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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
thing is when england gets into a fight its no longer england it becomes 'Britain' or 'United Kingdom' and wales still dont know wats going on. so excuse me for having sum h8red for the english. england maybe bigger but who cares thats just bcoz of alot of history and bcoz bak centurys ago the english dominated in wars with wales and scotland bcoz they had over seas allies. but thats all to do with ancient history. today is present and the effects of years ago are here to stay forever more than likely.

I'm Welsh. I'll admit Wales sucks at most things. But oh my god, this thread has just turned totally away from rugby and into...well...a big debate/fight between the Welsh and the English.


Colonel makes me sad to be Welsh. I've never heard an English person refer to themselves as British in a fight ;o I'm pretty sure all 4 countries in the United Kingdom have been pretty much the same size since they were created. I'm also pretty sure that England had no overseas allies when they were fighting against the Celts of Scotland and Wales. OH ****, I forgot that part in Braveheart when all the Russians came LOL

The last bit you said makes no focking sense at all. Hurts my brain.

We suck at rugby, we didn't for about a year. But recently it's all gone downhill. We suck at football full stop. We have the lowest...what's it called, GDP or something, per person/area in the whole of the UK. Tis cos we have so many sheep I think.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 10, 2007
LOOOL @ u boasting because you've glassed and stabbed people ahahahahahahahahahaha
hard man eh?
ahahah oh god people like you crack me up, "hoodzfinest" another "gangster"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..... Your funny son aint you?
Blow me.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 18, 2004
what if i dont wanna blow you?
you gonna stab me as well?

and yes i do believe i am quite funny, but not as hilarious as your glassing stabbing boasting.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
firstly during wars centurys ago england at some stages were allied with france. and due to tony blair going to war and helping america england didnt go to help Britain did bcoz england alone isnt powerful enough.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 10, 2007
what if i dont wanna blow you?
you gonna stab me as well?

and yes i do believe i am quite funny, but not as hilarious as your glassing stabbing boasting.

I like to hurt people there for i boast about it :).. its something i like doing you see, so every man i take down is a accomplishment on my side, yes mate you are very hilarious i agree you had me laughing for yonks.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 18, 2004
I like to hurt people there for i boast about it :).. its something i like doing you see, so every man i take down is a accomplishment on my side, yes mate you are very hilarious i agree you had me laughing for yonks.
why thankyou, i do aim to please..
well at 3 am shouldn't you be out in the hood hurting people not posting on a forum?

you just keep making yourself look even more ridiculous..


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
firstly during wars centurys ago england at some stages were allied with france. and due to tony blair going to war and helping america england didnt go to help Britain did bcoz england alone isnt powerful enough.

1066 = England got involved against France ;o

WW2 they were allied, can't think of any other times apart from that. And what the hell, what does Tony Blair have to do with anything? England didn't go to help Britian against Iraq? Oh my god it was pretty much THE biggest force out there bar the Americans.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
1066 = England got involved against France ;o

WW2 they were allied, can't think of any other times apart from that. And what the hell, what does Tony Blair have to do with anything? England didn't go to help Britian against Iraq? Oh my god it was pretty much THE biggest force out there bar the Americans.

Most wars far in the past England were against someone + France. IN WW2 we didn't really make an Alliance with France, it was more like, we protected them because they surrendered as usual.

I've got very little against people bein patriotic to their own country, but being pathetic and saying "We dun went to b part of britan u fagz" is just moronic. The simple fact being part of Britain is what makes Scotland/N.Ireland/Wales what they are. If they disbanded those countries would lose a lot of money, and England would lose out in terms of power and some of the revenue those countries create.

Scotland wants out and think they can go it alone, despite the fact their entire country is unable to compete with London. They are also one of the un healthiest small countries in the world.

The Welsh like to *****, but for the most part, the people there seem to realise that being part of the UK is better than not ebing part of it. I would assume the Welsh would not take kindly to having passport restrictions, having to apply for work permits to work in England etc.

Northern Ireland just gets on with it. Hell, with thew new power sharing agreement, we get the best of both worlds. UK representation and help, along with some fringe benefits from Eire since they are part of the European Union.

Everyone is free to quit the UK and join Europe for their power sharing needs. However don't complain when thr Immigrants head to your country instead of ours, and don't cry when the Europe wide intrest rates **** your economy over because your fragile on your own.

England has the means to recover if Scotland/Wales/NI ever pulled out, it would definately hurt them for a while, but its not the end of the world. Wales and Scotland would fold, and you know for a fact the first thing that would happen is aid requests from England.
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Great googamooga.

I leave you children alone for a few days, and you do THIS?

Thread locked. If it is continued in _any form_ I will personally IP ban every single participant. And no matter how many times you reset your IP, I'll still ban the new one.


Since Atom's reply was last, and had some glaring errors, I'm going to put some final (correcting) words.

Firstly, Britain & France have fought each other a lot longer than we have been allied.

That said, we have certainly been allied in the past. An example link is below.

Yes, we were officially allied in the second World War.

As for the consituent countries of the UK, if any were to seperate out, it would be detrimental to all parties, however the remaining UK would be in a far better position than the splitter.


You can all go outside and play now.
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