the posters here don't have the same experience of feedback as I do. :p

Sooooo; Could you Admins/Mods discuss amongst yourselves what is and isn't allowed, so players can give accurate feedback and server owners can defend themselves with means other than 1 post vs 5.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
yer....... lets tell ppl what they can and cant post

its a forum, every1 is allowed their free speach of their opinion

if u want a gay forums where every1 has to love the admin off and says ne thing bad gets banned stick to ur gay little MR forum

its like that euro server in upcommin atm, everything that every1 says is true, no1 will play it, its not interesting, and it wil fail

its up the the server owner if he listens and changes it, or if hes just doin it as a hobby and doesnt care what usercount he gets

if the forum turnt into wot ur sayin, where no1 can post a negative comment, then no1 would even come ot this forum, as they cant say wot they really feel


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
All criticism should be followed by a legit reason why.


LOMCN n00bie
Sep 27, 2009
My friend, you already know that your wasting your time asking this question as it has been proven time and time again that it is all down to who your friends with here.

Some adverts are cleaned as soon as a negative comment appears and others just get ignored until someone kicks up a fuss and only then certain things are cleaned. It is so easy here for the owner of another server to trash another advert by deliberately starting arguments or getting people who are obviously their friends to post false and inaccurate rubbish, and 99% of this behaviour goes unpunished.

There are clear and strict rules already posted that I presume Bleachy intended to be adhered to, both by members, admin and moderators, but is clearly being ignored and / or changed to suit certain individuals.

A prime example is how does a new server get "Approved" after only a couple of months when quite a bit of that time it was either down or suffering numerous reboots?
This was done apparently because the server owner ran another server for 14 months before closing it and starting another server in a different name. What about the thousands of pounds players lost buying kit on that server to see the owner close it and start from scratch with a med rate and now a new high rate, that got to hurt some people, but this is apparently good enough behaviour to get a new server Approved quickly?

LOMCN is or was a fantastic asset to the Mir community, but until we get Moderators that are not connected or bias towards certain people / servers then nothing will change to be honest.

Good Luck with your efforts though :001_unsure:


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
If your talking about 4heros i made that call to approve that server as its a run on of OS and ben told that to the player when the change happen.

Now i dunno if u have something todo with DR server,but if needed i post copy the posts here,but there is about 5 mods that have said that they get the feel that DR server is out for donations. thats why the server hasnt gotta approve and it was aprroved befor and was asked to be removed.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
i love how its all directed against me.

also... you say about me makin a high rate and the "low/med" rate ppl bein upset, a lot of them will stay, which is how we want it

and sorry but isnt your precious DR doin the same? leaving DR to run a low rate? wot about the "thousands of pounds" (lol) they spent on DR? wont they be upset?

u should think before u type


LOMCN Developer
Feb 19, 2009
Reading, UK
Im my opinion only constructive critcism should be posted, if you are just going to say "this server is poorly made sucks..." then thats not very constructive, a more suitable way of saying it would be "This server need more work, suggestion, suggestion...."


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
Everyone needs to treat everyone else as equals and not judge by how much money can or have made. Main reason for all this crap is because people want to make as much money from their own donations as possible.

Less servers, more chance of donations.

Any non-constructive critcism will be infracted.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
"ur server fails because its a copy of euro which takes no effort, put some effort in and make it ur own unique server"

that is contructive :rolleyes:


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
That is an opinion based on your views, some users may like it.

Posts that dont contribute to the server will be infracted on the spot.

1. Please read info carefully to avoid pointless questions
2. PM server owner if you can, again avoiding any replies.
3. NO FLAMING, prejudices, and persecutions towards anyone!
4. No posts which only exist to ask the status of the server. .
5. Do not post unless it is about the server in question.

