New chinese mir3 with sins server meant to be coming online next week


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
Their website is now live and looks like its under going maintenance:
I'm sure we can expect some information soon. I have also found that on the mir3gsp Baidu Post someone has announced a BETA test starting on August 10. I don't know if we will be able to access account creation and so on as the information is limited but the download as mentioned previously can be found there too.


Download Post:

P.S. tried to make an account on the mir3gsp website but it says servers are down, i'll keep an eye on this to see when it comes live and more information has been put in.
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Staff member
May 19, 2003
I'm impressed with their blurb, wonder if they took that straight from a wiki or have actually got an English speaker making their site.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I'm impressed with their blurb, wonder if they took that straight from a wiki or have actually got an English speaker making their site.

Looks like it's a mix of wiki and the old mir3 global website text


Known Cheater
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 5, 2014
think its a list of bugs and opinions but it says something about they shouldnt add preist cause of the bugs

i read something about 4pm so maybe thats when the beta starts....there gametime is 1 hour before UK time


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
This post is made by another player stating the bugs and recommendations to the server, i've tried to read through it and here's what I got:

Anything that is posted by a grey name user is a normal player, anything posted by an orange name user I think is the GM e.g. the QQ and download topic.

1 About BUG priests serving assassin nobody gettin a little slow with the upgrade, first Lian Fashi or priests with assassins after the upgrade is good, with upgrade to fight BOSS priests are good, but this has not been resolved BUG serving priests, priests of the estimated open service play Few priests BUG is not resolved, the priests have nothing developed, that is a waste, will play under BOSS poisoned.

I think its basically saying that assassins and taoists are a little slow at leveling but once leveled they are good. I think the 'upgrade' may also refer to the 'pet scroll upgrade' which is bugged causing extremely high damage. I think from past conversations and in game play that they might be removing the pet scroll so the fact they are saying taoists are undeveloped and have nothing may be due to the fact that this has been removed resulting in tao's then being weak and useless other than poisoning bosses.

2 mission prestige BUG I play in the main lumen version 1.45, Know task task too much garbage, do not have no meaning, they ship task was okay, but no matter what, PW play both point to do the same task boat already disgusting, like some magic version 42 Magic 46 tasks are also a kind of boat task, Xisha task Shrine mission will play a few clothes boring, while the international version of the task to do good, not to some monster various equipment items such chapter, and gave honor points, honor points to the title as well as a variety, but doing it very interesting task and I played all versions of PW are not the same, I heard this service mission honor points have BUG if BUG is not solved, what meaning do not do the task.

Think its just saying quests are rubbish and not worth doing and that some are bugged.

3 monster monster attributes and skills with the original robes international version is not the same to say more is that many high basaltic monster attack, a monster with skills but also with robes international version is not the same, at the beginning there is snow monster attack high, there are many monsters figure seems there are differences related to the original robes, I said my views on it, monster attack skills are not as high, or can be, as long as each monster attack sequence diagram do Haojiu Xing, do not basaltic monster monster attack pirates are higher than are powerful, it is not good, hell broke loose, 70 monsters worse than the 60's, 80's monster than 70 powerful, there is a normal sequence, the test When people say 50 or so numbers can not play this dress basaltic, then over 60 class see if you can play, analogy, such as the stage play basaltic serving more than 60, more than 70 stage play Naruto dungeon, over 80 stage play pirates, there is a reasonable order to impress the international version than the original higher level of need is also OK, but if more than 60 stage play pirates, 80 in order to play basalt, then wrong, went wrong, the test when the number is generally around 50 most numbers are not yet equipped with no iris, senior figure can not go anywhere, so this suits senior monster attributes do not know, when tested, Lane GM should test it, for example, each test No. establish four assassin role, grade, respectively 50, 60, 70, 80, all full of skill level, shops selling reds NPC sets, weapons at all levels, so that everyone on the roles of different levels to different levels of map fight monster, can relatively quickly found each graph problems and BUG, 10 number on the trial operation, the senior figure there is no problem we do not know whether to open a formal beta test operation or service, I got five more than sixty takes a long time, to the level of the map there is a problem in the discovery, change, or delete files in the reopening of the senseless.

Just stating that some of the monster AI is not as it should be like I mentioned previously, I think the bit after that is saying that testers all around level 50-60-70 had no kit suited to their level as they were boosted by the GM and then left to find noob kit rather than find higher kit and test higher areas.

