Please give your honest opinion about this server concept.

smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 4, 2014
Ive been working on this for about a month at spare time. I had my doubt about the fundamental drop system/item valuation/player guild in mir. Im sure they were designed for a reason and official server have the player base and progress speed that will keep them in value to a degree. However private server item devalue super fast as player base progress, they essentially become worthless for lack of player base/no proper way to sink them/player out level them/ no gold value, or gold itself become meaningless if player base is too small or nothing to buy.It is same with guild system, most player lose interest because they have nobody to play with or cant do anything without a group. Guild shut them out because they don't trust people outside of their group. party system was the best part in my opinion that MIR ever to offer, through the uses to different class spell that will make game much more smooth, and that experience could be ruined by over tuning a class to make them solo strong(to offsite lack of playerbase).

Now here's are my approach to somehow minimize the side effect of things ive mentioned above. (I hope). It might be a long post, and I do hope my poor gramma wont make your rage.xD. Again, this will be a long post....if you cannot make it to end of this, thanks for your time in advance.

all gears are crafted/upgraded from T1-T10(linear stat% progression, t1+t1+gold= t2 ) , then it goes to adv gear(T10+T10+gold= advT1 ,5 tiers so far), from there, you could upgrade adv gear to the super version of that item tier, with enhanced stats but break on death and soul bound also can be used at lv1. which will then used as mat to upgrade to next (adv T1+Super advT1+gold=advT2).

The super version cant not be refined, gemmed, or awakened(or could it?). the none super tier adv is not to break on death and can be refined gemmed and awakened which means you could lose it when you die.
"dont equip what you cant afford to lose" (dont fly what you cant afford to lose) xD.

adv gears will be class-specific for better balance later on.

every stat and number will be adjusted to fit server progression speed. There are no AC/MAC on gears. All ac/mc stats come from Tao's buff, im hoping to have tao be responsible for 25-40% of your dmg migration. All class hp has been readjusted war 1,tao 0.7, wiz 0.35.(might change) , I'm hoping to have agi,acc, magic,psn resist to play a big part in this server(still learning). freeze,para, slow,stone debuff will come from super spells (an upgraded version of a spell, with CD)

Basic tier + Adv tier
wep,neck,brace,ring =dc,mc,sc.
armour= hp + bag weight
belt = hp + bag weight
shoes = hp
helm = hp + light range(torch).
stone = hp + mana

Super tier;
wep,neck,brace,ring = dc,mc,sc. + crit chance, crit dmg, atk spd,holy, life drain, luck, agi..etc to enhance the class you're playing.

(not sure about item below yet, but will be playing around agi, acc,magic and psn resist. ) It will be more or less worth the risk you're taking with super tier as they are break on death.
armour= hp + bag weight
belt = hp + bag weight
shoes = hp + instant run
helm = hp + light range(torch).
stone = hp + mana

3 classes, WAR, WIZ, TAO. However, I've taken out spells from archer and sin to enhance the play style of the main 3.
It will be something like this, could change and will add more spells. Lv40 spells may or may not be available as I might rework them and put them in super spell list. some of the basic spells will be reworked and added as new super spell.


And trust me, War backstep after a heavy hit to avoid pc / bliz / met ETC , made War feels SOOOOOO much more smooth to play. could also SD+BS backward to close in quicker.
wiz get tele spell to offsite wars charge.
tao will mainly be support ish, but the supporting spells that taos bring will make it a crucial member in group pvp. pets are also enhanced, but they are weak against lion roar , ES .
some skills will be easy to train, I.E. shoulder dash, push skills, puri, revive. back step,es... etc nobody wants to *** skeleton or hit your back head against wall for a couple hours just to train a skill. But offensive / superspell must be trained, as you will feel the damage increase per lvl and you will be using them 24*7 anyway.

Super spells will be added later on, what Ive got so far is to have(note spells below are super spell);

shoulder dash hit will apply stone to target, target cannot move for 1-3 sec ,target will be receiving 30%-50% incoming dmg reduction for the duration.
flaming sword have + extra range and apply burn (bleed). or leave a line of fire.
CHM hit grid +1 or something like that.
and more.

fire style spells have burn(bleed),
lighting styles apply shock(target receive more dmg) or (cause slow)
larger firewall ...etc
wiz is MUCH harder to balance its super spell, but I will think of something interesting.
and more.

SS,BA now gives min-max instead of max only.
pet enchanter now make pets go crazy fast and immune to LR and ES(for a short time). not sure if its achievable.
and super summon , special amulet/item drops from boss, summon for a duration.
auras to provide dc,mc,sc % which ofc require friendly targets nearby.

main reason tao can solo boss is because green poison early on. Tao will only get aoe red spell (3x3) early on to help with group. Red will provide 35% dmg increase per hit.
therefor, we are not useless to the group. and any sane person would love to grab a tao to Lvl. War will be in the role to apply green poison(doesn't last long), and bosses is not a light hitter. all classes are needed for boss hunt.