If you fail to comply with these rules, your posts will usually be deleted. If it is regarded as persistent or behaviour which contravenes the global forum rules - you will be infracted.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
i dont see why u wanna be so strict to just drive ppl off the forums, seems silly

no1s ever gonna pm the server owner they'd rather just post on the thread :l


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
i dont see why u wanna be so strict to just drive ppl off the forums, seems silly

no1s ever gonna pm the server owner they'd rather just post on the thread :l

Only people who break the rules which is better for everyone if you have such a big problem with it then don't break the rules as I said to you in private message.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2009
yer....... lets tell ppl what they can and cant post

its a forum, every1 is allowed their free speach of their opinion

if u want a gay forums where every1 has to love the admin off and says ne thing bad gets banned stick to ur gay little MR forum

its like that euro server in upcommin atm, everything that every1 says is true, no1 will play it, its not interesting, and it wil fail

its up the the server owner if he listens and changes it, or if hes just doin it as a hobby and doesnt care what usercount he gets

if the forum turnt into wot ur sayin, where no1 can post a negative comment, then no1 would even come ot this forum, as they cant say wot they really feel

Your ignorance impresses me as per usual, I never said "Tell people exactly what can and can't be said", but as it is, there is conflicting messages between Mods - Some seem to say we can post what we want, others seem to say keep it clean, others seem to delete any post when we ask for a 'clean up'. I did like how you called MR 'little' though, let's not start that - Try acting like an adult and take this for what it is, not "Someone from MR is posting, MUST DESTROY!".

All criticism should be followed by a legit reason why.

Nail on the head - I would happily take that as a rule, word for word.

Basically all along my current thought stream, however let's keep 4H and bias comments out, true or false, I want this thread to actually show the Mods/Admins there's still a community worth paying attention to. ;)

Im my opinion only constructive critcism should be posted, if you are just going to say "this server is poorly made sucks..." then thats not very constructive, a more suitable way of saying it would be "This server need more work, suggestion, suggestion...."

Also spot on - Surprising how people I expected to start an argument have managed to and those who kept to the topic also haven't surprised me.

Everyone needs to treat everyone else as equals and not judge by how much money can or have made. Main reason for all this crap is because people want to make as much money from their own donations as possible.

Less servers, more chance of donations.

Any non-constructive critcism will be infracted.

First bit will never happen, would be great if it did, but it won't.

Honestly, tell all of the Admins/Mods to crack down on repeat offenders, why is no-one ever banned here? I'm not directing this at Ben, there's other people who (imo) are deserving of a temp ban, at least of 24 hours... Is the Ban button disabled or something, seriously?

i dont see why u wanna be so strict to just drive ppl off the forums, seems silly

no1s ever gonna pm the server owner they'd rather just post on the thread :l

Fully agreed, those rules are (sorry to say this), idiotic - How often are they even close to upheld? Make some looser rules (ideally ones that the community agree's on, or at least gets the ability to give input on) that are stuck to, don't make it a free-for-all slagging forum, but don't make it a nazi regime camp either. PM the server owner, really...

So much typing, didn't expect so many replies in a matter of hours, lol.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
end of day tho, its just about luck, some posts and threads are completely full of spam and crap........ some mods would just delete this and leave it at that

others, like azura, koari, and other "pls lighten up mods" just hand out straight infractions

its just luck of the draw if u get a mod that isnt ban happy and deletes it or a mod that loves his power and infracts everyone

just the way it is

i dont get why infractions last 6months-1 year either, but still... they should be more like 1 month


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
Ok lets point out the main ones and the ones that are most of an issue.

1. Please read info carefully to avoid pointless questions
2. PM server owner if you can, again avoiding any replies.
3. NO FLAMING, prejudices, and persecutions towards anyone!
4. No posts which only exist to ask the status of the server.
5. Do not post unless it is about the server in question.

If you fail to comply with these rules, your posts will usually be deleted. If it is regarded as persistent or behaviour which contravenes the global forum rules - you will be infracted.

Only one rule there that you could call 'idiotic'

end of day tho, its just about luck, some posts and threads are completely full of spam and crap........ some mods would just delete this and leave it at that

others, like azura, koari, and other "pls lighten up mods" just hand out straight infractions

its just luck of the draw if u get a mod that isnt ban happy and deletes it or a mod that loves his power and infracts everyone

just the way it is

I like that. I have not gone out of my way to infract and I have not done in awhile.

