Project 69

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2003
Server Name : Project69

IP : (new as of 15/2/04)

Server Host : Scorpian

Server GM's : Scorpian / Ultima / "Thing"

Server Status : Online 24/7

Server Forum :

DownLoads :

Resent UpDates

Updates 25-1-04
-Introduced VenomFiend-LureFeind-AntFiend Taoist Pets
-Introduced Highlevel Job Quets for level 55+, recieve high level rings
complementary to you class under completion.
-Introduced a WTKR for Higher level players, 40+. Its exactly the same
but harder mobs and better chance of WT dropping Heart/Horn.
-Introduced six new leveling areas
-Low Low Level Cave 40+
-Med Low Level Cave 43+
-High Low Level Cave 46+
-Low Med Level Cave 50+
-Med Med Level Cave 53+
-High Med Level Cave 56 +
- Wizards can now purchase their Licenced pets for a cost of 15mill
each, these do not untame and are exactly the same stats.
- TaoHalfmoon lvl 52 - in drops (RARE)
- Photon/Lightning/Ice Helm in drops
- Benediction Oils back ingame, normal chances of luck/curse/nowt -
semi quest item
- Horse(M) / HORSE(F) Added to drops (level 56 armour)
- PK points deteriorate twice as fast - to accomodate the speed of
- Storage now holds 49 rather than the original 30 - 64% more room!
- Drop Lists Revised
