PC Licence instead of TV Licence?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2005
urbanfox said:
Maybe before you jumped in the thread you should have read it first?

I could have sworn a large portion of the discussion was also on American broadcasting and TV advertisements.

That would be going off-topic ;)

Fact is, you were complaining about us paying to watch TV. And I have fought our corner. That was the topic; if you wish to discuss other political matters then it may benefit you, as a moderator, whose duty it is to uphold the rules, to make a new thread.



No Brag, Just Fact
RightGuard said:
Fact is, you were complaining about us paying to watch TV.

Actually, I just asked two questions.


From there there was a mini discussion on politcal control, of which I would hardly consider attacking your country, as I would also be attacking mine.

It was actually you who changed the conversation to American broadcasting and it was actually you who flamed American broadcasting.


Quoting you:

Without the BBC our television would be almost as bad as America's.

So, let me quote you again, with a little modification in red on my part:



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2005
urbanfox said:
Actually, I just asked two questions.


From there there was a mini discussion on politcal control, of which I would hardly consider attacking your country, as I would also be attacking mine.

It was actually you who changed the conversation to American broadcasting and it was actually you who flamed American broadcasting.


Quoting you:

So, let me quote you again, with a little modification in red on my part:

Oh yeah,


Still, your system sucks more. You see it on the tv, you buy it, the company buys more advertising, advertising goes on the tv, repeat loop. We pay a fee and don't get the hastle of brainwashing, with the kind of entertainment we like without interuption. Simple, and it works. So back off.


No Brag, Just Fact
RightGuard said:
Oh yeah,


Still, your system sucks more. You see it on the tv, you buy it, the company buys more advertising, advertising goes on the tv, repeat loop. We pay a fee and don't get the hastle of brainwashing, with the kind of entertainment we like without interuption. Simple, and it works. So back off.

Getting a little defenseful now?

I never said there was anything wrong with the UK's broadcasting, don't forget that.

But again, next time you download something like Lost or 24, remember that without our way you wouldn't be watching such incredible shows.

P.S. FYI, brainwashing would be a direct result of a weak consumer, not advertisements.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004

No License = more adverts...


America = no license = more adverts
UK = license = less adverts

They need the money one way or another...


I've always thought that the USA produced better actors than the UK, but then again there's been some recent shining stars from here. UK owned the radiowaves as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, but since the US' boom in the entertainment industry, they've infested loads in it. It makes up a HUGE part of their economy.


ps - I prefer UK time structure, because there is less interuptions i.e. you get a solid 50-so minuites of sitcom/show and three interval breaks at :15,:30,:45. <== This is becomming less and less relevant with recordable (live) TV.

pps - another reason the US TV is generally more famous than UK at the moment is that the US like to project their image far more than others meanwhile, you get that whole "Britishness" from UK. US is generally more diverse/multicultural, it appeals to a wider audience (White/Black/Asian etc)
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No Brag, Just Fact
Turin said:

No License = more adverts...


America = no license = more adverts
UK = license = less adverts

They need the money one way or another...


I've always thought that the USA produced better actors than the UK, but then again there's been some recent shining stars from here. UK owned the radiowaves as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, but since the US' boom in the entertainment industry, they've infested loads in it. It makes up a HUGE part of their economy.


ps - I prefer UK time structure, because there is less interuptions i.e. you get a solid 50-so minuites of sitcom/show and three interval breaks at :15,:30,:45. <== This is becomming less and less relevant with recordable (live) TV.

pps - another reason the US TV is generally more famous than UK at the moment is that the US like to project their image far more than others meanwhile, you get that whole "Britishness" from UK. US is generally more diverse/multicultural, it appeals to a wider audience (White/Black/Asian etc)

Well, it's a little more complex than that because everyone is totally independent of each other.

ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, etc are all major networks and seperate business entities.

It's a little less than 6%, which is still a nice chunk, and they do produce something like 5 million jobs.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2005
urbanfox said:
Getting a little defenseful now?

