SPAM in my server....

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 23, 2008
Hello, first if the administration sees fit to delete this post, delete it. But I want to "report" for you to know what kind of Gm's are to be displayed in the Screen. I have a server from 2 years and have never had any problem with anyone but a few months ago the GM's of that server are dedicated to spam on our server.
A server that is open to 5 times. Gm 1 of them won the € 5000 and Hill, two because the level is out of date, another stole the password of the SQL and now reopened.

I ask no kind of justice or anything, just I'm telling this. I muchisimos logs and more screen. Here I leave a sample.

Sorry for my English, and if the administration decides to delete the post agree.


Hola, lo primero si la administracion cree oportuno borrar este post, que lo borre. Pero quiero "denunciar" para que vosotros sepais que tipo de Gm's son los que se mostrara en la Screen. Yo tengo un servidor desde 2 años y nunca hemos tenido ningun problema con nadie pero desde hace unos meses los Gm's de dicho servidor se dedican a Spamear en nuestro server.
Un server el cual se a abierto 5 veces. 1 de ellas el Gm consiguio 5000 € y cerro, otras dos porque el nivel se desfaso, otra le robaron la password del SQL y ahora abrio de nuevo.

No pido ningun tipo de justicia ni nada, tan solo os hago saber esto. Tengo muchisimos logs y mas screen. Aqui dejo una muestra.

Lo siento por mi ingles, y si la administracion decide borrar el post estare de acuerdo.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 18, 2004
Problem now a days with IP ban is most people aint on Static ips so all they need to do is restart thier modem/router and they got a new ip and your ip ban is useless, and tbh m8 i dont think there is much you can do apart from keep kicking the player who spams till he gets sick also you could just delete his accounts or close your login gate for 10 mins or so he will get sick before you i gaurentee it
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