Tao pets.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
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Nov 18, 2008
Anyone know how they would make a script in QFunc to make it so when your shinsu die and your level 100. It spawns a AdvShinsu to help. I tryed the S M L XL thing but it dint work i think that only works when you kill a none tame pet.

Anyone have ideas how to make it check if tao pet dead and spawn Adv one?

And when i add Elysian shinsu onto my server. When he like stands up he turns into shinsu lol. The old version of shin. How do i make it so he turns into his self? When i Spawn Elysian shinsu then i attack it transform into the old 1. Anyone know why?

Any ideas? Thanks.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
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Nov 18, 2008
How you make that spell summon that mob?

I think you need code if you want more tao pets?? well that way.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀
sure if you mimic a spell in the db it will always read the same code in the server files.. at the start it could spawn the correct mob you want it the correct stats but if it is a shinsu and it grows it will read the code in the server files and then recall the original shinsu..

only way is to make tao receive the pet using a pet npc and not through the spell.. and maybe make it so that the pet isn't a shinsu..
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
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Nov 18, 2008
Aww dam. I wanted to add adv shin. Were you need level 100 + And when you kill your shinny it ressurected and goes to AdvShinsu and it's stronger in many ways.

Could i change look of normal shin to elysian shin? Or will it look like the euro?? So shinsu will look like elysians.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀
if you are using td's files you can surely find a tricky way to add this function in.. you just need some immagination..

for example one possible solution would be create a correct .wil containing only the animation of the adv shinsu when he is standing / attack mode.. make it so that the mob looks like a standard mob animation but with your shinsu.. if you don't know how to make this ask it here..

then add in qfunction something like
recallmob advshinsu 1 3600
linemsg 4 "here is your advshinsu"
you have already 2 pets/

or you could take off the skeleton animation and replace it with the advshinsu animation where this advshinsu can only be summoned in attack mode and doesn't rest..

not sure what other ways you can do it
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
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Nov 18, 2008
hmm i might just add a quest for taos to get new pets. BoneFamiliar aint that good around mir is it? is it even important? only for lower level's but you get @pet when your level 20-40. Should i add this? And let tao get pets till lvl 60? Or would that be a bad idea?
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀
adding adv skills ingame isn't this easy after all.. making them for wizards and warriors is easy.. but taoist have a lot of spells that you can't simply make adv.. just look at this list of spells which aren't a good idea to make them adv:
SpiritSword, SoulShield, BlessedArmour, TrapHexagon, SummonSkeleton, Hiding, MassHiding, Revelation, SummonShinsu, UltimateEnhancer, EnergyRepulsor, SummonHolyDeva, Hallucination.. also poisoning is coded side and you cannot rise it's effect.. only way to rise it is adding sc.. probably the only spells to can power up are healing, masshealing, purification and not sure what else.. :(

if you don't intend coding.. taoists will be the class which will have less possible adv spells you can make.. this is why the taopet npc idea isn't bad.. it's a small way to balance this situation if you are good in giving the correct pets ovviously..
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
Hmm true. I got a 100% workin quest npc and each 3 quests the Tao unlocks a new pet?

Add my msn so we can chat more then we don't waste spam on here. I'm sure MOD wouldn't want a MSN chat on here:P

MSN:: [email protected]

You seem like a nice person to chat with.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
Well ive only seen it on elysian:P So i call it elysian shinsu i din't know were it came from. Anyone got any idea why the shinsu of elysians walks sidewards when added to TD files :S I'f you know this sulluction could you send a link for TD files?

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