New server


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2007
Palma, Mallorca
Mapa, I know that most of images are made by wemade. Some others are made by shanda, of Woool. But the MODIFICATIONS based on these images by joining, ie, an armour and a background are made by other people, like us.
And these MODIFICATIONS are OUR new material.

If X server says "wow, this armour is great!", why not pick up the photoshop and begin to edit new armours?
-Not, it's too much easy use the paint, paste a logo on ours and say "see what WE have done!". Later, we are who are waiting for azura's realease to say that we made it ourselves.


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 9, 2009
Mapa, I know that most of images are made by wemade. Some others are made by shanda, of Woool. But the MODIFICATIONS based on these images by joining, ie, an armour and a background are made by other people, like us.
And these MODIFICATIONS are OUR new material.

If X server says "wow, this armour is great!", why not pick up the photoshop and begin to edit new armours?
-Not, it's too much easy use the paint, paste a logo on ours and say "see what WE have done!". Later, we are who are waiting for azura's realease to say that we made it ourselves.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 23, 2008
I will download your cliente and after I'll make a collage with all of your new's armour, horse, monster, rings...... When I finish, I upload the collage here and in the most popular chinese forums about Mir 3 and I'll say that the Job is mine..... To see that the real authors say ...

@Toño: If you don't know nothing of run Mir,.... because I think that you only know play it.... it'd be better to say nothing.

@English, German.... Postman: Pow! Right in the kisser! ^^...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 14, 2009
An example application of Mir frustrated.

everyone has the same rights, not because your a GM of another server you will have privileges and you do change things to another person, that takes longer than you on the server.
un ejemplo de programador del Mir frustrado.

todas las personas tienen los mismo derechos, no por ser tu un GM de otro server vas a tener privilegios y vas a hacer modificar las cosas a otra persona, que lleva más tiempo que tu en el server.

Que pasa que te ha dicho el DeMoN que pongas eso? xD
Llevas 3 dias registrao y 3 posts xDD.

PD: Demon tio,aceptalo,todos nos robamos entre todos,es un hecho que no se puede cambiar xDD

Saludos /Nahk


Did Demon told you to say that?
You stand here 3 days and you have 3 posts xD
P.D: Demon, admit it, all of us are stealing ourselves, its never change.

Greetings /Nahk


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 23, 2008
Toño reminds me to....


  • avatar427736_3.gif
    21.8 KB · Views: 209


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 14, 2009
Demon Posting in Rage***...


Tools for Woool?

Hi all,

Are there any tool for edit maps or libs *.sgl ?? Where i can donwload it?


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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006

It was ever the same here all steal from all but in a community it calling not stealing it call EXCHANGE :P

i have stolen and changed and other steal my changed so i next release directly what i had made self. that the community not need to steal that they can take it free *roflamo

offtopic @Blazzer look here Posting by Omikkk :


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 9, 2009
I will download your cliente and after I'll make a collage with all of your new's armour, horse, monster, rings...... When I finish, I upload the collage here and in the most popular chinese forums about Mir 3 and I'll say that the Job is mine..... To see that the real authors say ...

@Toño: If you don't know nothing of run Mir,.... because I think that you only know play it.... it'd be better to say nothing.

@English, German.... Postman: Pow! Right in the kisser! ^^...

I am a player, programmer? maybe. the truth is that you are a lammer of these grand. Whether you like about soys blazze mukakis of life (mukakis = programmer who makes a bad copy of a server and cheaper)
@nemon/blazzer esto os lo escribo en español porque sino me banean la cuenta del foro, sois unos mukakis, oleis peor que las bragas de la duquesa de alba. que vuestro server fue mal? pos os jodeis, que hispared va muy bien y mejor si gentuza como vosotros chorizando las cosas que se curran los Gm's


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 23, 2008
Well ... you can see when you look like tickling, if you're in your territory are silent mouth badly, and where you can not resort to tyranny, you insult ... xDDDDD


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 9, 2009
Well ... you can see when you look like tickling, if you're in your territory are silent mouth badly, and where you can not resort to tyranny, you insult ... xDDDDD
@nemon: if people like you became president of the countries, the world would founder faster, aforesaid, if people like you is in mir, was over before.

@in spanish for spanish people
mas de lo mismo, te insulto como y cuando quiero y porque quiero,por plagiar casi plagias hasta el nombre de cuenta, pero contestame, en tu vida real te dedicas al mundo de las fotocopias?


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 9, 2009
peace please

anda el que faltaba xD

PD: Mukai=mukaki


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 15, 2008
I can only say, that many materials that are claimed to be exclusively of hispared, I have seen months before in chinese communities of legend of mir. Even designs of horses, and weapons. Putting a logo of "hispared" doesn't make it exclusive, it makes it be a lie for the users.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 5, 2004
This is the last time I will post on this issue and is addressed to all those assumptions Spanish developers and GMs dedicated to criticize and steal our file copying and pasting our libraries to their customers.

I think there are many who have written here do not take into account the work involved in adapting images whether from other games Mir 3.

Time and working hours spent in libraries so that you come after one and make a copy and paste the libraries of your client without permission and go boasting that this work has done.

Or pretending or claiming the work that has gone into making these pictures modifying and adapting libraries is nothing.

I have always asked that we respect our client and the work we have done and do, but I see always and always will be the "trolls" of always criticizing, lying and stealing our client files with the excuse that this image comes from another game.

Well if it comes from another game, ride your the libraries, adjust your images and we've adapted to take away the fact we or us.