We all know guild only bring their own for "real" guild hunt, and other guildies are used as pawn in pvp or just left hanging. The item progression in this server will or should ease on that part, i will talk about this in server eco section later.

The number of guilds will be limited, meaning I'm only going to have 2-3(really wanting to be 3 max) guild out there depending on player base, at beginning of server, everyone will be in newb guild until you want to leave. Guild will be claimed by fighting. The first guild claiming war will be set around 1-2 weeks after launch(if ppl last that long). Each group who wants to participate have to sign up , 10 players each side. All will be given 3 ticket(to go in the special map), they can drop if the player dies. And therefore give other side an extra ticket to come in, or hand to other people in party if they're out of tickets. war last for xx mins , wipe out, or larger group standing wins.

Winner group will have their own guild, others remain in newbie guild till 2nd war. When 2nd war is over, winner will make 2nd guild. then 3rd war, after that, people that are left in newbie guild will vote a new leader, thus the fourth guild. new leader will have full control of newbie guild (can not change name). Leader can kick anyone , but keep in mind, there are only 3-4 guilds, guildie may not be your friend, but other guilds will def be your foe. and real boss wont be easy.

just to make it interesting, guild member can call to vote out their leader and take over (maybe not, we will see).

When all guild wars over. guild quest will open and guild lv system will kick in. unlock buffs and stuff.

Official Guild war (same as guild claiming war), will be held weekly / 2 week, winner guild will have a daily buff or something (item/currency rewards...idk yet)
Guild can also challenge other guild into war, there will be a board in town showing scores.
but this time, it will be all out war. level/gear restriction will be set by both/muti end, all members qualify will get tickets to go in. Im hoping this will have guild treat their people better even if they are not your core.Because YOU ARE depending on them. (again, if the server can survive that long. lol)


before i start on this part, THERE ARE NO POTION DROP . Sub,mini boss,real boss. These 3 will drop consumable that you dont wanna waste in grind but a LIFESAVER.

As i mentioned at section 1,GEAR. all will be crafted and upgraded to next tier gear. normals/subs drop everything up to basic T5 depending on the map. So, as a group, you dont have to worry about people stealing a rare drop, if they don't distribute loot fairly, ditch that ass. (not naming anyone, but I'm still holding the grudge about the Soul Necklace motherfker. after 20+ hours grouped. SOB, SO HAPPY I FKED YOUR DD HUNT , 1 VS 13 +. BEST TIME EVER)

Every drop has a clear universal value, how you value the item and friendship is up to you. just to add that WOW moment, super version of basic tier will also be dropped by subs/mini bosses. they cant be used as mat and are break on death. also soul bond when equip These will greatly increase your grinding experience as you go.

Mini Bosses and Real Bosses drop are not set yet.

All mob actions up to mini-bosses are standard mobs/bosses, nothing you haven't seen.

Real Bosses will have aoe/ranged/push/pull spells, and also you cant just wall it in. however, I'm still learning about that part. xD

Once player reach to certain Lvl (40 for now). a daily quest will be open for grab which will give a xp potion(50% 1hour? ) that could only be used pre 40. to help guildie or save them for your buddies or sell for gold, its up to you.


The economy will be based on 3 cores; GEAR, GOLD, SCROLL OF SEAL.

To upgrade from T1-T10 will be VERY PRICY if you calculate the overall cost. So lower end gear can be sold to players or npc for gold.(thinking T0=100K, T10=1M, to npc)

Which gold then turns into gold bar(1M), gold bar bag(5M) and gold chest(10M) to act as a mat for upgrading. Do note, GB,GBB,GC will only hold half of the purchase value when sell to npc.

Scroll of seal is commonly used/most important currency in this game, it will be dropped by mobs and bosses. It is the only way you can learn spells (no spell books). all basic spells will cost 1, adv spells and super spells are not set yet. I wanted to make a skill tree system using scroll, but after so much thinking and comparison, taos has significantly more # of spells than other 2. and, they are are all fking useful in "a" way......

Adv and super spells will be costly, It will take group effort if you want the spell asap.

Scroll will also be used to purchased special potions and real RT,TT- these 2 will be instant.

cheap RT will have 2-3 sec delay. cheap TT will have 5 sec delay.

Scroll is also used with map tele system in town.

The item "WEREGOINGTOWAR" will also only available to purchase by scroll + gold. It will pop a window to all your group members, to ask if they wanna tele to you.
IT WILL BE EXPENSIVE!!! but sometimes, crashing your enemy has more value than virtual currency.