However if you insist on having the 'I'll do what I want. The staff are not strict enough to worry' then I have no choice but to infract.

If you wish to feel you own / can do anything on these forums please feel free to break the rules, just dont complain when you get infracted.


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
I vote me for mod again, i was a tight bugger, i didnt let no **** go, i ended up asking other mods if i was being too tight and they said leave it. i even infraction Ben hehehe. So STFU all the people saying i love Ben.. (was meant to be a warning but whoops welcome 5 infraction points!)

When push comes to shove, ignore the comments, kindly ask a mod to remove them, sorted. Where you MAIN WORD HERE! --->ALL<--- MAIN WORD HERE! **** up is you retaliate, then cry mods are not doing their job. Its not their job to read every post instantly, but some of you expect them too. They are like you, and me, geeks.

So the procedure for people who didnt understand:

Ignore, unless facts are not true, state in a calm manor quoting the post "These accusations are not true", if you feel it will dramatically effect your server within the 12-24 hours of mod looking at it

Click the report button, or email a moderator (preferably the section mod) asap.

STEP Three
Wait, if the moderator hasn't done anything, forward the message on to a 2nd higher up mod, and mention that the previous mod done nothing.

Mwuah, im out




Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Im not asking for you to hand out infractions here or even complainin, but heres an example of how some get infracted, while others dont....

http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=708923&postcount=54 - "is server up atm? " - this post is ignoring rule 1, and 4.

http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=708947&postcount=59 - "when hes done here youtubelink" - posted by an actual moderater, completely off topic spam

http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=708948&postcount=60 - "Truly epic.. i want him!!!! " - link my post u just infracted me for azura... this is replyin to spam, causin more spam, infracted? no.

thats just from 5mins of lookin at the forums.....

see what i mean azura, how can u justify an infraction agianst me yet let so many others get away with it? it is just singling out lol


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Im not asking for you to hand out infractions here or even complainin, but heres an example of how some get infracted, while others dont....

http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=708923&postcount=54 - "is server up atm? " - this post is ignoring rule 1, and 4.

http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=708947&postcount=59 - "when hes done here youtubelink" - posted by an actual moderater, completely off topic spam

http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=708948&postcount=60 - "Truly epic.. i want him!!!! " - link my post u just infracted me for azura... this is replyin to spam, causin more spam, infracted? no.

thats just from 5mins of lookin at the forums.....

see what i mean azura, how can u justify an infraction agianst me yet let so many others get away with it? it is just singling out lol

You traded me in, you heartless bugger :crying:

This is spam for all you cry babies :thumbup2:

I'll report myself.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
You think I personally have time to read every post? No I do not.

Maybe its a case of you posting crap at the wrong time, but then if you didnt post crap you wouldnt need to worry.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
You traded me in, you heartless bugger :crying:

This is spam for all you cry babies :thumbup2:

I'll report myself.
thats not the point, im not trying to grass anyone up, to get them infracted or anything, im merely trying to backup my arguement

personally, if i was a mod and lookin at that, as the server owner hasnt complained, id either delete the posts or leave it as it is.

if the server owner complained about spam, then delete it, probably warn iceman cause he started the spam, do a post sayin ne more off topic will be infracted, and if it carrys on go ahead and infract as they've had a clear warning

Way i see it, mods/admins/wotever just patrol the forums now and then and hand out a few infractions to show they are doing stuff, the forum is never fully moderated, if it was you'd see constnat warnings/infractions or cleanin of threads... not the odd infraction here and there

Ne way i really wanna see azuras reply on this + the PM i sent him lol

You think I personally have time to read every post? No I do not.

Maybe its a case of you posting crap at the wrong time, but then if you didnt post crap you wouldnt need to worry.

thats my point exactly lol :rolleyes:

if u dont have time to read every post... either get more mods, or stop bein so harsh with the infractions on certain ppl, its just unfair. if ppl didnt post crap the forum would be even more dead than it already is
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