The Primordial's Resurrection

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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
More and More likely as the days go on and less Closed beta work is coming in!

Open Beta is going to be aimed more around balance at milestone levels and PvE balance (obviously any other reported issues will get addressed) but thats the main aim.

I dont want to give specific dates, as whenever I do, life comes at me or Chris! haha


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Had a week off and my daughters christening! 🥳

Back at the grind.

Labels added to wardrobe items to show how the skin is unlocked
SSW Stats increased
Soul Sabre SC Stats Increased from 6-10 to 8 -15
Heavenly Blade SC Stats increased from 6-20 to 10-20

Various NPC issues
Offset for Guild Label on inspect
Shinsu Frames
SpellMaster Melanie is no longer roaming the desert
DragonSlayer Image updated
Fixed an underlying DB issue with Magics (other fixes to still apply to the auto learn system)
Autoplay casting the wrong spell on some spells FIXED
Item Placements FIXED (Various instances)

BookBag0 Drop rates increased by 40% from bosses
BookBag1 Drop rates increased by 27% from bosses
BookBag2 Drop rates increased by 19% from bosses

Guaranteed drops have been adjusted (nerfed) so its a lot less likely to get MULTIPLE items drop from the guaranteed drop item for each mob
You will always still get one item from the mobs Guaranteed drop list

Story Quest line is being expanded further (this is a constant job, but as our testers reach the end I keep adding - so on go live there should be a nice long story quest line for people to follow if they wish!)

Class based quests are being added (currently 5 per class but will expand on this soon) - to allow guaranteed spell books to level "core" low level spells
Last edited:


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
Feels like i have been waiting for this for so long lol. are you still going with the steal xp on kill idea? be cool to see that implemented . Hope **** starts speeding up and going well. also you probably have but have you sorted the modes for pets? I.e attack all ect for taos pets was effecting the pick up pets. when taos pets was on do not move. it would also make the pick up pet not move after x was picked up it would remain in same spot. every other class its fine but since taos have pets was effecting taos every time. easily looked into, I'm sure you can fix if not have already!

p.s more unique items the better, dont keep every one in same gear spice up the game. Have items that you can wear that have passives when equipped i.e cannot be knocked back. 2%lifesteal (example) on hit . gold / drop / exp / rate increased ect ect. i was always a fan of having stones or trinkets ( from the pvp or top end bosses ) giving a title or even a undead / alive monster buff for 2 (hours) or until the expired items runs out .. just ideas. Good luck!


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Yeah we're taking our time and it sucks, but as we said to our discord, we care about even the finer details being sorted.

We want a finished product on release (also more new content is being added ready for live, such as a bigger story quest line and such!)

Yeah the Steal XP on Kill is still in, we're just figuring out the best way to roll it out.
Our pets have all attack modes we think are 'crucial' and they all work (they dont effect our creatures, either)

Yeah we have the 'generic' list of items (all new statted) for familiarity, there are a fair few new 'normal' items, to smooth out the item gaps.

We have a lot of core stats we can play with in the late game, Cold/Fire/Holy/Force to name a few.

We've also got each itemtype drop chance (so you can have "WeaponDropRate +3%" and such, medals will drop from legendary mobs with stats like this
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Further patch notes from todays antics

HankScorpioToday at 9:35 AM​

Links now added to show colour rarity on linking in chat when items are picked up they now show what rarity etc they are in the top left

[9:36 AM]
New Char slots added
[9:36 AM]
-Added Borderless -Added MouseClip -Added Cursor Images
[9:37 AM]
Server Side checks added to allow us to see better logging (everything that's loaded on launch)
[9:37 AM]
Fixes applied to backend of Auto Play Fix applied to back end of Codex causing a big bug

HankScorpioToday at 10:15 AM​

Poisoncloud and Plague issue fixed

HankScorpioToday at 10:24 AM​

OakTree removed from AngaraProvince
GreenHerb removed from AngaraProvince
OakTree added to AncientCavern
GreenHerb added to AncientCavern

[10:25 AM]
6 new trainer NPCs added w/ dialog (2 for each class)
1 in Angara Wall
1 in Angara Stronghold

18 new class quests added (6 per class)
Starts at Magnus once you complete tutorial quest line *need to add in npc location for 1 of the quests before quests are completed to set a FLAG *Images to be updated for npcs The rest is done (edited)

HankScorpioToday at 11:01 AM​

All 1-5 Skill Magics have been updated in MagicDB (Server side) after the issue Need to look at auto learn skill level as some aren't matching up with what they should be.
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