Stuff that White People Like


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006

And who says you dont learn anything useful at uni.
My seminar leader is a Canadian post grad and told us about this blog thats going around alot of the American/Canadian universities.

It's from a black man's point of view; basically saying you try and stereotype us black people, well here we go, it's not all that hard to stereotype what you like. (Although the irony might be that it's a white man that updates the blog - im not sure if this is a rumour or true.)

Warning, the link does contain irony, sarcasm and wit, so if you dont like that stuff fair enough, but you might not enjoy this. It's also aimed at college/university students so don't expect your usual slapstick funnies. But either way it's better than most of the links on this here GoT, so enjoy it, and see how many you can relate to (each item on the list has a blog attached.)


I read a few including Arts Degrees and Japan as they sort of apply to me, and needless to say i was amused. And hell it beats doing this essay on blaxploitation - which is how i ended up stumbling back upon this list.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Did we read the same thing?

If you clicked my link then i believe so...?

Like i said it's aimed at a more academic based audience, so i felt i'd share it on these forums, due to the current lack of decent reading material on here. I already said some might not like it? It's not your thing? That doesn't bother me. I didn't comment on the waste of a thread Prai's just made, but that's purely because it's not my thing, and i'm sure he wouldnt give two tosses whether i liked it or not.

Unfortunately not all of us think the fast and the furious is a 'sickkkkk film' because it has cars that 'go really really really fastttttttttttt!'
That was an example, not aimed at anyone in particular, but I believe a fair enough argument to make in reference to a large portion of the GoT threads.


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Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
A white man said
*Colored people are not allowed here.*
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
*Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK *
*When I grew up I was BLACK, *
*When I'm sick I'm BLACK, *
*When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, *
*When I'm cold I'm BLACK,*
*When I die I'll be BLACK.*
*But you sir.*
*When you are born you're PINK*
*When you grow up you're WHITE, *
*When you're sick, you're GREEN,*
*When you go in the sun you turn RED, *
*When you're cold you turn BLUE, *
*And when you die you turn PURPLE.
*And you have the nerve to call me colored?*
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away..


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
I'm not white, but what annoys me about this site is that it assumes white people are all middle american people, and assumes that they like rugby only because other people don't, it's just pretentious.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
If you clicked my link then i believe so...?

Like i said it's aimed at a more academic based audience, so i felt i'd share it on these forums, due to the current lack of decent reading material on here. I already said some might not like it? It's not your thing? That doesn't bother me. I didn't comment on the waste of a thread Prai's just made, but that's purely because it's not my thing, and i'm sure he wouldnt give two tosses whether i liked it or not.

Unfortunately not all of us think the fast and the furious is a 'sickkkkk film' because it has cars that 'go really really really fastttttttttttt!'
That was an example, not aimed at anyone in particular, but I believe a fair enough argument to make in reference to a large portion of the GoT threads.


No offence, but if you're after good reading material... You're in the wrong place dont you think?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
Since when has stereotyping been witty, intelligent or academic?


Staff member
May 19, 2003
because its not exactly steroetyping, take these 2

#116 Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore

#115 Promising to Learn a New Language

now thats just plain funny, mainly because its true.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Yes it's pretentious, but it's knowingly so, hence elements of the humour.

And it's a GoT, i'd hope people would post stuff: text/film links, that they believe are worth the read/view, hence there'd be no point in a GoT. So for that reason am i wrong to expect something worthwhile to be shared once in a while?

I never said it was academic, more that it was aimed at the academic by targetting many university stereotypes, surely even people not at university will notice that. And then onto the point when has stereotyping been witty or intelligent? Bro, virtually every comedy (bar the slapstick variety) has used stereotypes to create humour for decades now. Whether it's animation such as The Simpsons or Family Guy where its full of it, to the live action stereotyping in legendary comedy such as Fawlty Towers. It's everywhere.

I didn't expect everyone to appreciate it, but glad one or two do, although whats even more interesting is everyones approach to it. Whilst a youtube clip of someone getting punched usually gets more positive response on these forums...? Hah, never mind.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
Popular culture is not definitively intelligent, nor witty. You can't simply reference it and enforce some kind of factual basis to a statement.