I think everyone knows what it does and what does not do much they deny it. This is a losing battle because there will always be this set of scoundrels.

This is a private battle to end Spanish privately with other subjects they already know why I say, and I think this forum is not the most appropriate to talk about this.

Leave us alone and do not bother new players who want to play HispaRed with a series of lies and false accusations out of context.

Request a moderator to be able to settle this issue and forget because as I said this is a private battle with four Spanish *******s who have nothing to do with the development or aid that could get to provide in this forum.

I hope that you bring forth what is said and context there is no moderator or developer of other projects that you feel personally, I read the answers and I think this is not grasping the essence of what we mean.


Esta es la ultima vez que voy a postear en este tema y va dirigido a todos esos supuestos programadores y GMs españoles que se dedican a criticarnos y a robarnos nuestros archivos copiando y pegando nuestras librerias en sus clientes.

creo que hay muchos que han escrito aqui que no tienen en cuenta el trabajo que supone adaptar imagenes ya sean de otros juegos al Mir 3.

El tiempo y horas de trabajo invertidas en librerias para que después te venga uno y haga un copiar y pegar de las librerias de tu cliente sin permiso alguno y vaya alardeando que ese trabajo lo ha hecho el.

O bien haciendo ver o diciendo que el trabajo que se ha invertido en realizar esas librerias modificando y adaptando imagenes no es nada.

Siempre he pedido que se nos respete nuestro cliente y el trabajo que hemos realizado y realizamos, pero por lo que veo siempre saldrán y siempre estarán los "trolls" de siempre criticando, mintiendo y robando los archivos de nuestro cliente con la excusa que tal imagen proviene de otro juego.

Pues bien si proviene de otro juego, monta tu las librerias, adapta tu las imagenes y no nos quites las que hemos adaptado nosotros o hecho nosotros.

Creo que cada uno sabe lo que hace y lo que deja de hacer por mucho que lo niegue. Esto es una batalla perdida porque siempre van a existir esta serie de sinvergüenzas.

Esto es una batalla privada a termino privado con distintos sujetos españoles que ya saben el porque lo digo, y creo que este foro no es el más adecuado para hablar de esto.

Dejarnos tranquilos y no molestéis a jugadores nuevos que quieran jugar a HispaRed con una serie de mentiras o falsas acusaciones sacadas de contexto.

Pediria a un moderador a ser posible que cerrase este tema y se olvidara puesto que como ya he dicho esto es una batalla privada con cuatro sinvergüenzas españoles que no tiene nada que ver con el desarrollo o ayuda que se pueda llegar a aportar en este foro.

Espero que no saqueis de contexto lo dicho y no haya ningun moderador o desarrollador de otros proyectos que se sienta aludido, he leido las contestaciones y pienso que no se esta cogiendo la esencia de lo que queremos dar a entender.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 23, 2008
w is the place to discuse?? your forum?? xDD....

I think that the only chief here is you.. People came to the admin of my server and said me that a lot of items there are in Hispared... xD That is false, because we take the items from chinese, english ... server....
A Gm of my server adapt a library of moster from Mir2 in a hour. So it isn't very difficult....

@Toño, if you are a programmer, why do u speak in your first post in third person about the HispaRed work??? and most importante, you started the post with this phrase: Hi guys, I am a loyal player Hispared server

I still think that...



DeMoN, you are trying to lay claim to what is not yours and as do many within the Mir3 community. The files are not yours, the clients are not yours, the images are not yours, the SQL database is not yours, the emulators are not yours. The only thing that is your with regards to the files, is your logo and nothing else. Everything ingame and server related belongs to the actual developers who brought you the game in th first place.

As for the all mighty attitude about trying to bring down your server, what utter nonsence. If people whould want to take your server down, then we wouldn't simply do it by slating it. We would destroy it from its core and SQL Injections is very easy to do when you know how to. So do us all a favour, shut this crap up, we don't care about your moaning and we certainly don't care about your server. You come here and start posting all this crap, all because someone says your server is crap and corrupt. That is all but one opion of one person and one person only, to get as defensive as what you and Ashran have done, must mean there is some eliment of truth in it.

Now do us all a favour, take your crap back to your server, cause we don't want to hear it here. Like I said, there is nothing about these files that is your apart from the logo, so stop claiming everything to be yours............


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
Lets hope I dont put my logo at the top of lomcn otherwise it'd be all mine...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 14, 2009
Como puedes decir que todo lo sacado de hispared a sido creado/sacado por vosotros?
Cuando sacasteis la versión 4.6,los mobs que deciais habiais sacado/creado por vosotros estaban subidos para descargar en lomcn meses antes.
Lo unico que vosotros habeis creado,son los fondos de las armaduras,y ni eso,seguramente son sacadas del google.
Que mientas a tus usuarios diciendoles que todo lo de hispared es producto de hispared,no significa que nosotros nos lo vayamos a creer xD
Como dice nemon,eres un administrador o un player? Porque en cada post das una personalidad diferente.

PD: Por cierto,nadie duda de que hispared sea buen servidor,yo desde luego admiro que lleve tanto tiempo online,y debo reconocer que es,o por lo menos a sido un buen servidor,no lo se ahora,pero lo que nos mosquea es que la administración de Hispared diga que todo lo que tiene su servidor es por merito propio.


For Demon:
When you get the version 4.6,didn't need steal anything
You say than all mobs that you have created/taken you,When all mobs are upload in lomcn months before.
All you have your,are the funds of armours,are also of google.

For Toño:
How say nemon,you are a admin or player of hispared?

For mapadale: Good post. ;)

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