online server - same connection to log on server


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 30, 2005
ok so my servers online, people logg on fine and i logg on fine (on the comp that hosts the server) but when i go on myother comp wich is on the same internet connection, it says connection closed when i try to get on my server on the other comp -.- why is this?


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 11, 2006
you need to use the pc IP Address, if your behind a router / on a network, the pc you want to play on will have its own IP, normally 192.x.x.xx etc (network addr afaik, not inet)

put the ip in the files for db/login then make the exe with that ip. should work fine.
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Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003
From the situation you describe, it sounds like your router lacks halfnat or loopback. Bet you two cookies its a Belkin ;)

The problem occurs because your server is instructing your client to connect to the INTERNETIP. So your client tries that, and fails because the router is incapable of routing internal requests destined to the internetIP.

I believe some people have had some success combating this using one of the alternative clients which force the networkIP regardless of what the server instructs, altho I've totally forgotton which client it is. I did start a guide on using my MirProxy tool to get around the problem, but thus far have not had the time to finish it.

You can email my awarded cookies to [email protected] or attach them here :P
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
As far as im aware loopback only affects gaining access to the server via the hosting computer. You need to get hold of the internal IP of your server comp as has been said, and use that in place of the "gloabl ip" or "internet ip" this should resolve the problem.

However, as far as im aware most people have been unable to get this to work on networks running on hubs, or with the computers gaining access via other computers.
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Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003
I was referring to the routers loopback capability, not that of an individual machine. Thus the ability of the router, to receive a packet from a local networked machine which is addressed to the routers internet IP. Then point it in the direction as per port fowarding rules to another networked machine (>> The involves two technologies which Belkin routers don't support - HalfNAT and loopback.

Replacing IPs in the server config doesn't work. There exists two configurations that work. Local LAN access only, Internet&Self access only.

This is opposed to the situation in 1.4, where it was possible to configure multiple configurations through the DBServer.

Its all about which IP the server instructs the client to use, and what the client does with such instruction. There are number of things that are possible here. The easiest being a client which favours the mir.ini IP over that submitted by the server. The other is running a proxy which intercepts the login sequence, and changes the instruction on the fly - the method which I've used with success.

So it therefore is a question of identifying what router the OP has, as to determine if its a lack of router capability, or lack of correct server configuration.

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 6, 2004
mines a ' Belkin ' and got no hassle follow this :-

Ok, people, i have the way to make the server LAN and WAN if you are NATED.
Sample things:
Public ip: (
Private ip of the server:
1)Configure your server with your public ip (
2) on server pc install ' Loopback ' Adaptor as follows :-
ip adddess = : ure global ip
subnet mask
then ure default gateway, dns etc( ule fund these in ure router page )
3)On a LAN client pc start->run->cmd
route add mask
And wehey it's working !!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 6, 2004
I was referring to the routers loopback capability, not that of an individual machine. Thus the ability of the router, to receive a packet from a local networked machine which is addressed to the routers internet IP. Then point it in the direction as per port fowarding rules to another networked machine (>> The involves two technologies which Belkin routers don't support - HalfNAT and loopback.

Replacing IPs in the server config doesn't work. There exists two configurations that work. Local LAN access only, Internet&Self access only.

This is opposed to the situation in 1.4, where it was possible to configure multiple configurations through the DBServer.

Its all about which IP the server instructs the client to use, and what the client does with such instruction. There are number of things that are possible here. The easiest being a client which favours the mir.ini IP over that submitted by the server. The other is running a proxy which intercepts the login sequence, and changes the instruction on the fly - the method which I've used with success.

So it therefore is a question of identifying what router the OP has, as to determine if its a lack of router capability, or lack of correct server configuration.


with a belkin, well mine aneways u have 2 firewalls built in , u can disable the ' firewall ' and also have the server pc out of the ' Nat ' firewall, doin this ule need a good firewall program etc.. use ' Fsercure ', im uploading it now with a crack il post link after , gona work atm
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 30, 2005
dont know why your all goin on about Belkin, mines a NETGEAR :) lol

ill try the computer IP thing l8er on!

Thanks for the posts guys ;)
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