Raptor Jesus has spoken

Raptor Jesus

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 14, 2006
www.atomicide.com tbh.

Were looking for people intrested in raping MMORPG games by forming a decent sized clan/guild/whatever to start on an upcomming game (game yet to be decided).

Obviously the site is about more than that, and as ive declared once I get a fair amount of people on there, and generate cash from the adverts there will be competitions everytime I get my payments.

Theres also the fact the moderation isnt as "strong" as on LOMCN due to the fact its my Website. Im also working on the arcade on there, and there is a points system in place. Points can be used to by various "novelty" items on the forum, including changing peoples usertitles, name colours for yourself, and more to be added once they are coded.

The site does not contain any discussion about private servers, however there is no harm in discussing them in the MMORPG section, although advertising servers, files, passing information about them etc isn't allowed.

So the faster people register there and start posting and generating revenue, the faster Ill be giving out prizes and **** like that as well.



(Link as always has been pre-approved for **** knows how long now)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
I don't see that forum growing outside of the usual lomcn members tbh. Just my opinion. Unless you advertise else where..

Raptor Jesus

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 14, 2006
Is the a reason for that opinion? Or is it just some sort of guess you made due to the fact ive only advertised it here?

Im not really working extra hard on the site, its one of a few projects im working on at the moment, but this is the internet, plenty of sites get popular without ever advertising anywhere.

Im not going to spam advertise everywhere and pack the site full of hundreds of people who will never return, ages ago when I was running fire-box.net we released a download of the WoooL files on the site, and over 1000 members registered in about 3 weeks, downloaded the files and never came back. Hence im going for a different approach this time.

What advantages does Raptor Jesus have over conventional Jesus?


Regular Jesus was sentenced to death by the romans because he didnt fight back, Raptor Jesus would destroy them, Raptor jesus also has scales that are made of titanium.
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