First of all, I sincerely grateful for you to finish reading this. It took me about 3 hours to type. Thank you for bearing with my broken gramma.xD

It concludes my core concepts, i didn't bother you with map details and mobs as there are nothing you haven't see, but it will be something like an infinite dungeon , and if you wanna teleport into deeper dungeon(you've explored and finished tele quest in that level), it will cost more. (i say dungeon, but its not instance-based).

new areas will open as i continue to work on this. all maps / mobs power are equivalent to certain gear tier. As if you have better gear, it will GREATLY increase your farm speed. dont have to worry about mages solo, ranged mobs and FW will be adjusted. wiz+tao are still the best lvling duo, there's nothing you can do,that's just how game is.

If people don't dig this concept, there is no point for me to keep working on this, but maybe shift toward a different direction. who knows.

As of monetization, potions to help level pre 40? mounts? pets? transforms? pet food? pre 40 is because this server wont be level heavy but more of gears. as soft cap will be set at 40. also, the standard pet will be very affordable, no donate needed. um i dont know..... I thought of take % of RMT, as i want both buyer and seller to file a transaction note for the deal, the seller pays a fee 30% ? and unreported transactions will result in banning on both ends. Any purchase of gold/item made by botting will also result in banning for both ends. something like that. All sellers must be registered, I can have a board in town showing registered sellers, take an AD fee. as long as they don't bother people in-game , like spam pm everyone. All gold/item must come from legit sources. and transaction goes by, the buyer sends money to me, then ill send the money to the seller when the buyer receives gold/item.

all that is if people plays the server.

no need to worry about me selling anything to anymore under the table. if you've played with or against me. you know you can trust my word xD.

really dont care if it can pay itself or not , Im fine with up to $300 usd a month for nonprofit, as long as player base are there.(cheaper server if less people) although haven't look into what server spec can hold what # of players and price yet.

For botting, ill find all your related acc before you cash out.
For cheating, what i have right now. any recorded video will be viewed by all guild leaders, more than half votes means you're getting 1/3/5 day ban. 5/5 vote you gone.

As title says "Please give your honest opinion about this server concept."


PS: 95% of what I have in mind, I know its doable. It will just require me to learn more stuff.
2nd PS: thanks to Hercules . :)
I forgot to mention, all tao buffs last 30 mins + with T5 gear set. can make it longer at lower sc rate so you can just ask for a buff before head out. So the only thing you missing from tao is red psn. currently , SS/BA scale with receiver level, lv/2.
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Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
All looks like your going in depth with it and lots of customisation which is great for some folk, especially for low rate players.

If you do I would say make sure there is proper information on it all within the NPCs so everyone knows exactly what they are doing.

Generally you wouldn’t want to limit ppl to playing .... so having no AC MAC on items isn’t going to work for a lot of ppl that don’t have a Tao that you say will provide this? It’s a nice idea to make Tao really wanted, but in reality if there not on your gonna get cries that ppl can’t play or that it’s unfair such and such group/guild has Taos and they do not so fall behind.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 4, 2014
um, Maps are equivalent to certain gear tier. It will be balance based on that. So Tao will only make you last longer and kill a bait faster ideally 25%. Pots money are nothing because mobs will drop gold bar and piles of gold on ground.
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New players with friends already in game can get gears from their buddies. Super version of items are useable at lv1. They will reach 40 faster than launch. Also there are xp pots to get by players over 40 from daily quest.
Which can only be used by player under level 40
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Ima hit to bed now. 1.30am. Gonna head over office tomorrow or today to finish piles of paper work :(
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Ac Mac bugs last for 30 mins+, buy it from ppl in town lol
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Honestly this was too much for me to read as well rn. One thing though:

KillsFree said:
And trust me, War backstep after a heavy hit to avoid pc / bliz / met ETC , made War feels SOOOOOO much more smooth to play. could also SD+BS backward to close in quicker.

You can't backstep on a warrior because they don't have the animation frames.


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Backstep works fine on warriors...although as a warrior I’d feel some what underpowered If I had to rely on evasion spells like backstep to survive. I want to feel powerful and be made of steel


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Backstep works fine on warriors...although as a warrior I’d feel some what underpowered If I had to rely on evasion spells like backstep to survive. I want to feel powerful and be made of steel

How 🤔 i was sure it uses animations unique to archer armours?


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
How 🤔 i was sure it uses animations unqie to archer armours?

Had it on learnt spells as GM and defo zipped about the map with it

Might want to try it with multiple ppl about tho to see if it plays havoc with lag on screen


Staff member
May 19, 2003
Tai is correct. Only archer armours (and common armours) have the archers backstep animations - so you couldn't apply it when wearing standing warrior armour.
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Majestic Mir 2
Dedicated Member
Aug 24, 2015
Majestic Town
warrs with swift feet... will be abit crazy lol dunno if your adding them to wars but if they are for warrs. things will go crazy and will upset alot of people i wouldn't of added swift feet for warrs inmo


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Couldn’t upload here but made a giphy on Discord Mir2 chat of warrior heavy armour using backstep


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 4, 2014
just confirmed with all these armour...all works with backstep. it dosnt have that "JUMP" animation if thats what yo umeant . but it does move , I not sure how it shows on other people screen, will get it checked when i get there.