4 Some say upgrading slow slow to upgrade some say, others say a year rose one, it is never played or not played good nonsense that, if the words of someone with a quick upgrade scary, when I was playing basaltic playing robes when I'm online about 12 hours a day, more than 60 grade level seems to be more than three days, more than 70 stage when a lot slower Monday a multi-point level, time is too long remember very clearly, more than 30 upgrades require previous experience level is relatively small, the upgrade is also very fast, four or five sets iris level soon, no iris that upgrade is relatively slow.

Not 100% sure but I think it's just something about the pace of leveling.

5. translation problem if the opening service of foreigners and Chinese people are more English to English, and it does not matter, and if the open service are Chinese people play, the English do not always translate wonder, what are the Chinese people to play the game bird text, as it is now does not play, GM and group of people to tell the next couple of Revelation, Revelation to see a newcomer, I just play robes when watching the new Revelation also Mongolia, there are many places do not understand, I persevered , now open service do not see the new Revelation will play, but look at the new Revelation and English fameng not stick out of service a lot of people now, like this time to open service, I asked my brother you do not play, he said translated to play, no translation will not play, watching the birds head pain, a lot of people like my brother is not the same as a Chinese would not play the game or do not understand giving up playing this game will not be less , of course, a lot of work translating the game, now do not translate, and hope to make money or translation look better 6 game fees is taking this card charges, fees PW mode regarded wonderful work, and PW card mode The quality of open less than convincing to know, I'll give you an analysis charging mode,

Something in regards to the language and them translating the NPCs to suit chinese people and the fee to play, I heard when playing the earlier test phases that the server may be pay to play with monthly subscription or something similar and I think this is refferring to that with the 'PW card mode' maybe being password pay to play. There may be more news on this as they have said they will give us a analysis of the 'charging mode'.

charging a monthly sponsorship Calgary coins, coins are no monthly eternal sponsored cards, remembrance and dreams of the monthly card is the currency used in the NPC at their sponsoring monthly punch card sponsorship currency trading can be sold on consignment, sponsorship currency function, can charge on cards, can achieve some functions are not abnormal, for example, sponsored propaganda red coins, equipment engraved names, characters transform gender, etc.

Something that seems like they will introduce either a donate for coins system or the pay to play users will get coins every month to spend on things like gender change, equipment name engrave etc.

pork consumption is huge, you can ensure that the server is not perverted money, some people may worry that is starting to spend money to eat pork, pig wash water, special repair syrup, the average player can not afford to play the game currency currency exchange sponsored pork pig water
Hehe sorry this made me giggle :P

Everything under that is just saying how there are lots of people who won't and don't want to pay a monthly subscription and that it's bad for the server were as making a 'coins charge system' has lots of positives with players using their coins and recharging a lot like in the wemade server. 'i think'. There was also talk at the very end saying something about the slowness of leveling and how people played 4 years on wemade and that people may get bored quickly in the same areas and that they need to introduce new areas.

Eupolyphaga sense of responsibility has been raised, at least not like before, advance to play "at 4:00 on August 10 beta," the announcement.

Not sure what time zone they are going from, most likely their own time zone. Still no further information regarding this - most likely they are getting their information from the QQ group.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 18, 2008
Server located in china , i cant connect to the server i have IP block or something the server ip is [Initial]




Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 2, 2005
Server located in china , i cant connect to the server i have IP block or something the server ip is [Initial]



I made these changes and get stuck after the patcher. is there a way to direct connect without going through patcher/hackshield?


Known Cheater
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 5, 2014
Server located in china , i cant connect to the server i have IP block or something the server ip is [Initial]



dont have a clue what that means and how to use it...but if ur IP is blocked u can use WTfast and set to china


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 2, 2005
I can get to a login screen.

Cannot make an account on - i get the 'server down' message.

Perhaps someone with access to a chinese email address could make an account?


Known Cheater
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Feb 5, 2014
I can get to a login screen.

Cannot make an account on - i get the 'server down' message.

Perhaps someone with access to a chinese email address could make an account?

if u downloaded QQ and type in the group ID you can ask a chinese person to make a account for you but they could potentially take it back...ive downloaded client but its currently down i think so u cant make accounts atm

---------- Post Merged at 12:18 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:18 PM ----------

I can get to a login screen.

Cannot make an account on - i get the 'server down' message.

Perhaps someone with access to a chinese email address could make an account?

if u downloaded QQ and type in the group ID you can ask a chinese person to make a account for you but they could potentially take it back...ive downloaded client but its currently down i think so u cant make accounts atm


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
Server is online, need to wait for account registration to be opened tho, unless you can get to make one.


Client Download:!eBMBTDSB!DYyL31QnQjcqosvBWanXcIkLscN4K2vbganx6zbbKJU

Patch Download:



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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 2, 2005
nice. guess i'll wait for account registration to be open. Any insight from ingame when that will be?