Prajna island Spawning


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
South West Wales
ok before anyone has a go about this post being up a few times ive tried everything as far as i can see my mongen and mapinfo are good! ive been on this all night since about 11pm

My problem is i just added prajna to my server files i sorted the minimaps ok and the cave maps are ok i can spawn (minos) using the @mob command and they work fine but they will not spawn from mongen anywhere on prajna!!!

ive tried omas and they dont work either. can some1 check over my mongen ill just post a little cut!

;Prajna Temple
D2071 150 150 Minotaur 160 120 10
D2071 150 150 FireMinotaur 160 60 15
D2071 150 150 WindMinotaur 160 40 15
D2071 150 150 LeftGuard 160 60 15
D2071 150 150 ElecMinotaur 160 50 15
D2071 150 150 IceMinotaur 160 50 15

All caps are ok ive scoured my mongen and mapinfo for little errors like that they all good!

if any1 can help ill be eternally grateful


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 12, 2003
Chatsworth Estate, Manchester
check all spellings .... in your mongen and DB, also make your MAP names are exactly right;

if your map is names: PJ003 and you type in your mongen as pj003 you will have problems.

hope this works for ya


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
South West Wales
nah ive been over everything 5 or 6 times the map naems are all good the same in both files and yes i have added minos lol and they and normal mobs work fine when spawned with the @mob command


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2004
In Miles Left Nostrel
spoon666 said:
ok before anyone has a go about this post being up a few
D2071 150 150 Minotaur 160 120 10
D2071 150 150 FireMinotaur 160 60 15
D2071 150 150 WindMinotaur 160 40 15
D2071 150 150 LeftGuard 160 60 15
D2071 150 150 ElecMinotaur 160 50 15
D2071 150 150 IceMinotaur 160 50 15

if any1 can help ill be eternally grateful

If i remember correctly

MapName CoordX CoordY Mobname Range Quantity Time

I notice ure ranges are all 160

Therefore they will spawn in the ciricular radius of 160 to 150:

Change all the radius's to 500

and u shud see mobs around. i think they are spawning just u cant find em as theres so few.

Also...Shove it at the Top of the mongen to save u ages waiting for spawns on reboot.