A little.

urbanfox said:
I never said there was anything wrong with the UK's broadcasting, don't forget that.

You implied it.

urbanfox said:
But again, next time you download something like Lost or 24, remember that without our way you wouldn't be watching such incredible shows.

That doesn't mean to say your way is any more correct or morally right than ours.

urbanfox said:
P.S. FYI, brainwashing would be a direct result of a weak consumer, not advertisements.

We know, America is a good example of that.


Apr 15, 2003
urbanfox said:
BottledGoods said:
Thats because your a nation 10x the size of the uk!
And how do you think we got that way?

Cos you have a larger land mass at your disposal than us? its hardly possible for it to just spawn some land...


Oh, and, i seem to recall an incident in the past regading this image:


Its good that you think highly of your country, but its bad that your quite typically american most of the time and have the "we are better than everyone" attitude. I bet you voted for bush aswell in the elections :/


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
lol thats funny :P

To be fairly honest, USA does have two extremes, the REALLY obese and the world-class FIT. Don't get confused by the media hype, i.e. the town I was from, there was like probably one fat (and only what you'd called "big boned" not seeping fat) in the whole school/good few blocks. I think its more of a big city thing. Though America *is* more cosmetic than Europe (some would replace the word cosmetic with vain :P)


ps -
typically american most of the time and have the "we are better than everyone" attitude.

Fine line between national pride/nationalism and xenophobia; perhaps this is also media fuelled? :P

pps - just re-read my post and I think I use ":P" too much... :/

ppps - It's also quite strange in thinking when state power finishes and federal power starts; I mean us dramatizing "American TV" can encompass a huge section of media. Since we're not talking about Holywood etc, I'd say home TV in America is similar to that of UK. Moreso because US TV is now influencing UK TV... I mean go to Salt Lake C in comparison to New York and you'd get a whole different influence on the dominant type of genre.
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No Brag, Just Fact
Dataforce said:
Cos you have a larger land mass at your disposal than us? its hardly possible for it to just spawn some land...


Oh, and, i seem to recall an incident in the past regading this image:


Its good that you think highly of your country, but its bad that your quite typically american most of the time and have the "we are better than everyone" attitude. I bet you voted for bush aswell in the elections :/

No, because we worked our asses off and within 150 years became a world super power. Do you think we jsut spawned some of the world's leading corporations and exports?

Oh, let me clap for you. You found a fat American and a skinny European and you photoshopped an image!

Hmm, what should I photoshop?

Oh noes, not the chavs!


Hey, at least our gangsters are real lol!


Or maybe just reverse the original?

I would show you the front of this British woman, but I don't want to scare the children.


But hey, I'm a fair guy, I won't post the front of this American woman.


But, maybe just one image crowns them all? (It's the 2004 olympic results btw tbh irl)


You know DF, I don't really give a **** what you have to say right now. Acting "American" ? It was the members of LOMCN who tried to twist this into some country vs. country thing.

Where did I say America>UK concerning broadcasting? Oh, I never contrasted them? Wait, my argument all this time was just defending American broadcasting techniques (ads), the same techniques that make all the nice little shows in the TV subforum possible?

Any of you can say whatever you want, but I never, not once, implied or directly posted anything (except in this particular post) to start or continue a USA vs. UK flame battle.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2005
urbanfox said:

No, because we worked our asses off and within 150 years became a world super power. Do you think we jsut spawned some of the world's leading corporations and exports?

Oh, let me clap for you. You found a fat American and a skinny European and you photoshopped an image!

Hmm, what should I photoshop?

Oh noes, not the chavs!


Hey, at least our gangsters are real lol!


Or maybe just reverse the original?

I would show you the front of this British woman, but I don't want to scare the children.


But hey, I'm a fair guy, I won't post the front of this American woman.