The article is entertaining, I never denied that. The problem was simply the way in which you posted it and came across. Did you really need to pad it with a wall of text to enforce an overly defensive and quite patronising attitude toward the forum?

Your post and subsequent posts have been very pretentious, belittling and snobby with no real need, as if you have something to prove to the forum.

Just found it a little stuffy and annoying, and that's probably why you're finding animosity in this thread.


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Popular culture is not definitively intelligent, nor witty. You can't simply reference it and enforce some kind of factual basis to a statement.

The article is entertaining, I never denied that. The problem was simply the way in which you posted it and came across. Did you really need to pad it with a wall of text to enforce an overly defensive and quite patronising attitude toward the forum?

Your post and subsequent posts have been very pretentious, belittling and snobby with no real need, as if you have something to prove to the forum.

Just found it a little stuffy and annoying, and that's probably why you're finding animosity in this thread.

Oh god, Someone who shares the same feelings as me.

Can I lick your bum!


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Popular culture is not definitively intelligent, nor witty. You can't simply reference it and enforce some kind of factual basis to a statement.

The article is entertaining, I never denied that. The problem was simply the way in which you posted it and came across. Did you really need to pad it with a wall of text to enforce an overly defensive and quite patronising attitude toward the forum?

Your post and subsequent posts have been very pretentious, belittling and snobby with no real need, as if you have something to prove to the forum.

Just found it a little stuffy and annoying, and that's probably why you're finding animosity in this thread.

I agree with alot of this post, Pop cultue isn't definitively intelligent or witty. I said i, personally, believed it to be quite witty in it's content and context, but humour is a matter of perspective, and i also said i understood not everyone would find it so.

You are right i shouldn't of pad the post, something i notice now in hindsight, although unfortunately i expected nothing less but negativity from a number of the forum users, hence my defensive, yet snobbish (which i'll agree it was) attitude. And therefore i did initially question whether these forums was the right place for such an article, however to see a handful, including yourself, find the article entertaining then the thread has some point of interest.

I also appreciate the past few posts (on a few threads) have been reproachable, i think it started initally as a response to some like wise posts. And i think is a reaction against the forums in general which had become quite 'bickery' and pointless (in places)? Either that or we can blame the essays i'm writing for putting me in a foul, snobbish attitude (the forums have become a good, venting, distraction)?

Either way it was nice to see worthwhile, well thought out, negative response, albeit to my attitude. Ha there i am again with my snobbery, i can't help myself (#47 Arts Degrees?). :eek:

Seriously though? Yeah i'll give it a rest now.

Cheers & Out,
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Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
Popular culture is not definitively intelligent, nor witty. You can't simply reference it and enforce some kind of factual basis to a statement.

The article is entertaining, I never denied that. The problem was simply the way in which you posted it and came across. Did you really need to pad it with a wall of text to enforce an overly defensive and quite patronising attitude toward the forum?

Your post and subsequent posts have been very pretentious, belittling and snobby with no real need, as if you have something to prove to the forum.

Just found it a little stuffy and annoying, and that's probably why you're finding animosity in this thread.

This guy gets it.

Also stereotyping has been done to death, this is just lame.

The whole bit about white people liking rugby just because others don't? What about the europeans who actually do enjoy rugby because it's a good game, not because others don't enjoy it, not only is it beating the dead horse of stereotyping in a "funny" way, but it's completely inaccurate too in an attempt to get a few laughs.

**** that site and **** you


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
I have to admit to some of these things tbh.

#77 Musical Comedy
#33 Marijuana
#88 Having Gay Friends
#120 Taking a Year Off

Funnily enough .. Except from those 4 the rest are complete bull. =X


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
I like having a gay friend and i'm not white.

Well i never! And im sure it said somewhere on the site that all the examples listed were exclusive to the White race? I didn't post the link, nor did the blog writer (i bet), honestly believe no other race would relate to any of the items.

Nor did I expect anyone here or myself to relate to them all.
I posted a link for people to read, if you don't like it don't read it. It really does nay bother me.