LOMCN Member
Jun 25, 2020
Really lazy to read all this but this caught my attention !
I think this will cause a very large DMG from monsters, Will Healthpool up to 10k + ?
There are no AC/MAC on gears. All ac/mc stats come from Tao's buff,


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
Considering how many people hate it when huge guilds dominate servers, I'm not sure specifically creating a system for them is a good idea for the majority of players.

Based on your little blub about not flying what you can't afford to lose, I suspect you might be an eve player? If so, why not take their corp/alliance structure instead. Let players create small clans, 5-10 max (once fully leveled and chosen to go capacity over other buffs) each customisable with the buffs (make the buffs perma, valuable, but limited and expensive to purchase), which can then join one alliance. Make the balance between the 3 alliance constantly shifting, so clans will often leave/betray an alliance to get better treatment from another alliance and cause big power swings. Sort of like RvRvR in DaoC/GW2 type games where one side "wins" and the other 2 sides can gang up on them for the next fight.

Maybe some sort of power level of each clan (combine the players lvls), could determine if they can join an alliance, to create some balance, so the most powerful alliance can't recruit everyone until the other alliances get stronger. The smallest alliances will constantly be trying to pick up members to boost them.
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Aug 8, 2004
Southern England
Make items break on red, like they used to.
Remove full repair for everything except weapon.
Remove harden torch capability.

Three simple moves to increase demand for items.

An additional option might be to increase the wear rate of items.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 4, 2014
This server concept is good, when will it be developed?

Hi Sorry been busy with irl stuff. basic structure is finished, but I've only added maps up till T5(based on gear-set value ). Im currently learning about socket on gear ,"real boss" AI and working on "super spells".
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Really lazy to read all this but this caught my attention !
I think this will cause a very large DMG from monsters, Will Healthpool up to 10k + ?

nope. lv50, war 1k, tao 700ish, mage 300-350 ish. with decked out super version of adv T5 gear.
so right now, gear tiers are

T1- T10

Adv (upgraded from using basic T10.)

Super version of Adv
T1-T5 (break on death)
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Considering how many people hate it when huge guilds dominate servers, I'm not sure specifically creating a system for them is a good idea for the majority of players.

Based on your little blub about not flying what you can't afford to lose, I suspect you might be an eve player? If so, why not take their corp/alliance structure instead. Let players create small clans, 5-10 max (once fully leveled and chosen to go capacity over other buffs) each customisable with the buffs (make the buffs perma, valuable, but limited and expensive to purchase), which can then join one alliance. Make the balance between the 3 alliance constantly shifting, so clans will often leave/betray an alliance to get better treatment from another alliance and cause big power swings. Sort of like RvRvR in DaoC/GW2 type games where one side "wins" and the other 2 sides can gang up on them for the next fight.

Maybe some sort of power level of each clan (combine the players lvls), could determine if they can join an alliance, to create some balance, so the most powerful alliance can't recruit everyone until the other alliances get stronger. The smallest alliances will constantly be trying to pick up members to boost them.

Goonswarm FTW !!!!

That is actually what am aiming for.
1,max 3-4 there will have cheap basic all-around guild buff which will last a day and powerful guild buff that's pricey and last a reasonable amount of time due to its power.

2. there are no "special" drops that will tear your guild apart, im hoping guild leaders would treat everyone the same because if they don't, im sure other leaders will love to take people in. and because of the liner % stats progress through gear tier system, everybody is somebody at some point. you could still gem a monster gear, will be expensive....!

3.RvRvR, that is the sole reason of limited mega guild, leaders recruit more if they wanna win, if they don't treat guildies equal, guildies leave and fight against you.

4.theres nothing more entertaining like playing with likeminded people.
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Make items break on red, like they used to.
Remove full repair for everything except weapon.
Remove harden torch capability.

Three simple moves to increase demand for items.

An additional option might be to increase the wear rate of items.

I think you haven't read the gear progression part.
Dura will be reasonable at later stage.
There are no special repairs on anything due to the gear progression. Theres nothing to worry about till the end tier gear...i doult you will let it go red if you know how much effort it takes to reach there....
no harden torch, yes.
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Aug 8, 2004
Southern England
I had a +4 great axe go red on me in SV mines way back in Euro. I was so engrossed in clearing the section and it disappeared. I cant even remember what it said. Doesn't sound much now but it was a hell of a loss back then.

Tbh, I didnt read the progression part.