
  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 4, 2006
Rush server is a mix between 3g and job it will be using both sets of maps job for lvls 0-50 and then 3g maps for 50 + i will be redoing most of the items and adding more. The exp will not be to high or to low looking at about x10 gold will be droping in 1 pile and paras and pro ect will be rare not droping from hens.

i should be done in about 2-3 weeks atm i will need a host and sum 1 who is gd at making npcs as i lack with them a bit so if u want in post here or add me to msn

[email protected]


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 7, 2006
this is not a flame, but how many servers is this between you and umit now? tbh ive lost count.

I hope for your reputation this one lasts, and you gonna give some more details on how your gonna mix it betwen job and 3g?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2004
Middlesbrough ! Smoggy!
mix it between job and 3g?

You will need both set's of tiles in your client then and object's which i think is impossible to do, unless you re-configurre the .wil's themselves.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 4, 2006
this is not a flame, but how many servers is this between you and umit now? tbh ive lost count.

I hope for your reputation this one lasts, and you gonna give some more details on how your gonna mix it betwen job and 3g?
m8 stfu i have had nowt to do with tom and his servers i only played them so shhhhhh tbh

i will be mixing them by using the 3g files but using JOB maps for the 0-50 towns and caves then when u hit 50 u can go to the 50 + caves which are the 3g maps the items will be euro items but chaged stats will be using 3g mobs but adding in some of the Job mobs 2. u will also have the master student npc and most other npcs from 3g


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 4, 2006
lol fold u never played one of my servers in fact this is my first 1 so shut up u nab


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 7, 2006
m8 stfu i have had nowt to do with tom and his servers i only played them so shhhhhh tbh

i will be mixing them by using the 3g files but using JOB maps for the 0-50 towns and caves then when u hit 50 u can go to the 50 + caves which are the 3g maps the items will be euro items but chaged stats will be using 3g mobs but adding in some of the Job mobs 2. u will also have the master student npc and most other npcs from 3g

why get all abusive when i post constructive critiscm? did i hit a sore point?

if you cant take critiscm to help you then they dont make a server.

and fold....couldnt of sai it better myself but everyone deserves a chance including getting too soft.
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