But, maybe just one image crowns them all? (It's the 2004 olympic results btw tbh irl)


You know DF, I don't really give a **** what you have to say right now. Acting "American" ? It was the members of LOMCN who tried to twist this into some country vs. country thing.

Where did I say America>UK concerning broadcasting? Oh, I never contrasted them? Wait, my argument all this time was just defending American broadcasting techniques (ads), the same techniques that make all the nice little shows in the TV subforum possible?

Any of you can say whatever you want, but I never, not once, implied or directly posted anything (except in this particular post) to start or continue a USA vs. UK flame battle.

I'm glad you've opened up to a nationalistic battle; I’ve wanted you to be open about your dislike toward England/Europe for some time.

Although, I really don’t understand you Americans.

You’re patriotic till the end. You have done really stupid things in your time. Hell, your history only goes back a few hundred years and look at how much crap you started since then. England has had a history since forever, your country wasn't even colonised.

You’re not even a true American. You’re most probably just a British immigrant, unless you don’t remember, we owned the world before you did.

Most of your Media is too focused on T.W.A.T (The War on Terror) to give you guys the correct facts. You should see the news we get, we laugh at some of the US bull**** you get fed on a daily basis.

You think you live in "the Best County in the World"... hell, have you been outside of the US? Do you know that 80% of your congress has never owned a passport? The same figure applies to the rest of the country (http://www.gyford.com/phil/writing/2003/01/31/how_many_america.php). So that means there's a 4 out of 5 chance that you have never stepped out of your country.

So I'm guessing that you compare your country to others by what you see on Television (woo back to the ads) or read in books, perhaps what your fellow well-travelled peers tell you? Maybe you should live in another culture, view the world from another perspective? I'm sure your view on your own country will change :)

There's a reason most of the world has a poor opinion of the general American Populous... you are an example.

P.s. I'm off to bed now, so if you want me to see your reply I'd suggest waiting until tomorrow before you ban me.
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No Brag, Just Fact
RightGuard said:
I'm glad you've opened up to a nationalistic battle; I’ve wanted you to be open about your dislike toward England/Europe for some time.

Oh my God, YOU'RE FULL OF ****ING ****.

I opened it up to a nationalistc battle? **** you if I did.

Dislike toward Europe? Ye, **** my heritage! I totally agree!

In fact, with your reasoning, why the hell am I even here? Maybe it's a psychological thing, I mean, hating a people and yet trying to help them.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
FUTURA said:
Man, that Right Guard works just like it said on the advert.

Urban, how many warn points did you get for that post :P In any case, I think he meant that you've opened up to it, as in you're willing to respond, not that you started it (i.e. opened it).


ps - Where does the A in T.W.A.T come from?
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Opeth said:
'against' .

True. [back on topic]

Besides, "license" for a home pc = it's just like American TV. ISPs are privatised, so if they are willing to offer such services as internet tv/radio etc, then they can charge for it or provide it free.

Then again if you substitute license for "lease", voila...



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2005
urbanfox said:
Oh my God, YOU'RE FULL OF ****ING ****.

I opened it up to a nationalistc battle? **** you if I did.

Dislike toward Europe? Ye, **** my heritage! I totally agree!

In fact, with your reasoning, why the hell am I even here? Maybe it's a psychological thing, I mean, hating a people and yet trying to help them.

Man, there's no need to swear :( that's just hurtful.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
it was a middlesex december 88
when my mother gave birth to the blam guy
13 years later had me looking at linux
programming made me stronger like popeye to spinach
now - people know that a dg carry weapons
but if that weapon is a NES, you stepping?
we finished contra with only one life
finished metal gear 2 using only a knife


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Blaminator said:
it was a middlesex december 88
when my mother gave birth to the blam guy
13 years later had me looking at linux
programming made me stronger like popeye to spinach
now - people know that a dg carry weapons
but if that weapon is a NES, you stepping?
we finished contra with only one life
finished metal gear 2 using only a knife

You have me crying with those lyrics... I won't say why :eek: